Three Secrets to Success

Three Secrets to Success

Are you trying to grow your business and keep hitting a roadblock?

Here are a few secrets that keep me motivated and inspired.

Get Creative

So, you've hit a roadblock? Instead of doing what's easy, find a better way. I'm not saying I'm super successful but every time I'm in a difficult situation, I take a deep breath and tell myself, "There's got to be another way." And most of the time? There is.

It’s easy to give in and accept defeat. It’s more difficult to sit and plan a different route. We justify our defeat by saying others will understand if we throw in the towel. Getting creative with our failure means we take a step back and evaluate it with different eyes. If you can’t reel in the customers or clients, how can you change your strategy in order to do that? Does it mean creating a different social media strategy? More social media engagement? More ads to target a different group of people that you haven’t thought to serve?

Whatever you decide, there are often multiple solutions. Think about how many different businesses there are in your category. Instead of being overwhelmed by the competition, recognize that others have been successful and you can too. All it takes is a different approach, a different theme, mission, or way of serving.

Get creative and step back into it again.

Be Consistent

Are you struggling with insecurities? Post anyway. Show up anyway. Be consistent in your presence or people will be consistent with their absence. It’s easy to feel Imposter Syndrome. I definitely felt this when I started Profit Chatter in 2018. I struggled with starting my business for years because I didn’t feel like my business was perfect yet and there were already so many people in this field. This year, I realized that I am unique and I have a unique set of talents, background, and set of experiences to bring to the table that will make a difference to others in their business. And while yes, there are many different businesses like mine who may have more experience, I no longer feel insecure by that but inspired to build myself to where they are.

What’s different this time is my consistency. I’m showing up everyday to do this work. Most days I’m showing up all day everyday but I genuinely love doing this so I approach my keyboard with pride and joy to do this work. I won’t put my computer down this time. For months and years, I had this gnawing thought in the back of my head that Profit Chatter could be so much bigger than I thought if I actually showed up and did the work. The work may take months to build for you but that consistency of showing up, learning, and showing others that you’re not going anywhere is inspiring and they see that.

Work hard and show up. The rest will come.

Do It Afraid

It doesn't have to be perfect. You just have to start. I didn’t start Profit Chatter for months because I was too afraid that it wasn’t perfect. It didn’t measure up to other agencies who have been around for years. I had the experience and the motivation but this fear kept me from launching forward. We all start somewhere. I was so afraid it wouldn't be perfect. I showed up, decided to do it afraid and I'm finding it is the most rewarding, exciting work I've ever done. I love creating and helping others. It’s truly the best of both worlds.

Start your business. Start your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn page.

Do it afraid but get it done.

Contact me today for a free consultation on growing your business. I’m here for you.

Kim R Beard, MDiv-MJS

Minister/Transformational Speaker/Teacher (self-employed)

3 年

This is so encouraging!


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