The Three Positioning, cyclical troughs, development potential, rippling effects, and terminal products
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press events:
After going through a cyclical trough, electronic products have gradually resumed growth. Statistics from research institutes show that global shipments of mobile phones and laptops increased by about 10% and 4% in the first quarter, demonstrating strong momentum for recovery.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)
Event quote:
As destocking in major overseas markets began to take effect, there is a strong demand for restocking furniture, textile and apparel products. Sports events such as the Olympic Games have also driven the demand for TV sets and other products. The export value of home appliances increased by 23.5% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 下半年,中国外贸发展面临的形势仍然比较复杂。主要表现在:外需增势并不稳固,主要市场补库存力度和持续性有待观察,加上地缘政治、贸易壁垒、航运价格等干扰因素增多,企业接单履约仍面临较多不确定性。?
In the second half of the year, China’s foreign trade still needs to navigate complex situations--precarious growth in external demand, question marks over the scale and sustainability of restocking in major markets, disruptions from geopolitics, trade barriers, and shipping price. With these factors at play, businesses still face uncertainties in receiving orders and contract fulfillment. We will continue to foster synergy between the policies for stabilizing foreign trade, and take concrete steps to help enterprises overcome difficulties. We will work to foster new growth drivers for foreign trade, and strive for its quality growth and stability. Thank you.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)
Event quote:
As destocking in major overseas markets began to take effect, there is a strong demand for restocking furniture, textile and apparel products. Sports events such as the Olympic Games have also driven the demand for TV sets and other products. The export value of home appliances increased by 23.5% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 1-4月,新能源汽车占汽车整体出口金额比重提升至42.9%,对汽车出口增长贡献率达51.6%。?
From January to April [2023], the share of new energy vehicles in total export value reached 42.9%, contributing 51.6% to the growth of auto exports.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_May 25, 2023)
In the second half of the year [2024], China’s foreign trade still needs to navigate complex situations--precarious growth in external demand, question marks over the scale and sustainability of restocking in major markets, disruptions from geopolitics, trade barriers, and shipping price. With these factors at play, businesses still face uncertainties in receiving orders and contract fulfillment. We will continue to foster synergy between the policies for stabilizing foreign trade, and take concrete steps to help enterprises overcome difficulties. We will work to foster new growth drivers for foreign trade, and strive for its quality growth and stability. Thank you.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 日前,德国联邦议院选择党党团主席魏德尔公开指出,西方强硬派固守过时的冷战思维,傲慢地否认俄罗斯大国地位,给乌克兰许下加入北约这一根本无法兑现的承诺,犯下灾难性的历史错误。制裁无法结束乌克兰的战事,各方需要的是现实、清醒地看待地缘政治,尽最大努力建立超越东西方阵营思维的欧洲安全机制。?
Alice Weidel, co-leader of the German political party Alternative for Germany (AfD), said in public that the hardliners in the West who still live by the outdated logic of the Cold War have promised Ukraine the impossible membership in NATO, thus arrogantly denying Russia’s great power status. It is a historical failure. Sanctions will not be able to end the war in Ukraine. All parties should approach geopolitics with a realistic and cool-headed view and make all-out effort to create a European security architecture, but only without the black-and-white thinking that we are the West and they are the East.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 8, 2022)?
?? 中方坚决反对各种“小圈子”,反对以邻为壑、挑起地缘政治冲突,倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的新型安全观,主张各国和各国人民应共同享受安全保障,携手应对各种问题和挑战。
China firmly opposes all kinds of small cliques. We reject the beggar-thy-neighbor approach and efforts to stoke geopolitical conflicts. China champions a new thinking on common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and believes that all countries and their people should enjoy security together and jointly rise up to all kinds of problems and challenges.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 26, 2022)?
?? 反恐不应成为大国博弈的工具、地缘政治的筹码,更不能成为干涉别国内政的借口。?
Counterterrorism should not become a tool of major-country rivalry or a leverage in geopolitics, still less an excuse to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 23, 2021)?
?? 以意识形态划线、搞地缘政治小圈子,终究是没有前途的。?
Attempts to draw ideological lines or form small circles on geopolitical grounds are bound to fail.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the APEC CEO Summit_ 习近平在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上的主旨演讲_2021_11_11)
Event quote:
After going through a cyclical trough, electronic products have gradually resumed growth. Statistics from research institutes show that global shipments of mobile phones and laptops increased by about 10% and 4% in the first quarter, demonstrating strong momentum for recovery.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 出台支持汽车、家居、电子产品、旅游等消费政策,大宗消费稳步回升,生活服务消费加快恢复。?
Thanks to policies to boost consumer spending such as those on automobiles, home furnishing, electronic products, and tourism, spending on big-ticket items steadily picked up and consumption of consumer services recovered quickly.? (政府工作报告_2024)?
?? 美国战略与国际问题研究中心等机构认为,中国电动汽车电池、电子产品、矿产等出口强劲,不少产业全球竞争力领先。?
Institutions such as the US Center for Strategic and International Studies believe that China’s exports remain strong in electric vehicle batteries, electronic products and minerals and quite a few Chinese industries have become globally competitive.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 4, 2024)?
?? 手机、家电等消费电子产品回升势头明显,11月集成电路进口金额增速年内首次转正,进口量连续3个月增长,显示出终端电子产品的出口需求有所改观。?
Mobile phones, home appliances and other consumer electronics have seen a notable momentum of recovery and growth. In November, integrated circuit imports registered positive growth in value for the first time in 2023, with the volume of imports increasing for three consecutive months, showing the improvement in export demand for electronic products.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 14, 2023)?
?? 一方面,会同相关部门落实好前期已出台的家居、汽车、电子产品等领域促消费政策,确保政策落地见效。?
