There are three types of people:
Dear reader,
On a scorching summer day in ancient Greece...
... the great Aristotle was asked to define humanity.
He paused, stroked his beard, and said:
"Holy shitballs, it’s hot!"
Wait. Wrong quote.
No, what he actually said was this:
"There are three sorts of people: those who are alive, those who are dead, and those who are at sea."
Now, Aristotle had plenty of insightful observations in his day, but this one?
Not exactly his greatest hit.
Personally, I’ve heard drunken Uni students come up with more profound theories on humanity while puking in an alley.
Oh well, I guess even The Beatles had their fair share of duds.
So what exactly did Aristotle mean by that?
Your guess is as good as mine.
But hey, why let Aristotle have all the fun? I figured I’d try my hand at a cryptic quote of my own.
Will it be quoted two thousand years from now? Probably not. But stranger things have happened.
At least you'll benefit from having my cryptic quote explained. And trust me, it will need to be explained.
Here it is:
There are three types of people in this world:
(1) those who buy a horse
(2) those who buy a horse and lead it to water, and
(3) those who buy a horse, lead it to water, and... make it drink!
I shall explain:
Almost everyone forms relationships - friends, acquaintances, business connections - even if it’s just having a boss. That’s the first group.
The second group? They try to influence those relationships, to lead people toward their way of thinking… but they fail.
The third group does the same thing, but with one key difference:
They Succeed!
Still confused?
As always, I shall further explain.
We've all heard this old chestnut: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
Well, that’s only true if you don’t know what you’re doing.
You see, it's very easy to make a horse drink IF...
... You Know How to Make it Thirsty!
Lemme break it down for you in a way that even a brain-dead city slicker could understand:
First off, salt.
That's right, you sprinkle some of that white gold in their feed. It's like dropping a family-size bag of Doritos in a teachers' lounge during standardized testing week - they'll be chugging water faster than the cast of The Real Housewives downs boxed wine on a Tuesday night.
Next, exercise.
Get that four-legged grass muncher moving! Run it around like it owes you money. By the time you're done, that horse will be thirstier than a divorced guy at last call.
Now, here's a trick - limit their water. Just don't overdo it, or PETA will be on your arse faster than you can say "glue factory."
Clean water?
It's obvious but overlooked. You wouldn't drink from a toilet, so why would a horse?
Lastly, wet the feed.?
It's like sneaking vodka into the punch bowl - they're getting hydrated whether they like it or not.
Bottom line:
To get a horse to drink, you simply make the horse want to drink.
Well guess what?
People are no different, my friend.
You can’t force anyone to do something they don’t want to do. But you can make them want to do it.
For those still waiting for their morning coffee, that was all one big metaphor for persuasion.
What exactly is persuasion?
Persuasion is the art of getting people to:
(1) Agree with you. And...
(2) Act the way you want - while believing it was their idea.
To be prudently redundant:
Persuasion means syncing with people’s thoughts, desires, and fears - then gently guiding them to your way of thinking while letting them believe they got there all on their own.
Do it right, and they’ll act on your requests like it’s the last donut at a police precinct.
Do it wrong?
You’re just another schmuck yelling into the void, hoping someone cares.
But Kelvin, you didn't really give any actionable ways to do this.
Time and place, Freckles... time and place.
The time is at the beginning of March, and the place is inside the March issue.
To get in on the action, go here:
Your friend,