Victoria Gann
Founder, Author, Teacher, Counselor, and Service provider at Victoria's Love4love Ministry
There are three paths or journeys our Heavenly Father gives us to take so we may know Him and who we truly are in Him.
I was reading my Bible this morning and praying, and the word of the Lord came to me through His Spirit.
He said, “Vicki, my daughter, there are three separate journeys or paths one has been given in order to know me and who they truly are. I will reveal these journeys or paths to you, and your task is to write them as they are given and share them with everyone. I said, “Yes Lord, may it come to me as you reveal it, and do not let me follow any other voice or spirit, including my own.
The first journey He revealed to me we all take is our natural birth journey as human beings. We are all placed in an environment we have no control in choosing. Most people know they have no control over where they are placed, but they do not realize they are placed in this environment for a reason. I discuss this on a deeper level with my own journey in my book called, “A Soul’s Struggle in Finding Itself.” I want to challenge all of us to look at the environment each of us were placed in, and do we want to follow all the souls that made up our environment? Some of you may want to add your environment to your own story or testimony. I did not list all of the different kinds of environments we may experience in this article, so discuss your environment you were born into so others in your group may learn something from God through your environment. It is very important to speak the truth fearlessly or being more sympathetic to others, a live or dead, more than you are to God. God wants us not to be afraid to speak the truth out of love for Him and others not wanting their growth to be hindered through Him by keeping the truth bottled up inside. There should be no guilt or shame in claiming any truth of God. His truth is meant to set all people free. He will always bless you when the truth is spoken about the environments we were born in or have made ourselves for our own children and all the people around us up to this point in our lives. In this article I will list some of the environments we can all be born into and how it may hinder or help our growth in finding who we truly are. All environments we are born into can be made up of many different souls or human beings. Each environment was made to lead us toward God, it depends on each individual if they are drawn to Him or away from Him.
1) The first environment that was revealed to me was made up of many other souls that do not know God and His Son, Jesus Christ, but think they do. They are living through many deceiving Spirits and illusions that appear to be the light of God, but it is not. This environment has molded and shaped Him to suit their own needs as the way they want His image to appear to the world. His Spirit and Word will testify to this truth if any of us as been a part of this kind of environment or made this kind of environment ourselves if His Spirit and Word is dwelling in us. If our souls are placed in an environment we can’t hear or see God or Jesus through His Spirit the soul can’t receive the truth when their mind is fully developed. Some environments are full of people saying the words of Jesus, but not living the words out through their life, and this will have an effect on the new soul that enters this kind of environment. Some people will walk like Jesus, but not talk like Jesus through His Spirit. Some people will speak with a hard heart and show malice or hatred toward someone else. Some people will compromise the truth and make Jesus look like someone who accepts sin. All these environments affect a soul and it’s growth just as much as it would if a soul enters into an environment who does not speak or walk in any of God’s truth at all. A person only can receive what he or she is hearing and seeing through other spirits and if it does not come from the Spirit of God they will not receive it from the Spirit of God. It does not matter if a person knows they are spirits are not. They still can only receive what they see and hear through other souls or human beings as their mind develops. If a child grows up in a family that is full of infant spiritual Christians or carnal Christians that have not given up all to God and still are a part of this world, it’s sinful desires, and basic principles of the world, and not on Jesus Christ, then the new soul may follow them because that is what they saw and heard up to this point in their lives. It will be much harder for them to give up what their heart and mind receive when they hear His truth if they are obstinate in keeping what they have learned from their past as the true image. This is why Paul proclaimed to all that it was much easier to teach the Gentiles than it was the Jews, because the Gentiles had no image of Paul's God at all. The Gentiles had a blank mind when it came to the image of Paul's God, but the Jews had their own image that was set in their minds and many did not want to except the New covenant Christ was proclaiming to know God. Paul knew this more than most because He was a Jew. This will affect the soul's journey if the soul grows up in this type of environment. The child will grow up through what they see and hear and think they too are living right, but it will be the infant leading the infant, the carnal leading the carnal, or the blind leading the blind, until One hears and truly sees Jesus as He truly is and shares what they have received from Him with all.
