The three times Iraq had WMD or could have. HINT, not in 2003. FTR
Here we go. In 1981 Iraq was within 6 months due to the Osirak reactor of getting an atomic bomb with the effort bombed out of existence by the Israeli Air Force, which ended phase one of the Iraqi nuclear weapon's program
Secondly, through the 1980s, Iraq had mustard gas, and other asserted Nerve gases , several of which were used to horrendous effect upon the Kurds, in an epic slaughter in 1988
Third, using blue prints downloadable from the Freedom of information act, as far as a down loadable set of plans used by the USA in the 1940s, for producing Plutonium which were declassified 1955, by President Eisenhower.
After the destruction of of the Osirak reactor, by the IDF airforce, Sadddam Hussein ordered his Iraqi Atomic energy commission to reduplicate the incredibly inefficient Plutonium manufacturing technique used for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. I.e. Eisenhower thought the process used was so inefficient that no one would be stupid enough to waste resources on reduplicating it.
Saddam Hussein demanded its use, with the upgrade of the facilities via computer automation but aside from that the basic DNA of the facility was 1940s tech with a veneer of computer architecture added.
By 1992, this huge facility was blown up and rendered inoperative as far as the implementation of the cease fire right after the end of Desert Storm.
This is the real story.We fought a useless war in 2003 to 2009 in Iraq, largely due to Curveball, the fake from Iraq loaned to Bush II Intel officials by the BND of Germany, but in truth what Curveball, and secondarily Chalabis, another high level fake, spouted was total garbage.
Hint, although Bush II was the all time sucker in this regard, with a second honorable mention to Trump,with maybe the two tied, basic strategic information has been scrambled for decades
We need to realize how deep the tradition of scrambling IC intel is, and to fix it.
Andrew Beckwith, PhD