Thriving in a Time of Change
Amy Ridenour, MBA, MSML
Chief Executive Officer | Speaker | Lifelong Learner | Proud Mom | World Wanderer
I am so very fortunate to be able to serve on a few boards and commissions, as they align with my profession role at the Idaho Nonprofit Center. Today is our quarterly Northwest and Pacific Cascade 2020 Q4 Regional Board Meeting and as board members and leaders we were asked this insightful question:
What business principles have you used to move from surviving to flourishing through times of dramatic change?
Not everyone views nonprofit experience in the same context as they do a for-profit business, but I shared what we've leaned in on as the Idaho Nonprofit Center nonetheless and was pleased that my input was met with a high degree of enthusiasm.
Principle #1: People before Profits
Early on during the pandemic, we made a very conscientious decision to put people before profits and to put people in front of every problem we are trying to solve. Never once has this approach failed us. In fact, it has really reinforced on multiple occasions that focusing on those we serve and their needs will always be the right choice. We will always be OK when we're truly mission and people centric.
Principle #2: Control what is controllable - let go of what isn't
I can always worry about 1000 things, when I can really only control 5% of them. So we've chosen to refocus and work on our organization in the places we can control. I can worry about declining sponsorships, or I can focus on a better member experience. I can worry about my team getting sick, or I can focus on ways to ensure their health and safety in the ways that I can control. I no longer get lost in the what-ifs and instead I am energized about the what could be's.
Principle #3: Change = Opportunity
This one is more of a three-for because we view change with three different lenses:
- How do we use this time of change and our experience to learn and grow?
- How can we leverage changes towards growth in programs/services?
- How do we embrace this time of uncertainty and double down on fulfilling our mission?
We have learned so much more about technology and creating connectivity among our members, most of whom are still isolated to some degree. We've also learned that as we acquire new skills and knowledge, sharing that broadly is how we support others.
Being able to pivot our programs and services has also created tremendous growth in many of our KPI's and in times of change an uncertainty we're quite proud of that.
As this pandemic unfolds, it's been a special kind of a blessing to think about how we can double down on our mission related work, and the second part to that becomes communicating our value which is a large focus for us now.
Principle #4: Innovate
There is never a better time to experiment with innovation than in times of change. Testing new ideas, new services, new ways of delivering your core programs are often met with the highest level of forgiveness than any other time.
We are all trying to figure it out and we have found that despite the constant change, our constant of testing and innovating and improving has been met with optimism, acceptance and appreciation. And the greatest gift in all of this is that moving forward we've been able to pilot so many new things that we can carry forward.
One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and the organizations we care about, is the space to change, to grow, to innovate and to continue to find ways to make the world they serve an even better and brighter place.
I may not have a ton of for-profit business experience, but I do believe that these are all things worthy of sharing with others, and quite honestly I would not be doing my own organization's mission or those we serve any good if I didn't share these simple and basic principles of moving from surviving to thriving/flourishing during times of change.