2) The next environment that was revealed was made up of people who don’t know God at all, but they follow other gods, which are idols, and other religions. Idols can be anything today. Wealth and all the pleasures of this world can be the idol that motivates us to live. Our own life can be an idol we worship. The earth can be an idol or God we worship. Our accomplishments and performance can be our idol and what we worship in ourselves and others. Our popularity and people can be our idol we worship within ourselves and in others. Our work for God and our jobs can be an idol we worship and motivates us to move forward. Anything that motivates us that we believe in is a religion we can idolize just like any other belief or philosophy we can turn into other gods we follow. All other religions, gods, or idols are belief systems that are motivated by things we do and think. Every belief system is a religion that comes from an idea that is heard audibly or spiritually. Even people who do not believe in God have a religion that is made up of beliefs. Christianity is the only belief that is motivated and driven by A Holy Spirit that is given, and He is much greater than any other human being. Our God being the Only God who Creates and gives all things to us to learn about Him from. All we have and know about Him is given through His Spirit and Word, it is not a religion where we can manifest anything, have to memorize anything, be brainwashed by anything, and have to prearrange anything, about Him or ourselves own our own. What we know about Him and ourselves is all given by Him in who we are and who we become through His Spirit and Word. All other god's or idols are manifested by humans and their human desires. None of them can take away all guilt and shame from the sins humans have committed or will commit.
3) The next environment He revealed to me was an environment that is mature spiritually and speaks the words of Jesus, lives the life of Jesus through His Holy Spirit and Word of truth. That environment will affect our souls just like any other environment. We could be raised by mature Christians that follow Jesus through His words, behavior, and deeds by way of His Spirit of truth. There is no telling what God can do when a soul is raised in this type of environment through all the relationships and circumstances they all face while they are living through His Spirit of truth. This environment will reveal the truth of God in ways none of us can imagine. It is an environment that lives out His will and plan for their lives through all He gives them, and all they have they know is given by Him. I don’t know personally many souls that are raising families today in an environment made up of mature Christians, but I am teaching my grown children and other parents how to. I did not raise my children as a mature Christian, but I can now, and it is never to late for anyone to begin! Those that begin early in life before their children are born, live that life out through child bearing years, and older until they die I am grateful to God for meeting them and know this is possible when we hear His truth and keep God first through all seasons of life!
4) The next environment that was revealed to me was made up of souls that claim there is no God at all, the atheist. We could be placed in an environment that does not know God at all but are morally kind and good. They are many today caring for people and giving to people their own way. This too will affect our souls and how we grow. We could die caring for people and loving people, but have no love for God in our hearts and this way will lead us to destruction no matter how pleasant and good our lives appear to be on earth while we live by our own understanding of who we are. The atheist believe it is up to them to use all they have been given to be who they want to be. They believe their existence on earth comes from different ways other than God. Some believe in the Big Bang Theory and others believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Others don’t know and they don’t care, they just live the best way they can by using all the resources they can get their hands on. They all believe when the end comes that is all there is, the end.
5)The next environment He revealed to me was full of sin, abuse, and destruction because this environment let the darkness over take them and they have grown to love the darkness. They are full of greed, pride, and sin that separates them from knowing God and His righteousness. They use anything, including people, as a commodity to get rich off of. They create drugs and sale them in order to be successful. They make themselves gang leaders and mafia leaders to control the buying and selling of all they think they own. They buy people and own them for work they give them to do. They are power hungry and consume all for their benefit. In this environment it is hard for the Spirit of Christ to enter through His workers because the souls in this environment hate the light and they block Him from entering through His Words and deeds. Bless those that enter through His Holy Spirit without fear and are able to break through the hedges of Satan and His workers and save some! Bless those who have been killed who have tried to break down the hedges of Satan! To live is Christ and to die is gain!