... we will work with relevant departments to implement the policies to promote consumption of home furnishing, automobiles, and electronic products to ensure that the policies are effective.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)
Event quote:
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement with the largest population coverage, the largest trade scale and the largest development potential in the world. It is an important milestone in regional economic integration in the Asia-Pacific.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 新能源产品的需求不断增长,未来发展潜力巨大。?
Demand for new energy products keeps growing, speaking to huge potential for further development.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_April 25, 2024)?
?? 我想强调的是,在全球化背景下,判断产能是否过剩,要从全球市场需求和未来发展潜力来看。?
I want to stress that in a globalized world, one needs to look at the global market demand and future development potential to see whether there is overcapacity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 9, 2024)?
?? 非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,也是全球最具发展潜力的地区。?
Home to more developing countries than any other continent, Africa has more development potential than any other region in the world.? (Xi_Jinping_Keeping Abreast of the Trend of the Times to Achieve Common Development_顺应时代潮流实现共同发展_2018年7月25)?
?? 2015年中药工业总产值7866亿元,占医药产业规模的28.55%,成为新的经济增长点;中药材种植成为农村产业结构调整、生态环境改善、农民增收的重要举措;中药产品贸易额保持较快增长,2015年中药出口额达37.2亿美元,显示出巨大的海外市场发展潜力。?
In 2015, the total output value of the TCM pharmaceutical industry was RMB786.6 billion, accounting for 28.55 percent of the total generated by the country's pharmaceutical industry, and becoming a new source of growth in China's economy. Planting Chinese medicinal herbs has become a key means of adjusting the rural industrial structure, improving the eco-environment, and increasing farmers' incomes. Trade in Chinese medicinal products has maintained rapid growth, and the export value of Chinese medicines amounted to US$3.72 billion in 2015, signifying the great potential of Chinese medicines in overseas markets.? (White_Paper_Traditional Chinese Medicine in China_《中国的中医药》白皮书_2016_12_06)
Event quote:
In order to accelerate the development of modern commercial distribution systems, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance launched, in batches, pilot programs for modern commercial distribution system in some cities in 2024. The aim is to foster a number of modern commercial distribution hubs with integrated urban and rural development, strong rippling effect, and resilient supply chains.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 完善国家实验室运行管理机制,发挥国际和区域科技创新中心辐射带动作用。?
We will improve the running of national laboratories and leverage the leading role of international and regional centers for scientific and technological innovation.? (政府工作报告_2024)?
?? 要加快推进瓜达尔港配套基础设施建设,发挥港口对地区联通发展的辐射带动作用。?
It is important to accelerate the construction of auxiliary infrastructure for Gwadar Port to unleash its role in driving interconnected development in the region.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 2, 2022)?
?? 持续优化城镇化空间布局,更好发挥超大特大城市对周边市县辐射带动作用,培育形成现代化都市圈。?
We will continue to improve urban spatial distribution, leverage the role of large and mega cities in driving the development of surrounding cities and counties, and develop modern metropolitan areas.? (Report on the Implementation of the 2021 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2022 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development )?
?? 中国企业乘着共建“一带一路”的东风,发挥广泛的辐射带动作用,在实现自身发展的同时,积极促进东道国经济社会发展、民生改善、环境保护,实现互利共赢,以实际行动推动构建开放型世界经济。?
Making full use of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese enterprises have boosted growth around the world. While achieving self-development, they have actively promoted the economic and social development, livelihood improvement and environmental protection in host countries, delivering win-win results and advancing the building of an open world economy with concrete actions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 29, 2021)
Event quote:
5月当月,在一些积极因素的支撑下,中国货物贸易总体保持稳中有进的态势,表现符合预期。从行业角度来看,以下3类产品市场需求稳定:一是消费电子类产品。在渡过周期性低谷后,电子产品逐步恢复增长,据研究机构统计,一季度手机、笔记本电脑全球出货量分别增长约10%、4%,复苏回暖势头明显。在终端产品需求带动下,5月中国集成电路出口、进口金额分别增长34.8%、22%。二是家居产品。海外主要市场去库存取得一定效果,家具、纺织服装等产品补库存动力较强,奥运会等一系列体育赛事也带动了电视机等产品的需求,5月家电出口金额增长23.5%。三是部分高附加值机电产品。我国汽车、船舶依托完整产业链和技术优势,产品竞争力不断增强,5月出口金额分别增长20.3%、67.7%。下半年,中国外贸发展面临的形势仍然比较复杂。主要表现在:外需增势并不稳固,主要市场补库存力度和持续性有待观察,加上地缘政治、贸易壁垒、航运价格等干扰因素增多,企业接单履约仍面临较多不确定性。我们将进一步发挥稳外贸政策的综合效能,切实帮助企业纾困解难,持续培育外贸新动能,全力推动外贸质升量稳。? In
May [2024], thanks to some positive factors, China’s trade in goods has maintained stability and scored progress. Its performance has met our expectations. Market demand for the following three types of products remain stable: First, consumer electronic products. After going through a cyclical trough, electronic products have gradually resumed growth. Statistics from research institutes show that global shipments of mobile phones and laptops increased by about 10% and 4% in the first quarter, demonstrating strong momentum for recovery. Driven by the demand for terminal products, China’s export and import of integrated circuits increased by 34.8% and 22% in May. Second, housewares and homeware. As destocking in major overseas markets began to take effect, there is a strong demand for restocking furniture, textile and apparel products. Sports events such as the Olympic Games have also driven the demand for TV sets and other products. The export value of home appliances increased by 23.5% in May. Third, some high value-added mechanical and electrical products. China’s export of automobiles and vessels increased by 20.3% and 67.7% in May, thanks to the strengths of comprehensive industrial chains and advanced technology. In the second half of the year, China’s foreign trade still needs to navigate complex situations--precarious growth in external demand, question marks over the scale and sustainability of restocking in major markets, disruptions from geopolitics, trade barriers, and shipping price. With these factors at play, businesses still face uncertainties in receiving orders and contract fulfillment. We will continue to foster synergy between the policies for stabilizing foreign trade, and take concrete steps to help enterprises overcome difficulties. We will work to foster new growth drivers for foreign trade, and strive for its quality growth and stability.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 近几个月,中国货物贸易呈现回稳向上的势头,以人民币计进出口增速连续4个月回升,10月、11月均实现正增长。综合来看,外贸发展的积极因素不断累积,回稳态势持续巩固:一是贸易活跃度继续上升。中国出口贸易量自8月起同比由降转增,且增幅持续扩大,11月当月出口量增长12%,达到二季度以来峰值。与此同时,进口贸易量连续10个月保持正增长。量的稳步增长是外贸稳规模优结构的重要支撑。二是外部需求呈现回暖迹象。11月当月,中国对美出口结束14个月的下降,转为增长9.6%,对日、韩等进出口降幅收窄。手机、家电等消费电子产品回升势头明显,11月集成电路进口金额增速年内首次转正,进口量连续3个月增长,显示出终端电子产品的出口需求有所改观。三是企业预期持续改善。商务部跟踪调查显示,外贸企业出口订单情况连续6个月好转。接下来,商务部将按照中央经济工作会议部署,会同相关部门和地方全力培育外贸新动能、巩固外贸外资基本盘、拓展外贸新空间,为广大外贸企业发展创新提供坚实的政策和服务保障。?
In recent months, China’s trade in goods has shown a steady upward momentum, and the growth rate of imports and exports in renminbi terms has picked up for four consecutive months, with positive growth in October and November. The positive factors for the development of foreign trade continue to build up, further contributing to the stabilization of trade: First, trade activity continues to rise. China’s exports have bucked the trend since August, and the growth rate has continued to expand. Exports rose 12% in November, reaching the peak since the second quarter. At the same time, imports have maintained positive growth for 10 consecutive months. The steady growth of trade volume is an important support for stabilizing and improving the structure of foreign trade. Second, external demand shows signs of recovery. In November, China’s exports to the United States grew by 9.6%, ending a 14-month decline, while the decrease in imports from and exports to Japan and South Korea narrowed. Mobile phones, home appliances and other consumer electronics have seen a notable momentum of recovery and growth. In November, integrated circuit imports registered positive growth in value for the first time in 2023, with the volume of imports increasing for three consecutive months, showing the improvement in export demand for electronic products. Third, business expectations continue to improve. According to the monitoring and survey of MOFCOM, the export orders of foreign trade enterprises have improved for six consecutive months. Going forward, in accordance with the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, MOFCOM will work with relevant ministries and localities to cultivate new growth drivers of foreign trade, keep the fundamentals of foreign trade and foreign investment stable, open new space for foreign trade, and provide strong policy support and efficient services for the development and innovation of foreign trade enterprises.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 14, 2023)?
?? 我们注意到,据美方数据显示,2022年美国和中国货物贸易总额达6906亿美元,创历史新纪录。?
We have noticed that according to American data, in 2022, the total trade in goods between the United States and China reached USD690.6 billion, setting a new record in history.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 16, 2023)? ?? 2022年,双边货物贸易额超过2200亿美元,为两国企业和人民带来了实实在在的利益。? In 2022, bilateral trade exceeded US$220 billion, bringing real benefits to Chinese and Australian businesses and peoples.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 16, 2023)?
?? 我国成为一百四十多个国家和地区的主要贸易伙伴,货物贸易总额居世界第一,吸引外资和对外投资居世界前列,形成更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放格局。?
China has become a major trading partner for more than 140 countries and regions, it leads the world in total volume of trade in goods, and it is a major destination for global investment and a leading country in outbound investment. Through these efforts, we have advanced a broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)?
Event quote:
Driven by the demand for terminal products, China’s export and import of integrated circuits increased by 34.8% and 22% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 近几个月,中国货物贸易呈现回稳向上的势头,以人民币计进出口增速连续4个月回升,10月、11月均实现正增长。 ... 外部需求呈现回暖迹象。11月当月,中国对美出口结束14个月的下降,转为增长9.6%,对日、韩等进出口降幅收窄。手机、家电等消费电子产品回升势头明显,11月集成电路进口金额增速年内首次转正,进口量连续3个月增长,显示出终端电子产品的出口需求有所改观。?
Mobile phones, home appliances and other consumer electronics have seen a notable momentum of recovery and growth. In November [2023], integrated circuit imports registered positive growth in value for the first time in 2023, with the volume of imports increasing for three consecutive months, showing the improvement in export demand for electronic products.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 14, 2023)
??? 中国是世界最大的半导体市场,中国集成电路进口额每年近6000亿美元。?
China is the world’s biggest market of semiconductors. China’s import of integrated circuits is close to $600 billion every year.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 3, 2023)?
?? 知识产权是权利人依法就下列客体享有的专有的权利:(一)作品;(二)发明、实用新型、外观设计;(三)商标;(四)地理标志;(五)商业秘密;(六)集成电路布图设计;
…? Intellectual property rights are the exclusive rights enjoyed by the right holders in accordance with law over the following subject matters:? (1) works;? (2) inventions, new utility models, or designs;? (3) trademarks;? (4) geographical indications;? (5) trade secrets;? (6) layout designs of integrated circuits; …? (Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China_中华人民共和国民法典_2020_05_28)?
?? 据我们了解,在上海发布的首批“白名单”的666家企业中,有247家是外资企业,涉及集成电路、汽车制造、装备制造、生物医药等重点行业,大众、特斯拉等重点外资企业已经在有序复工复产。?
According to our knowledge, the first group of 666 companies on the white list include 247 FIEs, covering important industries such as integrated circuit, auto-making, equipment manufacturing, and bio-pharmacy. Major FIEs, such as Volkswagen and Tesla, are resuming work and production in an orderly fashion.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_April 28, 2022)
Event quote:
... 家居产品。海外主要市场去库存取得一定效果,家具、纺织服装等产品补库存动力较强,奥运会等一系列体育赛事也带动了电视机等产品的需求,5月家电出口金额增长23.5%。?
