"Three Words..."
While at the seminar with teacher Jani Jaatinen someone asked him, "Teacher, can you please tell me or describe in three words, how can I become a better teacher?"
Teacher Jani's answer was, "be a student", people that are open and willing to keep learning always become the better teachers.
In time, the student learns every step of the process; therefore, his knowledge and experiences are always better than those students who want to skip the process and go from an apprenticeship to being in charge without having a complete understanding of the entire process.
In essence and applying this to my job and my overall life, I have been very fortunate to have had excellent teachers and bosses who through time, effort and mentor-ship have shared their in-field knowledge with me, which has in turn allowed me to never stop learning, and has given me the tools to some day have the opportunity to be a teacher, mentor and hopefully an excellent boss, just as they have been to me.