Three things to know about Industry 5.0
Swindon Silicon Systems
The mixed signal ASIC company Your Custom I C Solutions Partner
Talking about Industry 5.0 right now may appear hasty. But given the rapid rate of technological advancements such as AI and machine learning, it’s helpful to start considering how the next industrial era could take form. Here are three things you need to know.
? Personalisation will increase
Though mass customisation sounds like something of an oxymoron, with big data analytics and AI, it will become possible to bespoke manufacture at scale. By analysing customer preferences, purchasing patterns and demographic information, manufacturers can tailor products to meet individual needs.
At a manufacturing level, data also enables real-time monitoring of production processes. By analysing data from sensors and IoT devices, manufacturers can track the progress of these personalised products throughout the production line, ensuring accurate and efficient assembly.
? Man and machine will work closer together
The arrival of Industry 5.0 will put more emphasis on highly-skilled people and robots working side by-side. Naturally, this will further ignite the presence of collaborative robots, or cobots, on the factory floor.
Sensor technology is crucial to give these robots accurate control over their movements, as well as respond to the environment around them. A network of sensors and gauges allow cobots to safely handle and assemble fragile items, as well as avoid collisions with other objects and self-diagnose faults.
? Custom ICs will play their role
The third thing to know, and a fundamental technology behind these Industry 5.0 trends, is the role of a custom IC. It’s clear that the themes underpinning Industry 5.0 rely on one thing — smart sensors. And, behind those sensors, an ASIC can enable a smarter, more sophisticated end result.
Often designed to interface directly with the sensor element, ASICs offer efficient and accurate signal acquisition. ASICs can provide sensor-specific conditioning, amplification, filtering, and digitisation of the sensor's analogue output to simplify the sensor system design and, crucially, improve overall performance.
While many manufacturers get to grips with Industry 4.0, understanding impending trends as well as the electrical components at the heart of their success is key to staying ahead of the curve.
Swindon is a global leader in the design and supply of custom ICs for the industrial sector. To find out more, get in touch with us via our website or give a member of the team a call on +44 (0)1793 649400.