Three ways to protect your culture when your team is distributed

Three ways to protect your culture when your team is distributed

With work teams more dispersed than ever, including ours at TechComms, there’s never been a more important time to rethink how we communicate, interact with one another, collaborate and stay productive.

It’s not surprising to see that tech workers are one of the biggest groups embracing flexibility and the benefits it brings to work-life balance and overall well-being. The challenge has been two-fold: How to create a collective and cohesive community amongst a distributed team along with the impact it can have on company culture as it can sometimes dilute the feeling/vibe that can be achieved more readily in-person.

So, how can you protect your culture while still enabling your team to work from anywhere? Here's what we’ve learned:

- Appreciate teammates, show gratitude.

- Be patient with technology.

- Bring everyone together when it’s possible.

It’s exciting to be able to work from anywhere and connect with colleagues all across the globe. Thanks to new digital technologies, we can bring more diversity, creative thinking and most importantly, joy and flexibility to our work days.

We share more details about what we’ve learned since going hybrid in our NEW TechComms blog:



