Three unexpected perks of sitting on your phone (parents should read)
At Kodland School we introduce kids from 6 to 17 years old to future professions in programming and IT. All this is insanely interesting, but most importantly - very promising.
For many of our students the way to programming started with a passion for games, although often such studies do not make their parents happy at all. Especially for adult readers we have collected 4 arguments why games are not really as harmful as they may seem.
Children develop useful skills
Scientists at the University of Helsinki have found that people who play the same game, more prone to empathy and are prone to mutual sympathy.
Computer games, like any team sport, help kids listen to and hear each other, cooperate and try for a common goal. This skill is certainly useful not only in school or college, but also at work.
Each player develops his own strategy, learns to assess the situation soberly, weigh the risks, and make informed decisions. Otherwise you just can not win.
If a child plays games in English, it will be easier for him to remember new words, such as the details of the characters' clothes.
Children train their attention
Children and adults do not know, but by playing games, they train their concentration and reduce the degree of anxiety. And video games relieve stress even better than specially created apps.
The authors of the study, published in the journal JMIR Mental Health, concluded that video games meet the four criteria necessary for recovery after work - they teach new skills, relax, distract from problems and restore self-control.
Games spark interest in programming
When a child sees how games and applications are structured, he or she gets the idea: "I would make something better" or "I want to make something of my own.
Today there are enough professions in which children-gamers can realize themselves. So in the creation of games involved game designers, programmers-developers, animators, sound designers, screenwriters and testers, and many others.
Computer literacy and programming skills are basic skills with which children can turn their fun into a promising hobby. At the first free lesson in Kodland, together with the young students we are already creating our first game and writing our own little program.