Three Steps to Developing Your Vision
Jenny Garrett OBE
???Founder dedicated to helping organisations elevate diverse talent & foster inclusivity. TEDx Speaker, Leadership Developer, Author & Executive Coach committed to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, social mobility
It’s the beginning of the year and I always want to start it with a grand vision that stretches me. I admit that this can be a challenge; I can quite easily get caught up in ‘busywork’, rather than taking a step back and thinking about what the ‘important work’ I want to do is.
A vision gives:
- A mental picture of what success looks like for me and what I want to achieve over time.
- It provides me with guidance and inspiration as to what to focus on achieving.
- And it keeps me anchored on what’s important.
Whenever I set off on a car journey to a location I haven’t visited before, I programme the address in to my sat nav. for guidance. I don’t just randomly start driving and hope to get there, so it would be foolish of me to think that I could achieve my work, business or life goals for the year without visioning them first.
Besides, numerous research studies have shown that the best and most innovative leaders, always have a vision.
Have you created your vision for the year? Here are 3 steps to start developing your vision today.
1. Work Out What’s Important to You
First you need to understand what’s important to you. I suggest that you do this by completing a values exercise. Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. Ideally, they determine your priorities, and, deep down, they’re probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. Too often we are living by others values, these could be from your parents, spouse, or even your boss. When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values, life is usually good – you’re satisfied and content. But when these don’t align with your personal values, that’s when things feel… wrong. This can be a real source of unhappiness. You can find many values exercises online, but email me if you’d like me to send one to you.
2. Allow Yourself to Dream
How much do you use your imagination? It’s so easy as adults to get stuck on being realistic and to stop dreaming, but dreaming is a key part of creating a vision. Allowing your imagination to flow freely liberates you from the restraints of regular life. Imagination creates a vision for you to see what could be. It allows you to believe in possibilities that would not otherwise exist. It allows you to feel invigorated, alive, optimistic, and enthusiastic. It connects you to a deeper part of yourself. Walt Disney said ‘if you can dream it, you can do it’ I recommend that you try different activities to tap into your imagination, such as: drawing, writing, walking, movies and art appreciation.
3. Craft it
Written visions are more likely to be accomplished than those we just keep in our minds. Writing down your vision lends power and commitment to its accomplishment. Once you have a vision, make sure that it’s clear and concise. Craft it so that it could be shared in just one tweet.
Visions are great but do remember that the distance between your dreams and reality is called action.
Some Resources to Further Support You With Your Vision
BLOG: Ditch Your New Years Resolution for a Vision [2 min]
BLOG: Can You Work Part-time and Be A Leader [3 min]
WEBINAR: Goal Setting for Personal and Professional Success. Just enter your name and email address to watch this webinar immediately, completely free of charge (Your contact details will not be shared) [1 Hour]
ONLINE PROGRAMME: In Step 2 of my Online Programme – The Happenista Project, I interview Bea Benkova a European transformation leader on creating a global vision and provide activities to guide you to create your vision.(This programme is currently on special offer) [14 videos over 2 Hours]
AUDIO: Interview with Sarah Pavlov – Getting Connected with Your Purpose [30 mins]
AUDIO: Interview with Janice B Gordon – Dream Big [30 mins]
BOOK: Do More Great Work , Michael Bungay Stanier
EVENTS: The Happenista Retreat a transformational 2 day space to develop your vision and make it happen
I hope that you found this blog useful. This upcoming month, my focus will be on Humility. I don’t think we talk enough about or value humility in the way we should. ‘True humility is to recognise your value and others value while looking up. It is to see there is far greater than ourself into who we can become, who others can become, and how much more we can do and be.’
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