The Three Observations, the Four Togethers, the impropriety not to reciprocate, and, “Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow”
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today's PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:?
- 中方将继续支持中国留学人员依法维护他们的正当合法权益,也提醒赴美留学人员警惕相关风险。我们敦促美方将欢迎中国留学生的表态落到实处,撤销充满偏见歧视的10043号行政令,停止滥用国家安全概念,停止盘查、滋扰、遣返中国赴美留学人员,避免此类事件再次发生。?
We urge the US to genuinely welcome Chinese students as it has said, withdraw the biased and discriminatory Proclamation 10043, stop overstretching the concept of national security, stop interrogating, harassing or repatriating Chinese students in the US, and avoid similar incidents from happening again. China will continue to support Chinese students in defending their legitimate and lawful rights and interests in accordance with law and remind our students heading for the US to be mindful of such risks.??
Today’s quote:
- 在朝鲜半岛问题上,坚持并行推进半岛和平机制和半岛无核化进程,均衡解决各方合理关切,维护朝鲜半岛和平稳定。?O
n the Korean Peninsula issue, China stands for pursuing in parallel the establishment of a peace mechanism and the denuclearization of the Peninsula, and addressing the legitimate concerns of all parties in a balanced manner, to safeguard peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 赵立坚:朝鲜长期面临安全上的外部威胁,这是半岛问题的根源。要想从根本上解决朝鲜半岛问题,就应该解决朝方合理的安全关切,否则只能是“按下葫芦浮起瓢”。如果美方真心关注朝鲜人民福祉,就不应一味对朝制裁施压,而应正视朝方已经采取的无核化措施,回应朝方正当合理关切,采取措施缓解对朝制裁。?
The DPRK has long faced external threats to its security, which is the crux of the Korean Peninsula issue. To fundamentally solve the Korean Peninsula issue, the DPRK’s legitimate security concerns should be addressed. Otherwise, it’s like solving one problem only to find another cropping up. If the US truly cares about the well-being of the DPRK people, it should not keep pressuring the DPRK with sanctions. Instead, it should face up to the denuclearization measures already taken by the DPRK, respond to its legitimate and reasonable concerns and take measures to ease sanctions on the DPRK.?
- 中方一贯主张通过对话协商解决朝鲜半岛问题,多年来为实现半岛无核化、建立半岛永久和平机制作出了不懈努力,维持了半岛的总体和平稳定局面。?
China always stands for the resolution of the Korean Peninsula issue through dialogue and consultation. Over the years, China has made unremitting efforts to realize denuclearization and establish a permanent peace mechanism on the Peninsula, and helped maintain overall peace and stability on the Peninsula.?
- 中方一贯认为,在朝鲜半岛问题上,安理会应发挥积极和建设性作用。制裁是手段,不是目的,应当服务于政治解决半岛问题的目标。我们希望安理会各方坚持政治解决大方向,积极寻求打破僵局的出路。?
China always believes that the Security Council should play a positive and constructive role on the Korean Peninsula issue. Sanctions are a means, not the end. They should be used to serve the goal of finding a political settlement of the issue. We hope all parties of the Security Council will stick to the general direction of political settlement and work actively to find a solution to break the deadlock.?
- 中韩双方就朝鲜半岛问题保持着密切沟通协调。我们愿同韩方共同努力,推动政治解决半岛问题,为实现半岛长治久安作出积极贡献。
China and the ROK maintain close communication and coordination on the Korean Peninsula issue. We stand ready to work together with the ROK for a political resolution and contribute to lasting peace and security on the Peninsula.?
- 在乌克兰问题上,始终立足是非曲直,恪守客观公正,为缓和局势、化解危机发挥了负责任、建设性作用。中国将继续劝和促谈,为政治解决乌克兰危机提供中国智慧,与国际社会一道共同推动对话协商,解决各方关切,谋求共同安全。中国敦促有关国家立即停止拱火浇油,停止向中国甩锅推责,停止鼓噪“今日乌克兰,明日台湾”。?
On the Ukraine issue, China has taken an objective and impartial stance based on the merits of the issue, and has played a responsible and constructive role in easing the situation and deescalating the crisis. China will continue to promote peace talks, contribute its ideas for a political settlement of the crisis, and join the international community to promote dialogue and consultation, address the concerns of all parties and seek common security.?In the meantime, we urge certain countries to immediately stop fueling the fire, stop shifting blame to China, and stop touting “Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow”.?
- 拜登总统曾多次信誓旦旦公开表示,不寻求“新冷战”,无意同中国发生冲突。我们希望他作为大国领导人,能够言而有信、言出必行,而不是说一套做一套,不知其可。我们再次敦促美方拿出诚意,改正错误,正视并解决滥用武力给中美关系造成的损害。来而不往非礼也,如果美方执意借题发挥、升级危机,中方必将奉陪到底,一切后果将由美方承担。?
