Thriving this Thursday
Honor Jensen
Helping entrepreneurs double their revenue through mindset, skillset, energy, strategy, leadership, and laser-focused action.
It's getting close to my birthday - the time of year I adopted as my "new year." I reflect and plan, and today, I take action. This week, I started on my Fabulous Five for Forty!
1. 5 miles every day (thanks for the inspiration MW)!
2. Fasting intermittently
3. Free from alcoholic beverages
4. Focused 15
5. Floss frequently
There is no magic behind the 5 or the 40 - other than I am a fan of alliteration. Five habits. Forty days to finish Fall. Maybe for you its One thing for One Day. Or 1 for 100.
Monday - Day 1: 5 a.m. Wake up totally inspired by the "why" behind my goals. 7 a.m. Crash and burn! While running, I fell over my dog - landing hard. My knee was a bloody and painful mess. I was 1/2 mile from home. I turned around, put him in the house…and finished my five miles. (For you animal lovers, he was unharmed).
I am thankful for that experience because it taught me that my success is not a product of my circumstances. I didn't let a bump in the road (in this case my dog) discourage me. I told that little voice in my mind to shut up - You know the one - it tells you, "This is a sign…"
Maybe it was a sign - but it was pointing the wrong direction. Despite the discouragement, the blood and pain, I kept going. This experience is now a constant reminder to me when things get tough. "If you can get up and run 4.5 miles with a bloody knee and some bruises, you can get through this!"
You can crash and burn on your way to reaching your goals. Crashing and burning is not a sign you should give up.
What challenges have you conquered on your way to your goals? Draw from that strength, not the weakness of the moment.
This Thursday, how will you choose to Thrive?