... housewares and homeware. As destocking in major overseas markets began to take effect, there is a strong demand for restocking furniture, textile and apparel products. Sports events such as the Olympic Games have also driven the demand for TV sets and other products. The export value of home appliances increased by 23.5% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 一些流通企业、电商平台绿色智能家电、家居产品销售增长20%以上。?
The sales of green and smart home appliances and home products by some distribution enterprises and e-commerce platforms increased by more than 20%.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference September 16, 2021)
Event quote:
In the second half of the year [2024], China’s foreign trade still needs to navigate complex situations--precarious growth in external demand, question marks over the scale and sustainability of restocking in major markets, disruptions from geopolitics, trade barriers, and shipping price. With these factors at play, businesses still face uncertainties in receiving orders and contract fulfillment. We will continue to foster synergy between the policies for stabilizing foreign trade, and take concrete steps to help enterprises overcome difficulties. We will work to foster new growth drivers for foreign trade, and strive for its quality growth and stability. Thank you.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 台湾地区对大陆贸易限制措施构成贸易壁垒,违反《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》(ECFA)有关规定,严重损害大陆相关产业和企业利益,也损害了台湾消费者利益。民进党当局应当切实采取有效措施,取消对大陆的贸易限制。我们始终尊重、关爱、造福台湾同胞,在一个中国原则的基础上,两岸可以就经贸关系中的各类问题进行磋商。?
The trade restrictions of the Taiwan region on the Mainland constitute trade barriers, and violate the provisions of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), seriously damage the interests of relevant industries and enterprises on the Mainland, and the interests of consumers in Taiwan. We urge the authorities in Taiwan to take effective measures to lift the trade restrictions. As always, we respect, care for and aim to deliver for our compatriots in Taiwan. On the basis of the One-China principle, the Taiwan region and the Mainland may hold consultations on various issues in the economic and trade context.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 11, 2024)?
?? RCEP为促进地区一体化、推动地区发展繁荣注入了强劲动力。无论是关税减让、促进贸易便利化,还是提升投资政策透明度,减少技术性贸易壁垒,都为参与方带来实实在在的收益。以中国为例,作为RCEP中的最大经济体,2022年中国与RCEP其他成员进出口总额达12.95万亿元人民币,同比增长7.5%;实际利用RCEP其他成员投资235.3亿美元,同比增长23.1%。?
RCEP has actually given a strong boost to regional integration, development and prosperity. It has delivered tangible benefits for participating states in terms of tariff concession, trade facilitation, greater transparency in investment policies and fewer technical trade barriers. Take China, the largest economy within RCEP, for example. In 2022, trade between China and other RCEP members reached RMB 12.95 trillion, up by 7.5 percent, while their investment in China, in actual use, went up 23.1 percent to USD 23.53 billion.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 14, 2023)?
?? RCEP简化行政程序,减少贸易壁垒,必将有力推动地区实现更高质量、更深层次的区域经济一体化。?
By simplifying administrative procedures and reducing trade barriers, the RCEP will give a strong boost to regional economic integration with higher quality and at deeper levels.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 4, 2022)?
?? 欧方应客观理性看待中国和中国发展,不断扩大市场准入,推动贸易投资的自由化、便利化,减少贸易壁垒,特别是避免增加新的壁垒。?
The EU should view China and its development in an objective and rational way, continue to expand market access, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, reduce trade barriers and, in particular, refrain from erecting new barriers.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 7, 2021)
Event quote:
As destocking in major overseas markets began to take effect, there is a strong demand for restocking furniture, textile and apparel products. Sports events such as the Olympic Games have also driven the demand for TV sets and other products. The export value of home appliances increased by 23.5% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 完善粮食库存消化政策,分品种把握好去库存节奏和力度。?
We will improve the policies on reducing excess grain stockpiles, and maintain an appropriate tempo and intensity of reduction based on different varieties of grain.? (Report on the Execution of the Central and Local Budgets for 2018 and on the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019_ 关于2018年中央和地方预算执行情况与2019年中央和地方预算草案的报告)?
?? 粮油物资储备支出1177.15亿元,下降14.2%,主要是玉米、大豆去库存成效显著,相应减少利息费用补贴支出。?
Spending on stockpiling grain, edible oils, and other materials will total 117.715 billion yuan, a reduction of 14.2%, which is mainly due to the remarkable progress made in reducing excess stockpiles of corn and soybeans and a corresponding reduction in spending on subsidizing interest payments on loans for their stockpiling.? (Report on the Execution of the Central and Local Budgets for 2018 and on the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019_ 关于2018年中央和地方预算执行情况与2019年中央和地方预算草案的报告)?
?? 因城施策分类指导,三四线城市商品住宅去库存取得明显成效,热点城市房价涨势得到控制。?
Thanks to city-specific policies and category-specific guidance, clear progress has been made in reducing commercial residential housing inventory in third- and fourth-tier cities, and the growth of housing prices in the most popular cities has been brought under control.? (政府工作报告_2018)?
?? 支持农民工在城镇购房,提高棚改货币化安置比例,房地产去库存取得积极成效。?
We supported migrant workers in buying urban homes; and we increased the proportion of people affected by rebuilding in rundown urban areas receiving monetary compensation, making good progress in reducing real estate inventory.? (政府工作报告_2017)?