President Biden has pledged openly many times that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China and that it has no intention to seek a conflict with China. We hope that as the leader of a major country, President Biden will keep his word rather than say one thing but do another. We once again urge the US side to demonstrate sincerity, rectify its wrongdoing, and acknowledge and resolve the damage its abuse of force has done to China-US relations.?As a Chinese saying goes, it’s inappropriate not to reciprocate. If the US continues to fuss over, dramatize and escalate the crisis, it should not expect the Chinese side to flinch and should be prepared to bear all potential consequences.?
Today’s quote:
- 据了解,日前,一名持美国政府签发的合法签证、赴美从事癌症课题研究的中国留学生遭美方拒绝入境并遣返。 。。。我们敦促美方将欢迎中国留学生的表态落到实处,撤销充满偏见歧视的10043号行政令,停止滥用国家安全概念,停止盘查、滋扰、遣返中国赴美留学人员,避免此类事件再次发生。?
It has been learned that a Chinese student, who held a lawful visa issued by the US government and planned to do cancer research in the US, was refused entry and repatriated by the US side.?... We urge the US to genuinely welcome Chinese students as it has said, withdraw the biased and discriminatory Proclamation 10043, stop overstretching the concept of national security, stop interrogating, harassing or repatriating Chinese students in the US, and avoid similar incidents from happening again.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 美国对7名中国公民强制遣返一名中国人的行为提起指控。?
The US charged seven Chinese nationals accused of trying to forcibly repatriate a Chinese.?
- 被关押在沙特的一名维吾尔族女子对法新社表示,她担心被遣返回中国。?
A Uyghur woman held in Saudi Arabia told AFP she feared being deported to China.?
- 近期,澳大利亚边境执法人员数次针对中国赴澳留学人员入境悉尼进行无端盘查,检查手机及个人物品,并将中国高校组织军训认定为所谓的“军事训练”,以隐瞒所谓“军事训练”经历为由取消签证并遣返。?
Recently, there are multiple incidents where the Australian border law enforcement officers in Sydney interrogated Chinese students, and examine their cellphones and personal belongings for no reason when they tried to enter the country to pursue their studies. The Australian side designated the Chinese students’ university military training courses as “military training” and repatriated them after canceling their visas on the grounds that they concealed the experience of accepting “military training”.?
- 维权组织称,中国大陆向外国政府施压,要求其将来自台湾的犯罪嫌疑人遣返至大陆,尽管大陆与台湾于2009年达成过一项协议,同意双方警方将海外嫌疑人送回各自地区。请问中方为何要将来自台湾的海外逃犯遣返至大陆??
Rights groups say Beijing has pressured foreign governments to deport Taiwanese criminal suspects to the mainland, despite a 2009 agreement that police from both sides would return overseas suspects to their respective territories. What is the reason for deporting Taiwanese fugitives to the mainland??
- 在乌克兰问题上,中方始终站在和平一边,始终坚持习近平主席提出的“四个应该”“四个共同”“三点思考”,秉持客观公正立场,积极劝和促谈。?
On the Ukraine issue, China always stands on the side of peace. We have followed the four principles, called for joint efforts in four areas and shared three observations on Ukraine as outlined by President Xi Jinping, taken an objective and just position, and worked actively to promote peace talks.?
Today’s quote:
- 在乌克兰问题上,中方始终站在和平一边,始终坚持习近平主席提出的“四个应该”“四个共同”“三点思考”,秉持客观公正立场,积极劝和促谈。?
On the Ukraine issue, China always stands on the side of peace. We have followed the four principles, called for joint efforts in four areas and shared three observations on Ukraine as outlined by President Xi Jinping, taken an objective and just position, and worked actively to promote peace talks.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 乌克兰危机爆发以来,习近平主席先后提出“四个应该”和“四个共同”,深刻指出冲突战争没有赢家、复杂问题没有简单解决办法、大国对抗必须避免,以自己的方式,为劝和促谈、缓解人道危机发挥建设性作用。?
Following the outbreak of the crisis [in Ukraine ], President Xi Jinping put forward four points about what must be done and four things the international community must do together. He emphasized that conflicts and wars produce no winner, there is no simple solution to a complex issue, and confrontation between major countries must be avoided. China has been playing a constructive role in its own way to promote peace talks and help ease the humanitarian crises.?
- 两国元首还就乌克兰危机等问题交换了意见。习近平指出,中方高度关切当前乌克兰局势。危机爆发后,我就提出了“四个应该”,前不久我又提出“四个共同”。?
The two presidents [Xi Jinping and Joe Biden] also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and other issues. President Xi pointed out that China is highly concerned about the current situation in Ukraine. He noted the four points about what must be done he had proposed soon after the outbreak of the crisis and the four things the international community must do together he had suggested recently.?
