The Three Pillars of Health
Athletic After 40
Want to BE more, DO more, and HAVE more? The way you take care of yourself plays into EVERYTHING. Start building NOW.
Many people tend to assume someone is healthy just by their physical appearance.
In other words, it's not abnormal to assume that a guy who is ripped and muscular to be very healthy, or a girl who looks skinny & lean to be very healthy.
Sometimes we label ourselves healthy because we got great numbers back from our last routine physical.
And I don't think it's necessarily wrong to assume health based on these things, but I don't feel like it's good enough.
For example, I have known guys who looked amazing but smoked cigarettes and took lots of illegal substances. And they would be the first to admit that they were NOT very healthy.
I also know people who had great health markers from their Doctor but felt low energy, carried some excess bodyfat, and suffered from chronic pain.
So, if those assumptions don't always hold up, then what does it really mean to be healthy?
How can we really determine HOW HEALTHY someone is?
Here are the three PILLARS. Two of which are important, but not good enough to stand on their own, but number 3 is the true X-Factor for determining someones health.
By these three Pillars, the healthiest people in the world are the ones who have optimal bodyfat, better than normal numbers from their Doc, AND they have the highest physical capacities.
So, how do you achieve your highest health potential?
Do these three things consistently over time and you'll be living a very healthy life in a body that looks, feels, and performs great all while hedging yourself away from both aging and death.
Want help simplifying this process so you can build superior health in the most efficient way possible?
Feel free to send me an email with the word HEALTHY and I'll send you the details.
Your Coach...
Tony Bevilacqua