Event quote:
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement with the largest population coverage, the largest trade scale and the largest development potential in the world. It is an important milestone in regional economic integration in the Asia-Pacific. Since it entered into force one year ago, the RCEP has helped to promote wider and deeper openness and regional cooperation against higher standards, and boosted confidence in global economic recovery. First, it stimulated vitality for regional economic development. In 2023, intra-regional trade of RCEP members reached USD5.6 trillion, slightly higher than in 2021, before the agreement entered into force. Industrial chain and supply chain cooperation in the region has become closer. In 2023, RCEP members attracted USD234.1 billion greenfield investment, up 29.8%, 2.2 times that of 2021. Second, it has contributed to China’s high-standard opening-up. Trade in goods has made steady progress. In 2023, China’s import and export with other 14 RCEP members totaled RMB12.6 trillion, up 5.3% from 2021. Investment cooperation has increased. In 2023, China’s non-financial direct investment flows in other RCEP members reached USD18.06 billion, up 26%, 14 percentage points higher than China’s overall ODI growth. More enterprises have benefited from RCEP. In 2023, Chinese companies imported goods worth RMB90.52 billion using RCEP rules, with RMB2.36 billion of tax benefits. Going forward, MOFCOM will continue to work on the high-quality implementation of RCEP. Externally, we will give full play to China’s role as RCEP co-chair in 2024, take the lead to ensure all parties can implement the agreement effectively, so that the benefits of RCEP can be felt across the region. Internally, we will continue to provide support and services for enterprises to make full use of preferential measures of RCEP and other FTAs. We have recently published 28 best practices on the high-quality implementation of RCEP, covering four aspects: top-level design, trade in goods, trade in services and investment, and business environment. They can provide good reference for local governments in the implementation of RCEP, so that it can be better utilized and bring more benefits to enterprises.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)是区域一体化建设的里程碑式成果,是区域国家共享发展机遇的生动范例。实施两年来,区域贸易成本大幅降低,产业链、供应链的联系更加紧密,为参与方带来了实实在在的收益。作为RCEP中最大的经济体,中国始终秉持开放发展理念,推动高质量实施RCEP。我们在非东盟国家中率先完成协定核准,全面落实市场开放承诺,持续推动关税减免,为区域贸易投资和经济增长发挥了积极作用。成员国的产品以更低的贸易成本、更便利的通关条件进入中国市场。去年前11个月,中国自泰国、越南等RCEP成员国进口鲜榴莲总额达到466.1亿元,是2021年全年的1.7倍。我们愿意继续同各方一道,全面高质量实施RCEP,让这一全球最大自贸区不断释放红利,实现成员国共同发展繁荣。?
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a milestone in the integration of the Asia-Pacific and a vivid demonstration of regional countries sharing development opportunities. Since it entered into force two years ago, RCEP has greatly lowered the regional trade costs, strengthened industrial and supply chains and brought tangible benefits to its members. As the largest economy in RCEP, China is committed to development through openness, and the high-quality implementation of RCEP. China is the first non-ASEAN member to ratify RCEP. We have made every effort to deliver on the commitments on market access and ease tariffs, contributing our part to regional trade and investment and economic growth. RCEP members’ goods have entered China with lower trade costs and more convenient customs clearance. In the first 11 months of 2023, China imported from Thailand, Viet Nam and other RCEP members fresh durians worth RMB 46,61 billion, 1.7 times the amount for the entire year of 2021. We stand ready to work with all parties for all-round and high-quality implementation of RCEP to enable the world’s largest free trade area to unleash more benefits for common development and prosperity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 10, 2024)?
?? 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)2022年1月1日生效以来,商务部会同有关部门全面推进协定高质量实施工作,指导和支持地方、行业和企业抢抓RCEP机遇,高效利用RCEP市场开放承诺等各项优惠政策,推动协定政策红利逐步释放,我与RCEP其他成员贸易持续较快增长。根据海关统计,今年1-11月,我国与RCEP其他成员进出口总额11.8万亿元(人民币,下同),同比增长7.9%,占我国外贸进出口总额的30.7%。其中,我国向RCEP其他成员出口额达6.0万亿元,同比增长17.7%,超过全国出口总体增速5.8个百分点。随着协定的深入实施,其对区域内贸易投资的促进作用将持续显现。下一步,商务部将继续会同相关部门推进高质量实施RCEP等自贸协定,指导各地方、行业和企业用足用好协定,不断提升自贸协定综合利用效率。同时,我们将以RCEP为新起点,与更多贸易伙伴商签自贸协定,扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络;进一步提高货物贸易、服务贸易和投资市场开放水平,积极参与数字经济、环境保护等新规则议题谈判,稳步扩大规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放,更好服务构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展。?
Since the RCEP entered into force on January 1, 2022, MOFCOM has worked with related authorities to advance its sound implementation. We have guided and supported sub-national governments, industries, and businesses as they take advantage of the preferential policies brought by the RCEP, such as market access commitments. Trade between China and other RCEP members have grown steadily and rapidly. Customs statistics show that import and export between China and other RCEP members reached RMB11.8 trillion in the first 11 months of this year, up by 7.9%, accounting for 30.7% of the total import and export. Specifically, China’s exports to other RCEP members reached RMB6 trillion, up by 17.7%, beating the national average by 5.8 percentage points. As the agreement continues to be implemented, it will play a greater role in driving regional trade and investment. Going forward, MOFCOM will continue to work with other authorities to advance the high-quality implementation of the RCEP, guide sub-national governments, industries, and businesses in making full use of the agreement to improve its overall utilization. We will build on the RCEP and conclude more FTAs with our trading partners, as we move to expand a high-standard FTA network open to the world. We will continue to promote market openness for goods, services and investment, actively engage in negotiations on new rules regarding the digital economy, environmental protection, etc, and steadily expand institutional opening-up of rules, regulations, management, and standards. We will contribute further to the creation of the new development paradigm and high-quality development.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 29, 2022)?
?? 1月1日,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)在中国等10国正式生效,标志着全球人口最多、经贸规模最大、最具发展潜力的自由贸易区正式落地。?
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into effect on January 1 [2022] in 10 countries including China. It marks the formal launch of a free trade area featuring the largest population, biggest economic and trade scale and greatest development potential.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 4, 2022)?
