Three Simple Words to End Suffering...

Three Simple Words to End Suffering...

Three Simple Words that End All Suffering...


What if I were to share with you that by absolutely surrendering to three simple words - used by almost all of us all of the time -all your and our suffering would end? And what if I were to share with that these three simple words used that are oft used by seldom understood were; I don’t know... Well that is exactly the realization I have been gifted after of learning to manage an ever worsening disablement caused by a mysterious head, neck and brain injury I suffered in a car accident more than three years ago (three words, three years, never miss an opportunity to acknowledge a synchronicity). As you see what I have been come to embrace is this blessed injury has been the gift of ever deepening levels of surrender. Even though it wasn’t until just yesterday morning, my brain vibrating uncontrollably, almost unable to form a thought, following another long, almost sleepless night writhing in pain, trying to release the sensation of pressure in my skull that makes head feel like an over pressurized tire readying to burst that I fully recognized it as such.

Lying there I could feel myself lying edging toward all out panic, as this was new level of feeling unable to care myself then I had ever experienced following the accident. Because before I could somewhat easily will myself beyond the fear of physical pain; observing it as just something happening to the body not my true self. But as I said; this was different. What made it different was what happened to me Tuesday night while doing nothing but allowing myself to rest at the end of day. When suddenly a powerful bolt of what I can only describe as lightening pain energy shot to core of brain, disrupting all circuitry, causing me to freeze entirely, unable to speak coherently for at least a good thirty minutes, while I bit by bit brought my consciousness came back online. But even then I could still feel it pulsing just below the surface of my scalp like an electric volcano ready to erupt again at anytime.

In the days following I have kept hoping that I would return the level I had adjusted to before this most recent event, but that was not happening. In fact, this new level of pain, pressure, and discomfort was seeming to be my new norm, and what made this even more deeply troubling than before, was that I was finding it impossible to get to the sanctuary of stillness and silence so that I could view my rapidly racing mind without attachment to it. Fears long thought addressed bombarding me with insecurities of every kind. What are you going to do if this continues get worse? How will your take care of yourself if you can’t even think straight now? How will you take care and support all those you LOVE and feel responsible for so deeply when you can barely function? Will anyone still LOVE me if I am of no use? But then just as felt myself about to fall into a coma of despair I sensed that familiar voice rising from my heart asking me; What is you are really afraid of? Urging me; Go deeper? Was is that I wouldn’t be able to care for myself and others, as a caregiver this is tied deeply to my being? No, that was to worry about something that had not happened yet and right now, all is good. So no reason to be afraid of what doesn’t exist that, at least, I already knew. Was it that I might die or become completely incapacitated? No, not that either, as I had moved largely beyond attached to this form and long ago faced and embraced my fear of death. So nothing to be afraid of there either. Maybe it was that I feared not being LOVED? Of course! But, no I have nothing but LOVE for self and I embrace that all other is self, and I wasn’t feeling as if I was falling out of LOVE with self, that too felt silly. So what was the terror that had me hanging on the edge of mental collapse? Then came the light-bulb moment, three little words; I don’t know... What; I thought? Repeating the words thrust into my consciousness from source; I don’t know...

Yes, that’s it that’s what I was so filled with dread by, that’s was what made this level so strikingly different that all the levels I had moved beyond before (or thought I had moved beyond before), I truly didn’t know what would was going to happen with any of those things, no more safety net of any kind, now that I was becoming ever more incapacitated, to the point of being useless to anyone - I felt - now that I could barely form or hold a thought in my broken head. At the very least before, what I was able to rely subconsciously, was so long as I had my brain functioning somewhat properly I could think my way to a solution for anything. But it seemed - as I just mentioned - even that was stripped from me. Now my mind just kept repeating; you are the helpless, helper, the caretaker in need of care. What will happen to you? What will happen to all those you LOVE and feel responsible for? Again came the three simple words; I don’t know... Over and over again; I don’t know, I don’t know. I don’t know... Until finally my mind released and conscious awareness returned; of course that is what I feared most, what we all feared most, not knowing, not having control. And even though I thought that I had completely accepted my own not knowingness there were still obviously threads of doubt that lingered, cob webs in corners of the attic of my mind.

I then surrendered to these three simple words that would end my suffering. Not my pain, not the worsening effects from my injury, not what would happen to me (even the death of my story), but my suffering; I don’t know... With that, the brain still furiously vibrating, I rose, I wrote, I did chores, I did all I could, and then just allowed all that was happening to and for me to happen - without resistance of false belief of control - as is it has, is and will regardless. I put all my faith in the LOVE I Am, All Is to provide for me, as it always has. Which meant having absolute faith in all those who fill and come into my story now, to be there for me without condition, as I have always tried to be for others. Not an easy thing for any of us, especially now, to have faith and put trust in each other, but if one truly embraces the Supreme Reality. LOVE they Are. All Is, then one must have absolute faith in other. For if one does not have faith in other, then one does not have faith in LOVE, in true self, and the experience of being separate, alone in fear, in illusion of suffering continues on.

This is why surrendering to, I don’t know... are the three simple words that will end all suffering. Because if one absolutely surrenders to, I don’t know... they surrender all delusions of control, of knowing. They accept the Supreme Reality, LOVE is All, becoming the witnesses to the happening, happening to the story of them without expectation of changing the outcome, thus ending struggle and entering flow...

What will Be will Be, and I accept I don’t know what it will Be. I also accept absolutely what Is, Is LOVE, and I accept I don’t know... even the slightest bit about it, but I LOVE that I don’t now and can’t ever know; embracing that in reality of LOVE there is nothing to know...

Surrender with me, to all the LOVE that Is We; I DON'T KNOW...

Be Free the shackles of your, of our suffering...

just LOVE...

Kip Baldwin

#justLOVEmovement #justagape #kipbaldwin #EvanHirsch #SOUL #AllLOVE #soulofunconditionalLOVE #loveonhaight #jamminon #loveistheanswer #oshalla #souldocumentary


"We think that by protecting ourselves from suffering, we are being kind to ourselves. The truth is we only become more fearful, more hardened and more alienated. We experience ourselves as being separate from the whole. This separateness becomes like a prison for us - a prison that restricts us to our personal hopes and fears, and to caring only for the people nearest to us. Curiously enough, if we primarily try to shield ourselves from discomfort, we suffer. Yet, when we don't close off, when we let our hearts break, we discover our kinship with all beings." ~ Pema Chodron


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