The Knights Templars Of Albion ??
??Knights Templars at The Knights Templars Of Albion??.... ??A Constitutional based Globally Recognised Templar Order??.
Through a Templars eyes.
I stood upon the castle wall
No trees nor grass or morning mist
Just sand and dust and shimmering heat.
Is this The Holy Land.
The smell of death clings to my mantle
The screams in my ears from yesterdays battle
I look up into the clear blue sky
My prayer to God protect my soul.
To take Jerusalem our final goal.
My heart is filled with sorrow and pain
I've seen the worst that man can do
My mouth is dry my body in pain
But it's for God I fight
His glory to gain.
I wait to see the beauceaunt rise again
The Croix Pattee the call to fight.
The sun is going down now
Will this be my final night.
My brothers faces dried from the sun
We all stand together and die as one
The hunger and thirst we must endure
My oath my duty my honour
Last man standing
Will I be that one?
Deus Vult
Sir Nick Hall
Grand Master
The knights Templars of Albion