Three Things Home Care Business Owners Need to Know to Stand Out from The Competition

Three Things Home Care Business Owners Need to Know to Stand Out from The Competition

One of my favorite quotes from the great philosopher and general Sun Tzu is this:

“Strategies without Tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics with Strategy is the noise before defeat.”

I want to put emphasis on tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. Let me explain that. Everyone knows that having the right strategy for your eventual victory. It might take you a long time if you don't have tactics, right?

I’ll give you an example through my business. When I was doing sales for my business, I was struggling. I had done sales before, so I was really scratching my head as to why this was happening. So I started making noise. Despite that, me and my business weren’t getting the results that we wanted, and it almost reached a point where we were nearly out of capital due to a number of different reasons.

That’s where it hit me. I realized I was missing three very crucial parts for my business that was costing me. These things are very, VERY critical, that’s why I’ll be talking about them today.

I don't know if you've ever been out in the marketplace, trying to grow your business or build relationships with other people. But it’s quite challenging, and there’s a ton of competition. In fact, many entrepreneurs tend to back out because of the pressure of competing with others.

But I know that you;re like me, and you have no intention of backing out. Now the question I have for you is, have you managed to set yourself apart from your competitors? Do you have a special offer that’s so good, people can’t resist it?

If not, keep reading on! I will be telling you and every business owner out there three important things that you need in order to be able to stand out from your competitors.

#1 Does your differentiator have REAL VALUE to your Referral Sources and Consumers?

That unique offer that you have, does it have real value that your referral sources and consumers can use? You can’t just put out a differentiator out there and expect people to instantly like it.

What unique value do you offer? How does it solve their pain points? If none of these hit the mark with your consumers, they really don’t have a reason to choose you over other similar business. That’s why you should be specific. Know the solution you offer, and make it more specialized to appeal to a specific niche of people.

#2 Is it something that is difficult to duplicate?

The last thing you want to do is to have a differentiator that is easy to duplicate. Many copy cats exist out there, and if they can easily copy everything that you’re doing then they can sell your product at a lower price.

What you can do here is to look at the things that they are doing, and ask yourself: “What can I do differently?” Think and strategize, look at ways you can make your offer more unique. Once you know that you’ve got something that no one else does, you’re golden!

#3 Is it already widespread in the marketplace?

Last, make sure that you do your research and see if your differentiator is already widespread in the market. There’s always going to be an oversaturation of a certain kind in the market. You want to make sure that your differentiator doesn’t fall in that category, because it will be a struggle to be unique and stand out otherwise.

Now that I’ve talked about this, I really want you to apply this to your differentiator because I want to see you succeed. Uniqueness is one of the best strategies to use in order to stand out, so think of ways to make yourself unique and attractive to your target audience!?



