Three steps to enter the state of flow and achieve peak performance
Taiba Mahmood
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Jul 18?
Written By?Taiba mahmood
Before I talk about how to enter flow in order to achieve your peak performance. I would first like to explain what flow is. And why flow is could be a game-changer in your life.
So let’s get started.
Have you had a moment in your life when you were doing something and you got totally immersed in the activity? You got so involved and one in the task that everything seemed to fade away. You lost all sense of time and space. You were in a certain zone where you became one with the thing you were doing. You were intrinsically charged to delve deep into the activity. You were able to hear an inner voice that helped you achieve your highest creativity and helped you solve problems in an unconventional way. Out of the box, insights came to your naturally. You seamlessly got in touch with your intuition. That’s the state of flow.
Top-notch athletes, players, mountaineers, businessman and technocrats achieve peak performance by tapping into the states of flow. The state of flow is unique, it provides you with insights, creative solutions and innovative ideas which are otherwise not accessible.
The bigger question is what happens in the state of flow that people are able to tap into their best intuition and ideas? Contrary to the common belief that in this state the brain would be overworking, the opposite happens. Certain parts of the brain shut down. The prefrontal cortex area of the brain responsible for doing complicated tasks, of self-awareness and introspection shuts down. The brain enters a state of egolessness meaning, it doesn’t think about the self and the sheer focus is on the task at hand. The brain thoroughly focuses on the activity at hand and becomes one with it.
The state of flow is a very relaxed state in which the prefrontal cortex area of the brain shuts down. The brain starts producing alpha brain wave frequency where the highest level of creative thinking takes place. That’s the reason people hear an inner voice that guides them accurately to the most creative, unique and intuitive solutions.
In the book ‘The rise of the superman’ by Steven Kotler which is on the subject of flow, the author talks about Dean Potler, a mountaineer, who climbed Mt Greg in 670 right steps without any equipment. One wrong step could have led to the grizzly death of the mountaineer. He climbed this gigantic mountain without any equipment tapping into the state of his flow.
The state of flow is very natural, in which you are fully focused, concentrated and involved in an activity. Many people experience flow sporadically, however, with enough practice, you can consistently tap into this state. With enough motivation, the right mindset and proper goals and their measurement, flow can become a habit.
Now let’s talk about the three steps that can help you enter into the state of flow. So that you can produce quality work, in a limited time with your highest creativity and potential. There are three steps to enter into the state of flow:
There should be no internal triggers coming to distract you when you are doing the task. Internal triggers like boredom or fatigue should not even touch you even you are pursuing a task. All distractions should be cut out. Focus be maintained. In addition, you should be totally and fully relaxed. A calm down mind is most important to tap into your flow. A turbulent mind can’t enter into the state of flow.
Therefore to enter the state of flow just practice single-tasking, calming down yourself and be willing to give every once of your focus to your work.
Internal triggers mean your own internal emotions, feelings and thoughts that take off your focus. You might be writing a blog and suddenly your mind might distract you saying, ‘Do have any idea what you need to cook for lunch? Why is it so difficult to decide the daily lunch? I wish I could have a house help or maybe a chef who take care of these daily chores. Now this dialogue that your mind just had is a distraction from the task at hand. Either you can consider taking care of the distraction first and then deal with your work or you can tell your mind to focus on the work at hand and think about the lunch later. The idea is to stay focused on one work at a time. If your try to think about both things then you would not be able to produce quality work.
External triggers mean all external things, technology and devices that trigger you to be distracted. Notifications on your social media sites, emails or unimportant calls that don’t require your focus are all external triggers. One way to cut down technological distractions on your phone or other devices is to turn off all trivial notifications. It will make your life much better. I myself experienced more focus after turning off notifications from my phone. Also, a silent environment that soothes you and makes you feel good will also help you to be focused.
