Three Times a Day

Three Times a Day

It sure was a rapid change of weather we had with the rain and much lower temps, and certainly glad about that because it's been quite the run of hot days we've had. I was in a bit of shock to see how fast the grass had grown in just one day's time. The most beneficial thing about our recent rain, was how lightly it was coming down. Yes, that was another million dollar watering for our crops, gardens and landscapes.

My first appointment, was to meet a buyer at a home for his final walk-thru before its closing was to take place several hours later. As usual, he was right on time and grinning from ear to ear. Yes, that was a lucky purchase on his part, as I'm sure if he'd waited one more day to think about it, he would've been contending with multiple offers on it. Everything looked good, so off we went in separate directions.

The first of my two closings, just happened to be on the last available main-floor unit over at Prairie Place on 1st. I didn't sell it to the buyers, but I've been around them enough to know they'll be a perfect fit. The both of them are very intelligent and quite witty, which is always a plus in my book.

While there, I was shown a cell phone shot of a wooden horse the husband had carved, and the more I studied it, the more I was amazed at its quality of workmanship. To me, it looked like something you'd find in a museum, and since I've always had a soft spot for hand-carved artwork, I turned into a "20 question" man who had to know height, weight, length of time from beginning to end, and just about everything in-between. It stood about four feet tall and weighed in at around 400 pounds. I was told he'd created four of them over the years, and each one usually taking about 12 months to complete.

To top it all off, before leaving, he asked if I knew of anyone interested in clock repair equipment. Not only did he carve wood, but also learned how to repair clocks when he young and still living at home. I couldn't help asking him if his mother's maiden name was Da Vinci because he's definitely a real-life Renaissance man.

There's no question we'll be crossing paths again while I'm over at Prairie Place on 1st while showing the remaining two units we still have for sale. When in the midst of such talent, I could sit and listen to their stories for hours. Now if only our younger crowd would spend more time with our elderly, they'd learn a whole lot more than what they'd be reading and seeing online. Having personal contact with such fine minds, is what creates lasting memories.

My second closing took place without a hitch, and while at the closing table, my buyer spoke about how he'd known me for a very long time, along with me being the "go to" person whenever looking to buy or sell a home. There's no doubt I was doing a little blushing while he was singing my praises in front of others. Oh well, at least I didn't put him up to it. He's one of those people who triggers a smile as soon as he's in your presence. Yes, it was another good closing.

After getting a call that an abstract was ready to be picked up at Northwood's abstract office, I quickly stopped what I was doing, and headed up there. When looking at the corn fields, I'd say most of our farmers have dodged the bullet with our period of drought, as those fields were looking pretty tall and very healthy. Now if Mother Nature would be good enough to bless us with the amount needed to mature, our farmers shouldn't have much, if anything to complain about.

While at the abstract office, I ran into another agent from Mason City who was delivering one, so we had a good chat before heading out. I was glad to hear she's been having a good run of sales this year, which will likely keep her from retiring the end of this year. She's always been a straight shooter, so I do hope she continues on with marketing homes.

I'd paced myself just right because by the time I got back to the City, I was about 15 minutes away from an appointment to show a home. As usual, the buyers were already waiting for me, so I quickly unlocked the home's door and turned all the lights on.

It wasn't a bad showing, but my buyers weren't head over heels about it either, and the main reason, there being some sort of lingering oder in the home that was causing one of the buyers to become short of breath. It concerned me enough to where I asked if it was possibly one of those lingering side-effects from his bout with the China-virus. I was told he'd been mildly allergic to cats, but since his survival of the virus, and subsequently vaccinated, he'd become more sensitive to the air in certain confined areas.

I did mention several articles I'd read regarding the lingering and sometimes strange side-effects people were having months after they'd had it. I strongly recommended he do some in-depth research on the subject. I could tell he was not looking as physically good as he did before we entered the home. All three of us agreed that there's more to the story regarding the true beginnings of this pandemic, and hopefully someday, the hard truth will be revealed.

I've decided to host a public open house this coming Saturday at 515 S. Vermont which as far as I'm concerned, is the best buy in our City within its price range. That rock-solid home will by far outlast the ones being built today. Please help me put the word out regarding that mid-century classic.

Tonight's One-liner is: You may allow yourself to think negative thoughts and/or complain about anything for three minutes, but only three times a day.

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