Through ISMG’s Lens: Nation-State Threats | Edition 9

Through ISMG’s Lens: Nation-State Threats | Edition 9

The war in Ukraine changed cybersecurity. Concepts that once were theoretical are now being played out on the world stage while public and private sector organizations remain on a heightened state of alert. This week, we bring to you the perspective of top practitioners and analysts on the state of cybercrime and what the industry needs to do to get ahead of the attackers.

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US Indicts, Sanctions 3 Iranian Nationals for Ransomware, by David Perera

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The U.S. government accused Iran of turning a blind eye to ransomware hackers after indicting three men affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Authorities say their attacks affected critical infrastructure including healthcare centers, transportation services and utility providers. Read more.

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Albania Recovers From Second Iranian Cyberattack, by Mihir Bagwe

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Iran is again implicated in a cyberattack against Albania, this time on a border-crossing system. Albanian government officials acknowledged the attack on Saturday, just days after the country broke off relations with Tehran in a rebuke for launching an assault on Albania's e-government portal. Read more.

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US Sanctions Iranian Spooks for Albania Cyberattack, by David Perera

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The United States hit Iran with a new round of sanctions after linking Tehran with the July cyberattack against Albania. The sanctions are more symbolic than material in effect but send a message that hacking U.S. allies has consequences. Read more.

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Cyber Standoff: 51 Groups Tied to Russia-Ukraine War Attacks, by Cal Harrison and Mathew Schwartz

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A crowded field of 51 threat groups in the Russia-Ukraine cyberwar has attacked 29 nations - with attacks in Ukraine aimed at "sowing chaos and confusion" on and off the battlefield. This special report covers threat actors' tactics, techniques and motivations and fallout for other nations. Read more.

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Former Members of Conti Are Targeting Ukraine, Google Says, by Mathew Schwartz

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Whether for profit or in furtherance of Russian geopolitical interests - or both - former members of the Conti ransomware group have targeted networks operated by the Ukrainian government and businesses, as well as European nonprofit organizations, Google's Threat Analysis Group reports. Read more.

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The Use of Cyber Power in Conflict, by Tony Morbin

In this video interview with Information Security Media Group (ISMG), Miriam Howe , lead cyber consultant with BAE Systems, discusses:

??The threshold for an offensive cyber activity to provoke a physical response;

??Why public attribution can affect an attacker;

??How the military strategy of multi-domain integration applies to cyber power.

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Watch the interview

“Cyberspace is a battlefield with no physical or geographic boundaries. During wartime, targets on land, sea, air and space are vulnerable to cyberthreats and opportunities, and nations face many uncertainties about when and how to respond to attacks.” - Miriam Howe , lead cyber consultant, BAE Systems
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Know Your Editors:

ISMG is one of the world’s largest media organization devoted solely to information security and risk management with reportage and analysis from the industry’s award-winning journalists. A look at who's behind the wire:

Here’s putting the spotlight on Mathew Schwartz , executive editor, DataBreachToday and Europe, ISMG

?What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Reading, running, photography, baking. After previous, failed attempts, I got into making sourdough bread during the pandemic. While I'm still getting better, one upside is that most "failures" still taste great.

Your productivity hack

Having story deadlines. Nothing else so focuses my mind and creativity.

Advice to young cybersecurity enthusiasts

Read widely. Follow people saying interesting cybersecurity things on Twitter. Learn the lingo. Find the angles that most interest you and pursue them. Talk to practitioners to identify career paths; there are so many. Also, keep an eye out for who with and where you might want to work. Above all, network.

Favorite book/piece of an article - could be tech or non-tech

For fiction, William Gibson's output continues to astound. "The Peripheral" and "Agency" feel like they're living on the knife-edge of tomorrow. Also, a non-fiction shoutout for "Industry of Anonymity" by Jonathan Lusthaus, who masterfully chronicles the business of cybercrime.

Recent must-read articles or must-watch interviews on ISMG’s media network

I recently interviewed Victor Zhora, deputy head of Ukraine's cyber agency, on lessons learned by the country's cybersecurity defenders since Russia invaded. He's extremely articulate, insightful and inspiring. While not a "cyber war," this is arguably the first hybrid - physical and cyber - war in history. Much is changing.

A famous quote or saying that you abide by

"Perfect is the enemy of good enough."

Your fondest memory of ISMG

An all-hands Christmas party, some years back. Our editorial team works remotely, and getting face-time with my colleagues remains a treat.

Next big technology or concept you’re looking forward to in the cyberspace

What's next for ransomware. Obviously, it's a scourge of society. But it's also highly lucrative for the criminally inclined, and it's fascinating to track how criminals continue to innovate. Hopefully, we'll collectively continue to get better at blunting their efforts.

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That's all for today. We will be back next week.

Until then, stay current with the latest happenings in cybersecurity by subscribing to our newsletter.

-- ISMG Social Media Desk


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