6) We can be placed in an environment that lives out lies that God plainly tells us is His truth and this too can hinder our growth in Him. Many people are living out sinful lives today and teach their children the same lies so their children grow up thinking a lie is a truth. This environment will twist God’s word to suite their own lifestyle of sin and they will ignore His Word as their proof they are living through His Spirit. Many today are in this world living in this type of environment.
7) We can be placed in an environment of war that is fighting against each other claiming their God is the only God and if you don't believe in Him we will kill you. We can be placed in an environment that kills others thinking it is for God. Paul himself came from and was part of an environment such as this. A true Christian only kills to protect more innocent blood from shedding and for freedom to believe in any religion. God will prove who is right and true. It is never our job to kill and hate those who do not believe as we do. A true Christian will never kill anyone because they don’t believe or for revenge, but they will always kill to protect more innocent blood being shed. They will pray for those who do not believe and bless them when He gives them an opportunity, but they will not let others destroy property and kill others who don’t believe in their gods. In History there has been religious wars of all kinds and they will continue. In History there has been Protestants torturing and killing Catholics and Catholics torturing and killing Protestants. There has been all kinds of tribes killing other tribes since any religion began because people did not believe as they believed. Because they wanted power and more land. Muslims have been killing Christians since Christianity and Muslims beliefs began, but a true Christian will only kill to protect the blood of the innocent and for freedom to worship any religion.
If we find ourselves living through any of these environments that do not speak or live out His truth through His Spirit of love and grace that gives us a mature and lasting Spirit of His peace, we have His great and graceful gift of merciful repentance while His light is still in the world. We can repent and begin today as walking in the light as He is in the light. We can begin speaking the Words He gives us to speak the way He gives us to speak them when we face each relationship and circumstance. We are the vessels His light wants desperately to live in that exposes all darkness so we and many more will be healed in unimaginable ways we can’t see or hear. Which leads me to the second journey we are given to live through His Spirit.
The second journey or path He revealed to me begins when we hear His truth the moment we are saved. We quit being a part of all other environments we lived in that does not have His Spirit and proof living in it. We start His new One through the New Heart and renewing mind He gives us. Our New environment begins with us being His child! God gives us His truth freely and He gives it to all people through His Spirit of grace. Each person knows when that moment is and He reveals their New heart and renewed mind that begins their new Kingdom and environment they are a part of. It is His rebirth in a soul that washes the person clean of all guilt and shame by His fountain of forgiveness in ways no one can explain. The soul that is saved only experiences this encounter with God fully through receiving of all truth of who He is in them so through Him He can start building His environment through them. Each person begins that day listening and following Him through His Spirit by denying or crucifying themselves daily. Each person is asked by God if they are willing to crucify themselves faithfully for His sake, and if they are He is willing to give them all they need to be all He says. God ask that they give up all that is not Him faithfully, so He can live in them, work in them, and work through them what He wants to work through each of them in order to begin and show them their New Environment He is building. God never forces anyone to crucify themselves spiritually. God never forces anyone to repent, it is a gift one receives and cheerfully obeys. Freely they have received the Spirit of God faithfully and freely they give up themselves faithfully to God. He ask if they are willing to give all to Him faithfully He is willing to give all of Himself to them faithfully, and in a greater measure than they give that takes them far past themselves. He wants them to become His vessels He works in and through just like He worked in and through His own Son so all can benefit from all He gives. He tells His children at the beginning of this journey since He died for all, they have to die spiritually, emotionally, intellectually for Him daily so He can work in them spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually daily. So much so, He says their bodies can be completely healed through His work which is called His Sanctifying work of His Spirit in each soul that has given their lives to Him.
