Three Years at Victory Bible Church
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Today marks three years since I began my pastoral ministry here at Victory Bible Church. It is truly hard to believe how much as transpired in such a short space of time. The fact that I am at the church is not a result of chance or coincidence, but God's divine hand at work in ways that I still don't quite grasp. As He said to the prophet Isaiah, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).
The founder pastor of the church, Pastor Ron Radke, had asked Dr. Dino Pedrone (my boss at the time), that when he went home to glory, he would like him to do his funeral. Well, when God called home His servant Ron on Friday, February 23, 2018 Dr. Pedrone was overseas. I received an email on Saturday morning from his wife, Chris, telling me that Ron had passed away. I volunteered to go down and preach at the funeral on Wednesday, February 28. I had no idea on that Wednesday morning as I drove down I-81S into Pennsylvania how my life was about to change.
I remember arriving at the Butler Chapel in Drums, PA and not knowing anyone other than the phone conversations I had leading up to this memorial service. I remember seeing the faces as I shared from God’s Word the message of salvation that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard and that the wages or payment for sin is eternal separation from God. Yet, God made a way for us in Jesus Christ. I remember seeing the tears flow in the eyes of these strangers. I remember that we went to the graveyard and did the graveside service before heading to Victory Bible Church for a luncheon in the fellowship hall. I don’t remember much of what I ate that day, but I remember going up in the sanctuary following the lunch.
Chris had told me that several men of the church wanted counsel on what to do next for church. They needed a pastor but didn’t know the process of getting one. They felt this was more than a church, it was a family, and they didn’t want to lose it. I remember meeting in the back with these six men talking about the future and then praying with them. My heart ached with this church family that had lost their shepherd. I remember getting in my car to drive back to Binghamton, NY crying.
I wanted to check in on this church in the days after and asked if I would be able to come down and preach on Palm Sunday. I came down on the Saturday before Palm Sunday and had a Bible study with some of the men in the basement as we ate pizza. The next day I spoke on Jesus’ priestly prayer in John’s Gospel before heading back home. Two weeks later, the church had a guest speaker who was a mutual friend of mine and Dr. Pedrone, Dr. Rudy Holland, who was asked by the church if they thought I might be interested in coming down to pastor this church.
I still remember when Dr. Pedrone asked me about it. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but I knew I had felt a tug to go back to Victory Bible since the day of the funeral. After praying and talking to my pastor in New York I accepted coming to Victory Bible Church.
On Sunday, May 6, 2018 my local church, West Corners Baptist, laid hands on me and commissioned me to go forth as the church in Antioch commissioned Paul and Barnabas. Two weeks later I began this journey as the shepherd of the sheep that God has put in my trust for this season. It was truly humbling as I stepped onto that platform not as a guest speaker, Sunday school teacher, or deacon, but as the pastor of this flock. Entrusted to preach, teach, and live the Word of God as we all grew in Jesus Christ. I started with the book of Ruth since it was a book about new beginnings, and it was a new beginning for me and a new beginning for the church.
When I think back at the last three years there has been joys, laughter, deep conversations, sorrows, and painful times. Yet, in it all I have seen God’s hand moving and directing. I do not know what the next three years will look like, but I know if we as a body of believers continue to keep Jesus Christ first and foremost in our lives, keep short sin accounts with one another and God, and continue to be salt and light in the greater Hazleton area God will do amazing things. I know I look forward to Sunday morning worship services and Thursday evening prayer meetings. Some days I am more excited than others, but I have found that the days I am feeling down are the days that God lifts me up the most and He truly leads me.
I am truly grateful and thankful that I allowed God to direct my paths to Victory Bible Church three years ago and that His ways and thoughts are higher than my ways and thoughts.
Pastor at Yates Baptist Church
3 年Congratulations for your 3 years of ministry at Victory. Miss our conversations and fellowship. Keep up the good work. Hope your present connections with Davis College go well. God bless, Bro!
Financial Consultant at NBT Investment Services
3 年Congratulations on your ministry anniversary!