Three reasons why we use jargon
Gabrielle Dolan
I teach people how to tell stories more effectively in business. International keynote speaker. Best-selling author. Podcaster - Keeping it Real with Jac and Ral. ???
Ever wondered why we use jargon? In my latest Real Communication video, I explore three reasons why we are addicted to jargon. I would love to hear your thoughts on the reasons why you think we love to use jargon in business.
Real Communication
The problem with jargon and clichés is that they seem really obvious when we’re on the outside looking in. But they can seem to work just ?ne when we’re on the inside of a certain group, not bothering to look up or out. In my latest book, Real Communication - How to be you and lead true, I explore this concept further, alongside practical ways you can ensure you communicate with authenticity. My hope is that this book will help business leaders truly connect and engage with their teams, customers, and coworkers.
In our fast changing world, our customers and employees’ expectations have evolved faster than ever before. Jargon, command and control leadership just doesn’t work anymore, especially for the younger generations. People are looking for and will respond to genuine and authentic leadership they can trust. This book will make you completely rethink how you lead, communicate and behave to be a more inclusive leader and possibly reassess your own values to be successful in the future, professionally and personally.” Michael Ebeid AM, Group Executive, Enterprise at Telstra
Gabrielle Dolan is a best selling author and international speaker on business storytelling and authentic leadership. She is also the founder of Jargon Free Fridays. Her latest book, Real Communication: How to be you and lead true, can be purchased here. Follow this link to find out more about Gabrielle.?