Through legendary Asturias: the Xanas Gorge
Juan Carlos Menendez Gijón
Freelance - Fotógrafo y redactor de contenidos
Without a doubt, we have, in the Principality of Asturias, one of those fortunate Communities, where, apart from having, on its own merit, the excellence of being an authentic Natural Paradise, it also fits in with that mysterious phrase bequeathed to posterity by one of the fathers of Surrealism, named Paul Eluard, when, undoubtedly influenced by masters such as André Breton, he said: 'there are other worlds, but they are in this one'.
One of those supposed worlds, which, fortunately, are also in this one, where nature, superb in all its splendor, still preserves, with unprecedented force, an important part of that rich popular folklore, which, at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, was opportunely and patiently compiled by Asturians concerned about the conservation of their traditions - let us take, as an example and deserved tribute, the names of Aureliano de Llano, Constantino Cabal and Fermín Canella - is none other than this spectacular Xanas Gorge, a surprising geographical accident that extends along several councils, but always having as a cultural reference point, one of the most enigmatic and of course, sacred mountains of the immeasurable Asturian geography: the Monsacro or Monsagro.
Located to the north of the Council of Quirós and a short distance from the Council of Santo Adriano, with which it shares the spotlight, this impressive natural fortress, refuge, moreover, of a good part of the amazing Astur mythology, is also part of that rugged and prodigious Route of the Relics, whose tradition insists on affirming that the famous Ark of the Relics passed through here, which are currently on display in the Holy Chamber of the Cathedral of San Salvador in Oviedo and that, having been brought from the Holy Land by that mysterious bishop of Astorga, Santo Toribio, they were hidden for centuries in the impenetrable peaks of Monsacro.
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