Through Irish Eyes, Edit 1 Complete, Release 2016

Through Irish Eyes, Edit 1 Complete, Release 2016

Learning to take criticism is hard, being told "That doesn't work" "Do this, it's much better" "Take that out", it's even harder when you put 40,000+ words of yourself into a book, yet often those doing this are only hoping to help you, in life, i guess we all have editors whether they be parents, siblings, friends, wives and husbands or in my case Niall McElwee and John Madden of Book Hub Publishing, working on my summer 2016 autobiography, "Through Irish Eyes", it's whether we chose to heed these editors or not that is the true testament of who we are as people, whether it be for a book, song, play, recipe, relationship, shaping the paths we walk down from here on in. #ThroughIrishEyes {First Edit Now Complete} (March 7th 2016), In all good book stores, Kindle and download summer 2016.


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