?? RCEP15个成员国的人口和经济总量以及贸易总额均占全球总量的30%,是世界上最大的自贸区。随着RCEP的正式生效实施,中国与东盟、新西兰等成员国之间零关税产品比例大幅提高,并朝着90%以上的货物贸易最终实现零关税的目标前进。?
The 15 members of the RCEP account for 30% of the world’s total population, economy and trade, making the RCEP the largest free trade area in the world. With the RCEP officially coming into force, the proportion of zero-tariff products between China and ASEAN, New Zealand and other member countries increases significantly, and we are moving toward the goal of making more than 90 percent of trade in goods eventually tariff-free.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 4, 2022)
In order to accelerate the development of modern commercial distribution systems, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance launched, in batches, pilot programs for modern commercial distribution system in some cities in 2024. The aim is to foster a number of modern commercial distribution hubs with integrated urban and rural development, strong rippling effect, and resilient supply chains. To select the best candidates, we asked local governments to make recommendations, organized expert assessments, and made public announcement of the result. Tianjin and other 19 cities have been shortlisted as pilot cities for modern commercial distribution system in 2024.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)
On November 5, 2023, President Xi Jinping sent a letter to the 6th CIIE, hoping that the CIIE will work better and faster as a window on China’s effort to build a new development paradigm, a platform for advancing high-standard opening up, and an international public good shared by the world. MOFCOM has thoroughly studied and implemented President Xi’s instructions in the letter and made every effort to prepare for the 7th CIIE at high standards. According to the schedule, the 7th CIIE will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10 this year, which comprises country exhibitions, business exhibitions, the Hongqiao Forum, professional supporting activities and people-to-people exchanges. At present, the preparations are progressing well as scheduled. We are moving faster than previous years with inviting countries to the country exhibitions, including countries of honor. More than 30 countries or international organizations have confirmed their participation in writing. The sign-up for business exhibitions is also moving faster. An exhibition area of 325,000 square meters has been booked, accounting for over 90% of the planned area. We have started business attraction and the registration of domestic and foreign visitors. Focusing on the design of themes and topics of the Hongqiao Forum, we have consulted international organizations, well-known think tanks, media and forum member companies around the world, including Switzerland, South Africa, Japan and the United Nations headquarters. The bidding and collection of professional supporting activities and people-to-people exchanges will also be launched soon.Since the outset of this year, we have promoted the CIIE in more than 30 countries and regions and organized a series of local CIIE roadshows in China to speed up efforts to turn exhibitors into investors. As for the facilitation you mentioned, we will provide more support and services for exhibitors and participants such as customs clearance of exhibits, entry of personnel and vehicles, and catering so as to create better experiences for them.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)
Event quote:
In order to accelerate the development of modern commercial distribution systems, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance launched, in batches, pilot programs for modern commercial distribution system in some cities in 2024. The aim is to foster a number of modern commercial distribution hubs with integrated urban and rural development, strong rippling effect, and resilient supply chains. To select the best candidates, we asked local governments to make recommendations, organized expert assessments, and made public announcement of the result. Tianjin and other 19 cities have been shortlisted as pilot cities for modern commercial distribution system in 2024. In the next step, we will provide guidance to these pilot cities on drafting detailed work plans to resolve bottlenecks and accelerate the development of an efficient and smooth modern distribution system. First, we will build networks to connect the distribution systems in urban and rural areas. We will push for the upgrading of key markets and regional cold chain logistics bases, extension of supply chains upstream and downstream, and facilitate the two-way flow of industrial products and agricultural products. We will renovate township business centers, supermarkets and food markets, improve the three-tier logistics distribution system at county, township and village levels, and improve the distribution facilities in rural areas. Second, we will strengthen resilience of the supply chains for daily necessities. We will reinforce the distribution and supply capacity of the wholesale market for agricultural products, increase the capacity and efficiency of warehousing, processing and delivery, build the consumption terminal networks, improve the reserve and release system of daily necessities, and information monitoring, forecasting and early warning. Third, we will improve the resources recycling system in urban and rural areas. We will support the construction of renewable resources sorting centers to renovate waste household appliances and furniture, build more transfer stations for waste household appliances and furniture and other renewable resources, and ensure household appliances can be bought and recycled smoothly. Fourth, we will create conditions to forge backbone enterprises of the modern distribution system. We will support the digital transformation of traditional wholesale and retail enterprises, integration of online and offline marketing networks, and ensure services are accessible at the community and village level. We will encourage key distribution enterprises to integrate with modern agriculture, advanced manufacturing, and consumer services industries, and develop modern supply chains. MOFCOM will ensure the market plays a decisive role in resources allocation, and play a better role on the part of the government. We will encourage localities to explore development models and work approaches suitable to their conditions, enhance cross-departmental coordination, and strengthen guidance and supervision to ensure the pilot programs deliver real benefits.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? “五一”期间,我们将密切关注市场运行态势,组织商贸流通企业加大备货量、提高补货频次,保障节日市场供应。谢谢。?
During the holiday, we will watch closely market dynamics and have distribution businesses increase their stock and frequency of replenishment, to ensure supply on the market. Thank you.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_April 25, 2024)?
?? 鼓励商贸流通企业积极打造丰富多样的信用应用场景。支持发展信用融资,开发适合中小微商贸流通企业的专项信贷产品。?
We will encourage commercial circulation businesses to create diverse credit application scenarios. We will support development of credit financing. Special credit products for micro and small commercial circulation enterprises will be developed.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_August 24, 2023)?
