Throttling in JavaScript
Throttling is a technique used to limit the rate at which a function is called. It ensures that a function can only be executed once within a specified period. This is useful to improve performance, especially when dealing with events that fire very frequently, like scrolling or resizing the window.
Why Use Throttling?
Imagine you have a function that runs every time you scroll down a webpage. Without throttling, this function might run hundreds of times per second, which can slow down your website. Throttling helps by limiting the number of times the function can run, making your site more responsive.
How to Implement Throttling
Throttling with setTimeout
This method uses setTimeout to delay function calls.
throttle function: It takes two arguments function & Delay
Inner function: It checks the time elapsed since the last call and only calls func if enough time has passed.
Throttling with requestAnimationFrame
This method is ideal for animations and UI updates.
throttleWithRAF function: It uses requestAnimationFrame to schedule the function call .
Inner function: Ensures func is called in sync with the browser's repaint cycle, which is efficient for animations.
Throttling vs Debouncing
Both throttling and debouncing are techniques used to limit the rate at which a function is executed, but they serve different purposes based on when and how they control function calls.
Throttling ensures that a function is called at most once in a specified interval, even if the event that triggers the function occurs multiple times.
Debouncing, on the other hand, postpones the execution of a function until after a certain amount of time has passed since the last time the function was called.
Key Differences
Timing of Function Execution
Behavior During Rapid Events
Use Cases
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