Three Reasons that 2022 is the Very Best Time Ever to Restart Your Career
Grant Cooper
"Most Recommended" on LinkedIn for New Orleans & Southeast U.S. - Award-Winning Resume Services & Executive Career Coach with 8,000+ Endorsements, 100s of Testimonials | Creating 6-Figure Success for Today's Jobseekers
1. The 2022 Economy is Expected to Rebound Nicely from Covid
2. The "Great Resignation" Means More Jobs Are Available
3. Virtual, Remote & Flex Jobs Are Increasingly Common
Now is a Great Time to Get Your Career Plan Back on Track
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Nearly all companies and organizations have a strategic plan, complete with specific steps, analysis, and recommendations, and for good reason... "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail."
As a Career Coach, I guide my clients to:
1) Develop Their 2022 Custom Career Plan
2) Upgrade Their Toolkit
(Resume, Cover Letter, LinkedIn)
3) Create an Outreach Strategy
4) Refine Their Interviewing Skills
5) Execute Their Plan to Land Their Best Job
Grant Cooper, founder of Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching, serves on the Board of the NRWA (the nation's largest non-profit resume writing association), has appeared as career expert on CBS, ABC, NBC & FOX, has published more than 300 media and journal articles, teaches seminars at major industry conferences, volunteers his services for nonprofit organizations, and is a judge for national resume writing competitions. Grant ?won the national Career Directors International President's Award?(CDI National Conference, Orlando, FL).
Grant has assisted the U.S. Air Force, Kinko's, the Louisiana Dept. of Labor, the City of New Orleans, NFL & NBA clients, as well as universities, regional banks, healthcare institutions, celebrities, nonprofits, and Fortune 500 corporations.
You can email Grant personally at his desk:[email protected]