The three reasons your business goals fail.
Over the years working with Business Managers and Owners I have found that there are three reasons why goals fail:
- You didn’t set a goal.
As amusing as this may seem to some people I have seen the most successful people fail due to this one point. Some people don’t create a goal for their business or their career etc at all, on the other hand some Business Owners and Managers I have come across didn’t realize that they achieved their goals and didn’t set a new one.
- The goal wasn’t achievable
Now some people who talk about setting goals will suggest that you should set a goal that it easy to achieve. I want to tell you that is not what I mean.
For a goal to be achievable you need to do a thorough review of what you currently have, what you need to create to achieve the goal, and the work and resources needed to get there.
If you don’t get the resources in place or you underestimate what you need to do to get the goal you will fail to achieve it. Find out what you need to be able to do and really work hard to get there.
- The goal was to low.
Don’t forget to set your goals high and shoot for high targets. One of the things about goals is that when you shoot for the floor you will get the floor, if you shoot for the moon even if you don’t get to the moon you won’t be on the floor.
In business it’s often harder to make just enough money to get by than it is to become a millionaire, so have an easier life and aim to be a millionaire at least.
On the other side of this there is an old saying “Under promise and Over deliver”. I would suggest that you “deliver what you promise”, but be prepared to step outside what is comfortable and go like hell for it.
I hope that this helps.
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Best Wishes
Greg Paul
Managing Director
Digital Tiger