?? 商务部联合市场监管总局开展国家级服务业商贸流通标准化专项试点,旨在推动各地区、行业、各类市场主体在标准制定、实施、应用方面开拓创新。自2021年试点工作开展以来,商务部指导15个试点城市和94家试点企业,认真落实各项试点任务,围绕流通设施改造升级、流通方式创新、内外贸领域标准认证等方面,积极探索以标准化推动商贸流通提质增效和内外贸一体化的新模式、新路径、新方法,形成了各具特色的试点成果。截至目前,试点单位累计制定各类商贸流通领域标准200多项,标准实施率大幅提升,初步形成了适合本地区、本企业的标准化发展路径。为发挥试点引领作用,商务部会同市场监管总局在总结提炼试点经验的基础上,于近日联合印发了第一批试点典型经验做法,包括标准化助力商贸流通企业创新发展、推动城乡流通协调发展、引领流通行业绿色发展、支撑商贸物流高效运行、促进内外贸一体化发展等五方面20项内容,向全国复制推广,同时将试点单位具体经验做法制作成案例汇编,为各地以标准化推动商务高质量发展,提供借鉴和参考。下一步,商务部将进一步加强跟踪指导,加快推动试点任务落地见效,加大试点经验复制推广,使试点成果惠及更多地方和企业。?
The pilot program for national service industry commercial circulation standardization, under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and State Administration of Market Supervision, aims to promote innovation in the standard setting, implementation and application by regions, industries and market players. Since the pilot was launched in 2021, the Ministry of Commerce has provided guidance to 15 pilot cities and 94 pilot enterprises in implementing the pilot tasks, with the focus on the transformation and upgrading of circulation facilities, innovation in circulation methods, and standards certification in domestic and foreign trade. Efforts were made in exploring new models, new paths and new methods to enhance the quality and efficiency of circulation and the integration of domestic and foreign trade through standardization, delivering results with distinct features. Up to now, the pilot enterprises have developed more than 200 standards for commerce circulation, with significantly higher implementation rate, forming a preliminary path for standardization suitable to the conditions of the regions and the enterprises. In order to amplify the role of the pilot program, the Ministry of Commerce and State Administration of Market Regulation have reviewed and published the first group of best practices, including 20 items in five aspects, such as innovative development of circulation enterprises through standardization, coordinated development of urban and rural circulation, green development of the circulation industry, efficient operation of logistics, and integrated development of domestic and foreign trade. These best practices are to be replicated nationwide. The concrete experience and practices of the pilot enterprises will be complied into case studies to provide reference for high-quality commerce development through standardization. Going forward, the Ministry of Commerce will enhance monitoring and guidance as the pilot tasks are implemented, and step up efforts to replicate the best practices to benefit more places and enterprises.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 9, 2023)?
?? 持续推进商贸流通标准化专项试点,深入开展商务领域企业标准“领跑者”活动,充分激发市场主体开展标准化工作的积极性,让市场主体从标准的被动执行者,转变为主动参与者,以先进标准促进行业、企业提质增效。?
We will continue to carry out the special pilot project on the standardization of commercial circulation, launch events on "leaders" on enterprise standards on the commercial front, fully encourage market players to carry out work on standardization, change market players from passive followers of standards to active participants, and promote industry and businesses to improve quality and efficiency with advanced standards.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 29, 2022)
Event quote:
In May [2024], thanks to some positive factors, China’s trade in goods has maintained stability and scored progress. Its performance has met our expectations. Market demand for the following three types of products remain stable: First, consumer electronic products. After going through a cyclical trough, electronic products have gradually resumed growth. Statistics from research institutes show that global shipments of mobile phones and laptops increased by about 10% and 4% in the first quarter, demonstrating strong momentum for recovery. Driven by the demand for terminal products, China’s export and import of integrated circuits increased by 34.8% and 22% in May. Second, housewares and homeware. As destocking in major overseas markets began to take effect, there is a strong demand for restocking furniture, textile and apparel products. Sports events such as the Olympic Games have also driven the demand for TV sets and other products. The export value of home appliances increased by 23.5% in May. Third, some high value-added mechanical and electrical products. China’s export of automobiles and vessels increased by 20.3% and 67.7% in May, thanks to the strengths of comprehensive industrial chains and advanced technology. In the second half of the year, China’s foreign trade still needs to navigate complex situations--precarious growth in external demand, question marks over the scale and sustainability of restocking in major markets, disruptions from geopolitics, trade barriers, and shipping price. With these factors at play, businesses still face uncertainties in receiving orders and contract fulfillment. We will continue to foster synergy between the policies for stabilizing foreign trade, and take concrete steps to help enterprises overcome difficulties. We will work to foster new growth drivers for foreign trade, and strive for its quality growth and stability.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? ... 中国钢铁行业主要立足于满足国内市场需求,没有任何刺激出口的补贴政策,且长期以来出口比例保持在5%左右,远低于日本、韩国等钢铁生产国,对国际市场影响十分有限。?
... China’s steel sector is mainly aimed at meeting domestic demand and receives no export-oriented subsidies. Only 5 percent of our steel is exported, far lower than Japan, the ROK and other steelmakers, which means the influence of our steel exports on the international market is very limited.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 19, 2024)?
?? 你关心中方在中美经贸关系问题上的立场,我们多次指出,近年来,中国电动汽车、锂电池、光伏产品等产品出口增多,这是国际分工和市场需求的结果,有利于推动世界绿色发展。
You asked about China’s position on China-US economic ties. We have repeatedly pointed out that in recent years, China’s exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products have increased. This is a result of international division of labor and market demand and has contributed to the green development of the world.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 3, 2024)?
?? 今年以来,我国外贸顶住多重压力,在国际市场需求回落的大背景下,1-7月进出口以人民币计(下同)增长0.4%,总体实现平稳运行,展现较强韧性,内生动力持续增强,主要体现在以下三个方面:一是从主体看,外贸企业数量增多、活力增强。广大企业主体是外贸发展的基石。今年1-7月,有进出口实绩的外贸企业超过55万家,同比增长了5.1%;其中,民营企业47.8万家,占比超过八成,持续发挥外贸“稳定器”的作用。广大经营主体坚持苦练内功,通过加大研发投入、专注细分市场、整合产业资源、建立数字化供应链等,抓机遇谋发展,展现出了强大的韧性和创造力。二是从产品看,高质量高技术高附加值产品出口竞争力增强。以新能源汽车、光伏产品、锂电池为代表的“新三样”出口保持强劲,1-7月合计增长了51%。我国新能源汽车产业技术水平持续提升,海外营销渠道和售后服务体系不断完善,已成功销往160多个国家和地区。三是从业态看,外贸发展的新动能加快释放。跨境电商保持快速发展,上半年进出口增长了16%,占整体外贸进出口的比重从5年前的不到1%上升至5%左右。跨境电商主体超10万家、各类产业园区近700个,直播电商、社交电商等新模式不断涌现,成为外贸企业和产品出海的重要渠道。?
