Three Universal Truths That True Leadership Lives By
Rohit Bassi
Guiding Leaders, Sales & Teams to Speak Like a Wise CEO - Be A Speaking Genius In Conversations, Public Speaking, Rough & Tough Talks | Career Spanning Over Three Decades | Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Author
History has shown leaders such as Frederick Douglass, Ida B Wella and John Armor Bingham were highly aware of the practicality of life. Throughout their lives, their actions were examples to us of how to appreciate ourselves, others and live a life of courage, clarity, conviction and compassion. Leaders like these knowingly (consciously) or unknowingly (unconsciously) live by the three universal truths. Let us get to know these three universal truths.
In my life, I have come across two oracles, not the database but whom I perceive as actually highly evolved humans. One was in London, he was my manager and now friend, his name is Omran Sheikh. The other in Dubai, we worked together for many years and became supportive friends. His name is Mohammed Owais. Strangely enough, both of them taught me the same lesson at different times in my life. They remind me nothing dies but metamorphizes.
What does this mean? It simply translates to the first universal truth: “nothing is lost in the universe”.
Everything in life is impermanent (not permanent) and always is metamorphizing (transforms in form or character). For example, you could be in a relationship, but it may end for whatever reason. This could lead you to start another relationship or remain single.
There was a time dinosaur roamed planet earth and now they no longer exist. But the truth is that they still exist in a different form of energy. For example, in an evolutionary sense, birds are a living group of dinosaurs because they descended from the common ancestor of all dinosaurs. Furthermore, fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and animals which can be burned for energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.
Thus, great leaders inner compass tells them we are all connected thus harming something or someone, in essence, means we are harming ourselves. Knowing this truth, great leaders do their best to follow a path of non-violence. Non-violence in words, language, speech, thoughts, feelings, behaviour and actions.
Remember: Nothing is lost in the universe as everything is impermanence.
A caterpillar was strolling along its usual route amongst the dense vegetation. Suddenly, the caterpillar sees an amazing creature fly just ahead of it. In jealousy, the caterpillar says to the charming creature "you are just a show-off, prancing around in your colourful wings. Oh, thank the heavens above I am not like you and I would never want to be like you". The magnificent elegant creature in silence looks at the caterpillar, smiles and flys away.
What does this mean? It simply translates to the second universal truth: “everything is continuously changing”.
That magnificent creature was a butterfly. Take yourself for example you were a baby, changed to a child, then a teenager and then an adult. In our life, we have ups and downs, like a river it sometimes it flows, other times it crashes and then there are times it can be stagnant.
Look at the pandemic that began in 2020, it transformed the way we live and connect. Technology usage accelerated in running business, buying goods or even meeting your loved one went online. Many successful business and jobs were lost overnight. Then many people departed this world and many people who contracted the virus developed other medical challenges.
Thus, great leaders, inner compass tells them there is suffering in life but at the same time suffering can be changed to abundance. Knowing this truth, great leaders do their best to follow a path of cessation of suffering (which is ever-changing). They know we play a major part in our difficulties; thus we are also the solution to change our difficulties to joy.
Remember: Everything is continuously changing.
Many people say these quotes "We reap what we sow" or "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". Your thoughts, behaviours, and actions lead to the creation, manifestation and development of your life as you know it.
What does this mean? It simply translates to the third universal truth “the law of cause and effect”.
In other words, there is a reason for everything that happens. For every effect, there is a cause, whether we know what it is or not. The story goes, there was once a therapist in Hawaii who is said to have healed an entire ward of psychiatric patients considered to be criminally insane, all without seeing a single one of them for therapy.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len is said to have agreed to have an office in the ward but refused ever physically to see the patients. The healing was done by looking at the charts of each patient and then turning inwards and starting work on himself - including his own feeling, thoughts and actions. Somewhat miraculously, while he did this, it was witnessed that the patients began to heal too.
Using this philosophy would mean that terrorist activity is your responsibility, as is the leader of your country. The pain that we are causing to mother earth is also our responsibility. Anything that is in your life and impacts you in any way is your responsibility and yours to deal with. It is not about taking the blame or feeling guilty; it is all about taking 100% responsibility for what happens within you. To take responsibility for literally everything may sound extreme, and it’s unarguably a difficult thing to accept and live with.
Thus, great leaders, inner compass tells them “the buck stops with me”. Knowing this truth, great leaders do their best to follow a path of total responsibility by accepting that anything and everything that takes place in their environment is their responsibility. It is their job to resolve any problems and fix any mistakes that may occur.
Remember: The law of cause and effect.
In this manner great leaders train, direct and practice three essentials: (a) ethical conduct (b) mental discipline and (c) wisdom. Thus, giving them the opportunity to apply the three universal truths. Through this, they are mindful to kindle courage, clarity, conviction and compassion in any situation for themselves and others.
About The Author
His clients say he is "passionate, charming and most of all he speaks from the heart. He can move crowds so that the crowds can move mountains.”
Rohit Bassi helps leaders, teams and individuals in embracing conflicts, enriching relationships and emotional wisdom. How? By applying the four noble truths of leadership: courage, clarity, conviction and compassion.
The bottom line is when communication is not conscious, you sabotage/damage work, business, relationships thus life. Your ability to speak and deep listening elevates all aspects of your life. Applied conscious communication gives you greater success in your work, business and relationships.