This is the part of the journey that is up to us and we can hold back a lot we don’t want to give up. He can’t work in us fully if we are not willing to give up all that is not Him in us. Do we want Him to work in us fully as He did through His Son and His first disciples His Word testifies too? We can remain worldly or carnal keeping sins and behaviors we want to keep. We can be conformed to the world. We can believe in Him as our Savior all of our lives without making Him our Lord. We can give him parts of ourselves as His child and keep other parts we want to keep. We are still saved because we know we are forgiven, and we know He died for our sins, but He will not be able to work in and through us as He wills for others as He wants to and did through His early church. Most of us quit following Him, His crucifixion, and life, through His Spirit so His resurrected power is blocked by our own ways we have chosen to worship and get to know Him.. This is the journey or path we prove He is first, and all others and things are far below our love for Him. He will use anything in this world, not exceptions, to prove we love Him more than anyone or anything of this world. I have written this many times, and I am telling the truth as He has revealed it to me and if you listen to Him He will tell you the same thing. I do not know many people who have given all to God so He can work in and through them as He did through Jesus and His early church. Somewhere down the line His children left Him and started following other people who did not follow Christ on this part of their given journey or path He placed them on. He will never force anyone to listen and follow Him but if we do want to listen and follow Him we can start today, repent from our ways of worshiping and getting to know Him and truly begin following Him through His Spirit of truth His Word testifies too. God said, “This is my Son, listen to Him!” The church left Him around 300 A.D. and the majority followed man-made traditions, rules, and prearranged religion in man-made buildings and stopped following God through His daily Spirit and Word. This part of our journey is given to prove His will in our lives is not our own or any other man-made way. This part of our journey reveals Him being our Savior and Lord of our lives. This part of our journey was given to prove we are willing to fully crucify ourselves, deny ourselves, and live only for Him, His ways, His instructions, through His Spirit His Word testifies too. We have to crucify all before we enter the given third and final part of our journey. This giving up all to God can be in an instant or it can take a person years or even a lifetime and they may never experience the given third journey where His will, plan, and purpose is being poured out through their lives.
The last and final path of our Spiritual journey, which can happen at any age and be lived out all their lives, is the path only a few will find. Hallelujah to all who have come to the given third part of your journey! During this time of your journey God revealed to me there will be more signs, miracles and wonders in and through us that resemble His early church, and all is based on our faith in Him giving us all we need by expressing itself through the love He gives. It took me three years to give up all the man-made religious rules and traditions I grew up with. I was attached to all of them in ways I never knew until He ask me to give them up faithfully as His devoted child. It took me three years for me to walk right past all the worldly and man-made religious traditions I grew up with and follow Him freely without being tempted to fall back in the wide path of academic, organized, and prearranged religion. I kept asking Him why He was not working through me like He was in me. I was being healed and I saw many miracles, but He wasn’t working in me and through me like He was through the early church. He told me I have not given up all He wanted me to give up yet without feeling any guilt or shame. I had given everything up, but I was still living in guilt and shame for leaving my religious ways behind me. I felt guilt not conforming to the "good" ways of the world and the "good" man-made beliefs I followed. They were so much fun, but I know all of them were meaningless, and had no value to Him so why was I wasting my time doing them? Don't I belong to Him and live for Him or do I belong to human kind and live for human kind? His truth set me free and broke all the chains they enslaved me. I thank God for His patience He has with me, and now I must have His patience with others on their own journey of giving up all to Him daily as He had with me. I love all people whether they give up all or remain keeping what they want to keep for themselves. I will never cease telling them and showing them by my own life and the freedom He gives me to prove who He truly is today Spiritually is the same He was when He walked the earth! This third given journey is when our whole NEW HEART is revealed to be for Him and Him alone, and our mind is renewed as the mind of Christ each relationship and circumstance we face. It is a heart that is fully devoted to God for His purpose of making Him known. Many people say, “She or he has a good heart.” What does a good heart mean to you? God calls a good heart, a heart that is fully devoted to Him, and Jesus is the only person in the whole world, past and present, that has a full heart devoted to His Father, and that is the NEW HEART that we receive and is revealed this part of our journey through His Spirit that He pours out to others to be drawn to Him. This part of our journey we will also be given the meaning of giving and receiving. This does not mean only money. It means being a sacrifice for others and receiving sacrifices from others all ways He gives us. Most people know how to sacrifice for others, but receiving a sacrifice from others is a different story especially if we are raised only being a given sacrifice for others, or only receiving sacrifices from others. Many people today are raised as only givers, and others are raised as only receivers. If we always live being a sacrifice for others we are enabling others to grow as God wants them to grow. If we are raised only receiving sacrifices from others we will always think the world owes us something, and self pity will be our guide. Jesus teaches us through Him this teaching will reveal itself both ways at the perfect time if we have come to the third and final part of our journey by giving Him our all to work in and through. His work in us never ends and He continues to prove this everyday in us as we continue to die everyday, He will continue to live and do His work in and through us everyday as He determines. His will is for all to be fully sanctified so He can fully work in and through us all!
