The Three S's: Which Networker Are You?

The Three S's: Which Networker Are You?

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

As a career coach, staffing strategist, recruiting executive and all-around observer of life, I have seen this adage played out time and time again. Well-connected, communicative personalities seem to land great jobs and find exciting new opportunities, in large part, due to the influence of those around them. On the flip side, I’ve observed the career challenges and overwhelming frustration that many people experience because they won’t work at developing and maintain their relationships. That’s why I’m always shocked that more people don’t recognize and embrace the spirit of Networking Karma.

What sort of networker are you? Take a look a the Three S’s and see where you fall:

Sleeper: Do you avoid every opportunity to connect more deeply with your past and present co-workers, industry colleagues and acquaintances? Do you consistently avoid large gatherings and social events because of your introverted nature? Do you shy away from experiences that require public speaking, small talk or forced introductions? Then you may fall into the Sleeper category. These non-networkers most often fail to benefit from the satisfaction and success that comes from a strong, long term and reciprocal relationship of trust and giving. Reaching their professional goals is hard because they go at it alone; without the help and support of those around them.

Selfish: When you find yourself in a bind, do you reach out to your long-neglected contacts with this common salutation, “long time, no speak”? If so, you should know that “out of the-blue” contact is rarely met with an enthusiastic spirit of helpfulness. Why? Because a one-sided, “palm-up” relationship leaves the person on the other side of it feeling put-upon and unappreciated. Selfish networkers rarely reach out just to say hello. Furthermore, they are not usually proactive in lending support or advice. That’s why they have difficulty reaching their professional goals — their approach is not genuine, it is timed to their needs only.

Spheric: You’re evolved and aware. You see the circular, give and take nature of life and in business–and you recognize that the world doesn’t revolve around you. You take a mindful approach to living; considering each chance meeting and new relationship as an opportunity to inform, assist, advocate or connect others—simply said, you’ve made it your mission to be a “giver.” Embracing this spirit of selflessness is second nature to you and others in your industry have taken notice. You’re known as a connector, a resource, an ally. Your lifestyle has allowed you to build a professional and personal fan base that will ultimately return your kindness in unknown and awesome ways. As a spheric networker you are living proof that what goes around, comes around.

Sleeper and Selfish networkers: Are you ready to make the shift to the Spheric state of networking? Why not start today? It’s easier than you think. After all, everyone has what it takes to be a successful networker. All you need is a littler preparation, practice and patience.

A little inspiration helps, too. That’s why I’ll be blogging on this subject often and hope you’ll sign on here for Vitamin NK, a daily dose of networking inspiration delivered direct to you!  Also, my book Networking Karma, will provide additional tips and techniques for you to improve your networking skills to enhance your relationship and life.

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