Three Reasons for Industrial Location Guidance
Keystone Assembly Solutions, LLC
We are a Specialized Distributor focusing on Advanced Assembly, Precision Torque and Ergonomic Handling Solutions.
With Atlas Copco’s Industrial Location Guidance (ILG) system, operational productivity is reaching new heights. The error-proofing technology of ILG aligns perfectly with Industry 4.0 and makes errors in assembly much harder to come by. This is due to ILG’s visual operator guidance system, which indicates which bolts need to be tightened next and to what specifications.
This article will review three ways in which ILG positively affects productivity with time-saving measures that include: ensuring consistent production quality, reducing the need for additional quality checks throughout the manufacturing process, and reducing time spent on troubleshooting and job setup.
Visual operator guidance
With Industrial Location Guidance, operators never need to worry about proper bolt sequencing again. Comprised of location guidance software, positioning hardware, and a tightening controller, the system combines the functionality of a tightening system with advanced positioning and process control on the line. This means operators will know exactly what order to tighten bolts and the corresponding specifications, ensuring that it is done right every time.
How is ILG able to accomplish this? By tracking the tool’s exact location relative to the fastening position. This feature provides users with the confidence that each product was done with acute accuracy, regardless of operator.
Quality Assurance
Quality checks are essential in ensuring that your assembly is free of faults; however, the need for additional quality checks takes valuable time away from being productive on the line. ILG can give back some of that time by enabling consistent product quality through process security. Regardless of the operator, products will be made right the first time, every time, which reduces the need for additional, time-consuming Quality Assurance processes later.
Quick, easy installation and setup
Saving time and reducing costs is easy with ILG’s user-friendly features. Reduced job setup and programming time mean operators will spend less time switching between jobs and more time completing tasks. Furthermore, with clear diagnostics for ease of maintenance and troubleshooting, ILG can save users even more time.
To sum it up
Increased productivity is made easy with Industrial Location Guidance. It offers time-saving features such as operator guidance, quality assurance, and a quick installation process. With fewer distractions, quality checks, and user training, operators will be more productive on the line.
Want to learn more??Contact us?to schedule a demo today!