Three Ways To Supersize Your Profits (Part One)

Three Ways To Supersize Your Profits (Part One)

In the '90s, Mcdonald's spawned a food-quantity revolution, and later became the victim of it, with their iconic phrase "Would you like to supersize your order?"

Supersizing your order meant replacing whatever wimpy sized drink and fry order you were thinking of getting (fool!) and replacing it with a 42-ounce bucket of Coke and nearly half-a-pound of French fries.

While no one, needs this amount of Coke or fries, Mcdonald's used the upsell strategy of selling "MORE" to increase revenue and profits by training hormone riddled teenagers a simple phrase.

If they can do it, with a little cleverness, I think we can figure out how you can do it too!

That's why we're going to look at three ways to use the upsell strategy of selling 'MORE.' (If you're just tuning in, you can catch the first two parts of this series by clicking here, and then here.)

Selling MORE Strategy Number One: Offer more (at least as an option.)

Go to any Starbucks (there's probably one within spitting distance), and you not only see 62 different ways to get your coffee, but they have three or maybe even four sizes available.

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Not only did Starbucks turn a fifty-cent commodity into a four-dollar status symbol, but they also made different sizes available. Compare that with going to the local diner where when you sit down, there's an upside-down coffee cup at your seat, and if you turn it upright, it's the universal symbol that you want coffee.

You don't ask if they have a bigger mug or a much bigger mug. It's one size, and you get free refills because who in their right mind would pay MORE for a larger cup. Turns out, quite a few people.

And I know you're thinking, well, that's easy to do with food because if you want more coffee, you NEED to get the bigger size. Well, explain Costco or Sam's Club to me.

When was the last time you had the sniffles and thought to yourself, 'I better run out and get TWELVE boxes of Kleenex?!?' Probably never!

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But go to Costco and try to just buy one or even two boxes of Kleenex. It's literally impossible! I looked, and the smallest quantity you can purchase is 10.

"But Mike, I'm saving a bunch of money!"

Are you? I looked at Target, and a single box of Kleenex was just under $2.

A crate of 10 boxes at Costco is $21.99. It seems like Costco is actually charging a premium price for giving you the privilege of buying more boxes than you'll need in a year.

They are making MORE by merely offering MORE.

Are you offering more of whatever it is you sell? Are you giving them to option to buy more? If not you're missing out on making some Grande-sized sales. (That's a Starbucks reference…a bad one!)

While selling MORE by offering more, join me tomorrow to see how to sell MORE by selling commitment.

Until then.


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