Three Qualities Exhibited by Great Leaders
Michael L. Castelli
Executive Sales & Operations Leader | Business Development & Market Expansion | M&A | Sales Training & Development | Strategic Leadership & Partnerships | B2B | Specializes in High-Dollar Revenue & Profit Growth
There are many qualities exhibited by great leaders.?Remaining calm during stressful situations, properly articulating well thought out plans, as well as the willingness to readdress strategic planning when times or circumstances demand change, are just a few that always come to mind.?However, if I were to highlight the three qualities that seem to be displayed in very successful leaders time and time again, I believe it would come down to -
·????????Quiet Confidence
Resiliency is simply the ability of an individual to bounce back from difficult times.?In its simplest form, resiliency is a quality born from life’s many lessons and the skills developed from these lessons help us overcome obstacles throughout our personal and professional careers.?Great leaders exhibit resiliency and look at setbacks as “normal” along the path to success.?Very often setbacks simply cannot be avoided, so you might as well learn from them.
Humility is an attribute that means?you're free from egotism and arrogance. ?Exhibiting humility simply means you tend to think of others more, including how your actions can affect those you work with and the customers and clients you serve.?Great leaders understand that their actions impact the lives of the people that report to them, as well as their families.?This can also be true of their clients and customers.?
Success as a leader comes from one’s ability to not only motivate, but to motivate with substance.?Providing your team and clients with the tools they require to be successful.?From their continued success will come your success, never the other way around.?Lead with humility.
Quiet Confidence can be described as?a quiet assurance that you are confident in yourself and your abilities. It's not about being loud or boastful, but rather a quiet self-assurance.?Great leaders display quiet confidence.?It’s about how you address others.?Are you respecting team members at all levels within the organization??Or are you disrespecting others with no regard to how this will impact their morale??
When great leaders exhibit quiet confidence, they never have to force team members to follow them.?Their actions and how they get results makes others “want” to follow them.?Early in my career I had a mentor that used to tell me that I should never boast about my accomplishments or sales achievements.?It was more important to carry myself in a professional fashion and exhibit quiet confidence, never arrogance.?Your achievements should always speak for themselves, however, how you carry yourself and how you treat others will always make the most powerful and lasting impression throughout your career.
I hope this article opened your eyes to the power of displaying resiliency, humility, and quiet confidence in all your professional and personal interactions. ?Remember, experience is useless if you don’t share it.
Best of luck in 2023!?-MC