Three things we understand only when we look backward
Tapas Dasmohapatra
Leadership Coach, Keynote Speaker Psychologist, Co-Founder POSSIBLERS
Life is lived forward but understood backwards. Here are three important things we understand only when we look backward.
No one loves failure, even if every successful person appreciates failure. Why so? Because you can love failure, only when you look back, not when you look forward.
Failure is not the pillar of success. Even though we have heard it multiple times; failure is not the pillar of success, especially in two situations. One when you are starting something for the first time, like learning how to ride a bicycle and the second, when there is no second chance available, like when you go skydiving. In the beginning, dedication, direction, discipline etc. are the pillars of success along with prevention planning. You can’t use failure in the beginning, simply because you don’t have it with you.
So, what can you do?
At best you can prepare for probable failures. It can be preventive action, minute monitoring, plan b or your coping mechanism. Because once you fail, your success now will depend on how quickly you learn from your failure and how effectively you cope with it.
So, failure is not the pillar of success. Your preparation for and prevention from failure are the pillars of your success; especially when you begin something for the first time and when a second?chance is not available for you.
When do you call yourself lucky, before or after a task? Luck is something you understand and appreciate after a task or a life situation. You narrowly escape an accident; you call yourself lucky. You win the lottery; you call yourself lucky. Luck is an outcome of our appreciative analysis of the past.
You just cannot use luck in the beginning. You can use it in your thoughts but not in your actions even if your thoughts have power to influence your actions. For instance, when you think you are lucky, it will boost your confidence. But it cannot guarantee full proof action. Even if you think you are lucky, you will not drive your car with both hands off the steering wheel. So, you cannot use luck in your performance. You can only understand, analyze & appreciate your luck in retrospect.
So, what can you do?
You can use luck when you understand that L.U.C.K. is Labour Under Correct Knowledge. A surgeon is not lucky because he can remove a tumor in a few minutes. He has extensively educated and trained himself for years to reach this level of perfection. Same goes for the guy who correctly diagnoses and swiftly repairs our unresponsive computer. Anyone who appears lucky on the surface is like a calm swan crossing a river, who paddles continuously underneath. So, it is many years of dedication, discipline and direction that makes you appear lucky when you complete a task with much ease compared to others.
Have you ever observed how some people and situations come into your life unannounced? Initially you may find those people and life situations an obstacle. Sometimes you do not welcome it and sometimes you resent it. You may even hate it when these situations and people demand you to get out of your comfort zone.
But when that phase is over, and you look back at those people and situation, they are blessings in disguise. You also realize that not only was their role in your life destined but also their timing was perfect. You become grateful for all the coincidences when you can connect these with the master plan.
So, what to do?
Have an open mind and be ready to get out of your comfort zone. Do not judge situations and people too soon. Yes, you can’t be na?ve about it, yet you must give it a chance. Do not throw the water only because it is dirty and not safe to drink. You can use it to water the plants. Every person and situations make you learn something, some in a friendly way and some in a frustrating way. But both make us stronger and wiser. These coincidences appear bright and beneficial only when you look backward.
Published earlier in the newspaper tabloid "The Desert Trail"