Three ways that a railway is more human than you’d think.

Three ways that a railway is more human than you’d think.

You’d think a railway is all steel and ballast, but they have more in common with people than you’d expect.

  1. No railway is the same. They all have their unique gifts and challenges.
  2. How they interface with other systems is where they succeed or struggle.
  3. The external environment determines how well the railway will perform. The temperature, gradient, accessibility for maintenance, and so-on.

Just like making informed choices as people, we need to do the right level of due diligence when upgrading rail technology.

Some things to consider:

  • Safety underpins everything.
  • Understand where your system is now, and where you want to be. The gap is where you need to focus.
  • Deep knowledge of the risk profile attained through robust risk assessment sets the foundation for a safe, efficient and sustainable system.
  • The total cost of ownership from purchase through to end-of-life.
  • The level of customisation and ease of integration into the current operation.
  • The differing requirements of a single user versus multi-user railway, as well as the fundamental legislative requirements.
  • Where has the new technology been applied in similar environments – similar clients, operations, and industries. What can you learn from that?
  • Not all vendors are equal. A vendor with a proven track record and the ability to understand specific requirements and partner with you to customise solutions will achieve a great result.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for references from past clients of your technology vendor.

BlueFin3 ’s multi-criteria analysis (MCA) covers all the bases and more, to effectively evaluate the system requirements, technology options, and vendor capability.

Our experienced team understand the context of different railways, the technologies available and have proven experience delivering large and complex engineering and technology projects. We provide dedicated support to guide you through the MCA process, ensuring you have the insights needed to navigate the decision-making process effectively.

If your organisation is facing a tough decision in upgrading your rail technology and want to evaluate the options, get in touch with us. We love a tricky problem to solve!

#proventrackrecord #railtechnology #makingadifference

Our team are passionate and experienced in rail, get in touch today to chat about your rail technology requirements.