Since the beginning of this year [2023], China’s foreign trade has withstood multiple pressures. In the context of falling demand in the international market, imports and exports from January to July increased by 0.4% in renminbi terms (the same below). Generally speaking, China’s foreign trade has maintained a steady momentum with strong resilience and ever-growing impetus as reflected in the following three aspects. From the perspective of the exporters and importers, the quantity and vitality of foreign trade enterprises have both increased. Businesses are the cornerstone of foreign trade development. From January to July this year, more than 550,000 foreign trade enterprises were engaged in import and export, an increase of 5.1%. Among them, 478,000 were private enterprises, accounting for more than 80%, and continued to serve as the stabilizer of foreign trade. Business entities seized opportunities for development by increasing research and development investment, focusing on market segmentation, integrating industrial resources, and establishing digital supply chains. They have shown great resilience and creativity. From the perspective of products, the export competitiveness of high-quality, high-tech and high value-added products has increased. Exports of the new energy vehicles, photovoltaic products and lithium-ion batteries remained robust, with a combined increase of 51% from January to July. The industrial and technological level of China’s NEV industry continues to rise, with ever-improving overseas marketing channels and after-sales service system. China’s NEVs have been exported to more than 160 countries and regions. From the perspective of business forms, the new driving forces for foreign trade development are released at a faster pace. Cross-border e-commerce grew rapidly, with import and export up by 16% in the first half of the year. Its proportion of overall foreign trade has risen from less than 1% five years ago to about 5%. More than 100,000 entities are involved in cross-border e-commerce business. There are nearly 700 industrial parks of all kinds. New models such as live streaming e-commerce and social e-commerce continue to emerge, becoming an important channel for exports.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_August 31, 2023)?
?? 从国际市场看,全球新能源汽车市场需求保持增长,一季度,我国新能源汽车出口额95.5亿美元,占汽车出口比重提升至44.7%,拉动整体出口增长0.6个百分点。?
Globally, demand for NEVs continue to grow. In the first quarter, China’s NEV export reached USD9.55 billion, taking up 44.7% of auto export, driving total export by 0.6 percentage points.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_April 27, 2023)
Event quote:
China’s export of automobiles and vessels increased by 20.3% and 67.7% in May, thanks to the strengths of comprehensive industrial chains and advanced technology.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 中国绿色产业和清洁技术快速发展是坚持不懈开展科技创新、构建完整产业链供应链的结果,是凭借艰辛努力、通过公平竞争赢得的正当优势,受到欧盟消费者和全球用户欢迎,也为全球应对气候变化和推动绿色转型作出巨大贡献。?
The rapid development of China’s green industry and clean technology is the result of painstaking efforts in pursuing technological innovation and building complete industrial and supply chains and is the legitimate advantage won by strenuous efforts and fair competition. This is welcomed by EU consumers and global users and has made tremendous contribution to global efforts in addressing climate change and promoting green transition.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 30, 2023)
In May [2024], thanks to some positive factors, China’s trade in goods has maintained stability and scored progress. Its performance has met our expectations. Market demand for the following three types of products remain stable: First, consumer electronic products. After going through a cyclical trough, electronic products have gradually resumed growth. Statistics from research institutes show that global shipments of mobile phones and laptops increased by about 10% and 4% in the first quarter, demonstrating strong momentum for recovery. Driven by the demand for terminal products, China’s export and import of integrated circuits increased by 34.8% and 22% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)
Event quote:
Driven by the demand for terminal products, China’s export and import of integrated circuits increased by 34.8% and 22% in May.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 截至2021年底,具有北斗定位功能的终端产品社会总保有量超过10亿台/套,超过790万辆道路营运车辆、10万台/套农机自动驾驶系统安装使用北斗系统,医疗健康、远程监控、线上服务等下游运营服务环节产值近2000亿元,北斗产业体系基本形成,经济和社会效益显著。?
By year end there were more than one billion terminal products with BeiDou positioning functions in use, and more than 7.9 million automobiles and 100,000 automatic driving farming vehicles had installed the BeiDou system. Moreover, medical and health devices, remote monitoring, online services and other downstream service sectors reported nearly 200 billion yuan of output value. The BeiDou industrial system is in place and provides notable economic and social benefits.? (White_Paper_Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace_ 携手构建网络空间命运共同体_2022_11_07)?
?? 全面推进信息无障碍建设,增强信息无障碍终端产品供给,推进无障碍产品和服务技术推广应用,拓宽残疾人参与信息社会的渠道,推动信息化与无障碍环境的深度融合,消除“数字鸿沟”,助力社会包容性发展。?
A variety of measures have been taken to promote information accessibility, increasing the supply of accessible terminal products, and applying accessible products and technologies for better services. By expanding the channels for people with disabilities to engage in an information society, and facilitating the application of information technology to build an accessible environment, China is trying hard to eliminate the digital divide and create a more inclusive society.? (White_Paper_Moderate Prosperity in All Respects- Another Milestone Achieved in China's Human Rights_《全面建成小康社会:中国人权事业发展的光辉》_2021_08_12)
After going through a cyclical trough, electronic products have gradually resumed growth. Statistics from research institutes show that global shipments of mobile phones and laptops increased by about 10% and 4% in the first quarter, demonstrating strong momentum for recovery.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 13, 2024)
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