The 10-minute rule for ultimate focus
I have learned a 10-minute rule that can help you to stay focused and deal better with both internal and external triggers. Anytime a trigger tries to take your attention away from the task at hand, just say to yourself, I will deal with this distraction 10 minutes later. Resist for a few minutes, slowly you will get involved in the task at hand and forget about the distraction.
3. The task should be challenging but not impossible: Another important thing to tap into your state of flow is a certain level of difficulty while doing a task. So how much difficult should be the task at hand? It should be 4% more difficult than your current skill level. For example, if you are a runner, it means you should run 4% faster than your current pace. If you are a writer then you must write 4% more than your current word limit.
The idea is to stay engaged in the task because of a certain level of difficulty. Now if you have entered the state of flow you would like to stay in this state for a good time. To do that you need to have a clear measurable outcome. Our mind loves measurement. It gives our mind a sense of accomplishment, a sense of growth and motivation. Without clear measurable goals, the mind can give up on the idea of flow. When you accomplish certain goals being in the state of flow, you are motivated to come back in the state of flow again. You would strive to get better and produce more quality work with the help of clear goals.
You are learned a lot about flow and how to get in the state of flow. Now it’s time to take some action. I am a big fan of mini habits because they have small time and energy commitments. You are more likely to do a task there is small willpower required. It helps you take the first step which is often the most difficult one. So I recommend to you get started with small goals to imbibe focus and tap the states of flow in your life. A 20 minute focused session on an activity is a good milestone to get started. Slowly you can keep measuring and improving yourself.
The idea is here to just get started and not be overwhelmed.
‘The only way to get ahead is to get started’- Mark Twain
Now let’s talk about the mindset to get into the state of flow and keep improving.
For me mindset is everything. Why? Because 80% of your success in life or business depends on your mindset or psychology and 20% depends on skills. So without the right mental model, it is almost impossible to achieve the state of flow.
How are some athletes able to redefine boundaries of human potential? Because they believe it’s possible to break records and set new ones. The same applies to you and me as well. If you think you can flourish at a certain task, guess what? You will perform better. However you believe that your skills and talents are fixed, then your performance would not upscale.
Your thoughts are things. What you believe you achieve, it’s that simple.
Often many people think their abilities are fixed. They cannot learn new things or improve. They take failures as the final outcome instead of seeing failure as one of the outcomes which could be improved. These people have a fixed mindset. Because they believe that they can’t fundamentally learn new skills. They can’t improve. This stops them from trying new things. Because they are always afraid of failure. They limit their success because of what they think they can achieve. It is a dangerous mindset that cripples your growth and stops you from trying new ideas.
Whereas there are others who believe hard and dedication can help a person improve their skills. They believe they can consistently grow and become a better version of themselves. They use focus and flow to improve their skills. They seamlessly access flow and keep setting new records of what’s possible for them. Their mindset helps them harness their peak potential and performance.
I invite you to ask yourself if fall into the category of fixed mindset or growth mindset people? This is so important if you are trying to improve yourself at a skill. Without a growth mindset tapping flow and achieving peak performance is just a theory. Therefore try adopting a growth mindset. I can share a few simple strategies that can help you get started. The first is affirming in words that you can improve every day and in every way! Then taking mini-projects that you are interested in and notice your own growth. Be excited about every little improvement that you make. Notice the things or patterns that optimise your learning and try to repeat these patterns in future too.
Tapping into states of flow would be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. I highly recommend you start learning the art of flow in your day to day life. Also, it is very important to have the right mental model to achieve peak performance. Therefore embracing a growth mindset will help you improve and evolve in every area of your life. You would not only be successful in your work but you would be highly fulfilled in your personal space as well. You would be more attentive to the people around you, leading to deeper connections and joy. Therefore tapping into the states of flow has a multitude of benefits, just get started and keep improving!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading the whole article and take steps to improve your life!
More power to you!
I am Taiba Mahmood, stress management, productivity and focus coach who helps entrepreneurs manage their stress and achieve peak performance through optimising their productivity and focus!
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