Example: Christ sacrificed Himself for others, but when it came time He needed help from someone else He took it with a cheerful heart. He took help from others who wanted to share their homes. He never thought of Himself as a burden. Jesus had no home to sleep in the last part of His given journey. He took help from others willing to share their food with Him without thinking of himself as being a burden. He could have called for a miracle every time He needed food, but this would not help anyone else learn how to share and grow as God wants Himself to grow in and through us. He gladly took help when he needed help to carry his own cross without thinking of himself being a burden. I never heard Him tell Simon from Cyrene, “I’m sorry Simon, I hate being a burden to you, thank you for carrying my cross.” I do not see Jesus giving His mother to John as a burden to John while He was hanging on the Cross before He took his last breath. I am certain Mary never thought of herself as a burden to John. I am certain both felt very blessed to be in each other’s life in ways we can’t imagine! I am certain John was overwhelmed with joy Jesus chose him to care for her and never thought of her being a burden. Why do some of us think this way today? Satan has a way of keeping us from growing in this giving and receiving sacrificial teaching that keeps us from growing through His Spirit the way God desires us to grow. Today most people think they are a burden to be taken care of or when they are need of help. Many people make us feel that way or we make ourselves feel that way. People truly need help and through Him and His power we are supposed to give them all the need! But that is not happening today as it did through His early church. I have been in some hospitals where the nurses have made me feel like I was interrupting their day when I have been sick. I can’t tell you how many sick people I have cared for apologizing to me for being sick as if they had could help it. They don’t realize God sent me to them to take care of them with a cheerful and joyful heart so they could know who He is and be drawn to Him. Nurses don’t realize God sent me to them so they could reveal who He is in them. The same goes with all the elderly I have taken care of and talked to. Most of them think they are a heavy burden to their families instead of a blessing for their families to be able to take care of them. Many families do not think it is a blessing to be able to take care of one another whenever the need is there. People who do not experience this given part of their journey with Christ will reveal their own interest is more important than His interest in others. The other side of the coin is we all can be taught the world owes us something so all we think is receiving all the sacrifices we can get without being one from someone else. It is the giving and receiving of life God is revealing to us through our final journey with Him and Jesus and if we have given Him our all we will see His truth this part of our journey. All this happens the third given journey of our lives at any time during any age our minds are developed to understand the definition of words. The giving of ourselves as His sacrifice He works through us for others and us receiving His sacrifice from others He works through for us, will change back and forth throughout our lives until He calls us home. These are all His will for our lives we prove and live out during our third journey. His miracles, signs, and wonders that come from our New Heart and our Renewed mind will be revealed in ways we could have never imagine due to our full surrender of our bodies, spirit and souls to Him for His sake. How He renewed my mind is another article for another day. All this happens on the last given part of His journey in you and through you. If His signs, miracles and wonders are not being revealed in your life in ways you can’t imagine, remember we all have been given His gift of repentance, if you want to change and have Him live in and through you as He did through His early body of believers. May we always share His work in and through us for others more than we share anything else in life!! If we are living out the third part of His given journey we will be sharing His work in and through us more than we share anything else in life!!
Written by Vicki Gann Through the Spirit of God May 14 and 15, 2019