Through the Gray: New Look, New Era, New Challenge for You
Byron Willeford
Owner and Founder - Through The Gray leadership and organizational development
We’ve been busy at Through the Gray updating our website’s look and content,
expanding more across social media, and creating exciting new offerings. Follow the
TtG blog posts for upcoming free offerings, short course virtual learnings, and more.
Explore our site to find out how we help make leadership teams stronger.
We’re also growing in our network of coaches and trainers allowing us to expand our
offerings and help you navigate the changing landscape of the modern workforce.
Watch this space for introductions from our new folks as well as articles from guests.
Speaking of the modern workforce – things changed going into lockdown, things are
going to change coming out of lockdown. There is no new normal; the “normal” is that
nothing is ever settled. What can you do about it? First, take care of yourself. That’s
not a call for being self-centered at the expense of everyone else – rather, it’s
recognizing that you cannot lead others unless you have provided for yourself: personal
development, mental well-being, managing tasks, guiding outcomes, providing vision,
and understanding all of the things that make you a Grounded Leader.
Sounds nice, but… how to do it? You need to invest time in the right place. Contact
TtG and we’ll help you sort through it. In the next few months we’ll be posting about the
applicability of assessments, how to maximize leadership consultation, the important
differences in coaching vs. mentoring vs. supervising, the value of Values, having
awareness of time and capacity, and myriad other topics applicable to the struggles
faced by leaders at all levels. Leadership Development can be a big gray area, and we
can guide you through it.
What we do
At Through the Gray we want you to have something executable, something applicable.
We believe that leadership trainings and books on unlocking potential are only great if
you do something worthwhile with the knowledge you’ve harvested from them. When
you finish one of our workshops or when we come into your organization as a “pair of
hands” for your leadership team you get something you can actually use. Our one hour
workshops and short courses are designed to provide insight as well as tools that you
mold to suit your needs.
In Fact, let’s start: 5 Minutes, Now
Take five minutes right now and make two lists;
1. Write down the five to eight things you most value (environment, family, wealth,
mental health, etc.…). The prompt may seem vague – that’s on purpose.
2. Make a separate list of the top three or four things you did in the last month at
work and at home that you are most proud of, were the most impactful, gave you
the most satisfaction, etc.…
3. Now, compare the lists.
Do your actions match your values? Don’t force fit, make an honest assessment. If you
want an even more honest assessment show the lists to someone who knows you really
well. Now, pick one value that doesn’t seem to get enough attention and make a plan of
action for it (which could mean accepting that you don’t actually value it!). Do
something about it over the next month, just one thing to start. Hopefully you will be
surprised by how easy some value guided small changes can be.
Keep getting better!
byron willeford
Through the Gray
This article first appeared on the Through the Gray blog at