Through the Temporal Gate

Through the Temporal Gate

The air shimmered faintly as the time machine came to a halt, its polished metallic frame gleaming under the Mediterranean sun. For Dr. Nathaniel Grant, stepping out onto the dusty streets of Rome in 55 BCE was like walking into a living dream. He had spent his entire academic life piecing together fragments of this ancient world through texts, artifacts, and ruins. Now, thanks to decades of research and technological breakthroughs, he was standing in it.

The first thing he noticed was the noise—a cacophony of vendors shouting, cartwheels rattling on cobblestones, and the occasional bray of a donkey. The second thing was the smell: a mix of roasted meat, fresh bread, sweat, and the unmistakable tang of sewage. Despite its rawness, it was alive, vibrant, and utterly intoxicating.

Nathaniel adjusted his toga—an authentic replica designed to help him blend in. Beneath it, his concealed translator device would pick up and interpret Latin, ensuring he understood and could respond in kind. His first objective was simple: observe without disrupting.

He joined the throng of people moving toward the Forum, its grand temples and basilicas towering above the bustling crowd. Merchants lined the streets, their stalls overflowing with goods: amphorae of olive oil, bolts of dyed wool, and baskets of figs and dates. A potter demonstrated his craft on a spinning wheel while a butcher advertised cuts of lamb. The sheer energy of the place made Nathaniel’s heart race.

At the Forum, he marveled at the grandeur of Roman architecture. Columns soared skyward, adorned with intricate carvings, while marble steps led to government buildings where toga-clad officials discussed matters of state. He recognized the Curia Julia, the Senate house, still under construction but already an impressive structure.

While Nathaniel was lost in admiration, a shout startled him. A burly man was berating a young boy who had apparently spilled a basket of oranges. The fruit rolled across the street, trampled underfoot by passersby. Without thinking, Nathaniel stepped forward and handed the boy a coin—a small bronze as he had carefully selected for emergencies like this.

The man eyed him suspiciously. “Gratias tibi ago,” the boy mumbled, his eyes wide with gratitude before scurrying away.

“Civis generosus es,” the man said with a grudging nod. “You’re a generous citizen.”

Nathaniel smiled awkwardly, mumbling a few words in Latin that he hoped made sense. As the man walked away, he chastised himself. That simple act of kindness could have ripple effects he couldn’t predict. He resolved to be more cautious.

As the day wore on, he wandered further, taking note of details that no textbook could capture. He observed a gladiator troupe practicing in a small training yard, their muscles glistening with sweat as they clashed wooden swords with ferocious precision. He visited a bathhouse, marveling at the ingenious plumbing that provided both hot and cold water. He even managed to slip into the back of a small temple, where a priestess performed a ritual to Vesta, the goddess of the hearth.

But as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the city, Nathaniel’s sense of wonder was replaced by unease. He had drawn too much attention. His translator device, though effective, wasn’t flawless, and more than one person had given him puzzled looks at his slightly stilted Latin. Worse, his toga’s stitching—crafted with modern precision—had been noticed by a tailor who muttered something about "foreign styles."

As he made his way back toward the hidden alley where his time machine was concealed, he heard footsteps behind him. Three men were trailing him, their expressions unreadable but their intent clear. Nathaniel’s heart pounded. Had he been too careless? Were they thieves? Or worse, agents of some Roman official suspicious of his origins?

Turning a corner, he quickened his pace, ducking into the alley. The men followed, their footsteps growing louder. Desperate, Nathaniel activated the remote control for his machine. It hummed to life, its frame shimmering as the temporal field began to form. One of the men lunged forward just as Nathaniel stepped inside. He felt a hand brush against his shoulder before the world dissolved into light.

When the machine finally stabilized, Nathaniel collapsed into his chair, gasping for breath. He was back in his laboratory, surrounded by the familiar hum of modern equipment. But his heart was still racing, and his mind swirled with images of ancient Rome—the sights, the sounds, the people.

He glanced at the screen on his console, which displayed the temporal logs of his journey. Despite the close call, he knew he would return. There was so much more to see, so much more to learn. But next time, he would be better prepared. Ancient Rome had shown him its wonders—and its dangers. And he, Dr. Nathaniel Grant, was determined to walk its streets again.

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