Today’s quote:
- 在乌克兰问题上,中方始终站在和平一边,始终坚持习近平主席提出的“四个应该”“四个共同”“三点思考”,秉持客观公正立场,积极劝和促谈。?
On the Ukraine issue, China always stands on the side of peace. We have followed the four principles, called for joint efforts in four areas and shared three observations on Ukraine as outlined by President Xi Jinping, taken an objective and just position, and worked actively to promote peace talks.?
- 乌克兰危机爆发以来,习近平主席先后提出“四个应该”和“四个共同”,深刻指出冲突战争没有赢家、复杂问题没有简单解决办法、大国对抗必须避免,以自己的方式,为劝和促谈、缓解人道危机发挥建设性作用。?
Following the outbreak of the crisis [in Ukraine ], President Xi Jinping put forward four points about what must be done and four things the international community must do together. He emphasized that conflicts and wars produce no winner, there is no simple solution to a complex issue, and confrontation between major countries must be avoided. China has been playing a constructive role in its own way to promote peace talks and help ease the humanitarian crises.?
- 两国元首还就乌克兰危机等问题交换了意见。习近平指出,中方高度关切当前乌克兰局势。危机爆发后,我就提出了“四个应该”,前不久我又提出“四个共同”。?
The two presidents [Xi Jinping and Joe Biden] also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and other issues. President Xi pointed out that China is highly concerned about the current situation in Ukraine. He noted the four points about what must be done he had proposed soon after the outbreak of the crisis and the four things the international community must do together he had suggested recently.?
- 越来越多的情况表明,这次事件不是意外事故,而是人为蓄意进行的。如果不能查明“北溪”管线被破坏的原委和责任者,将给那些图谋不轨者以更多可乘之机,认为他们可以为所欲为,甚至刺激产生更多恐怖行径,使本已不稳定的全球安全形势受到进一步冲击。这与每个国家的利益和关切息息相关。?
It is increasingly clear that what happened to Nord Stream pipelines was by no means an accident, but rather a deliberate act. Failure to find out why it happened and who is behind the destruction may leave the malign actors an opportunity and encourage them to do whatever they want and may even instigate more terrorist activities, which could further destabilize the already troubled global security landscape. This puts the interests of every country at stake.?
Today’s quote:
- 在乌克兰问题上,始终立足是非曲直,恪守客观公正,为缓和局势、化解危机发挥了负责任、建设性作用。中国将继续劝和促谈,为政治解决乌克兰危机提供中国智慧,与国际社会一道共同推动对话协商,解决各方关切,谋求共同安全。中国敦促有关国家立即停止拱火浇油,停止向中国甩锅推责,停止鼓噪“今日乌克兰,明日台湾”。?
On the Ukraine issue, China has taken an objective and impartial stance based on the merits of the issue, and has played a responsible and constructive role in easing the situation and deescalating the crisis. China will continue to promote peace talks, contribute its ideas for a political settlement of the crisis, and join the international community to promote dialogue and consultation, address the concerns of all parties and seek common security.In the meantime, we urge certain countries to immediately stop fueling the fire, stop shifting blame to China, and stop touting “Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow”.?
- 中方在乌克兰问题上的方针归结为一句话,就是劝和促谈。究竟是谁在呼吁对话、争取和平,又是谁在拱火递刀、鼓动对抗,国际社会有目共睹。我们敦促美方切实反思自身所作所为,多为缓和局势、劝和促谈做些实事,停止甩锅推责、散播虚假信息。中方将继续坚定站在对话一边,站在和平一边,为推动局势缓和降温发挥建设性作用。?
On the Ukraine issue, China’s position boils down to supporting talks for peace. The international community is fully aware who is calling for dialogue and striving for peace, and who is fanning the flames and stoking confrontation. We urge the US side to seriously reflect on the role it has played, do something to actually help deescalate the situation and promote peace talks, and stop deflecting the blame and spreading disinformation. China will continue to stay firm on the side of peace and dialogue, and play a constructive part in easing the situation.?
- 应美方请求,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅在出席慕尼黑安全会议期间,同美国国务卿布林肯非正式接触。 。。。 王毅强调,在乌克兰问题上,中国坚持原则、劝和促谈,一直发挥着建设性作用。中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系建立在不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方的基础上,是两个独立国家主权范围之内的事情。我们从不接受美国对中俄关系指手画脚甚至胁迫施压。美国作为一个大国,理应推动危机政治解决,而不是拱火浇油,趁机牟利。?
At the request of the US side, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi had an informal contact with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the margins of the Munich Security Conference. ... Wang Yi stressed that on the Ukraine issue, China stands by principles. China is committed to promoting peace talks and has played a constructive role. The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is built on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third countries, which is within the sovereign right of any two independent states. We do not accept the US’s finger-pointing or even coercion targeting China-Russia relations. The US, as a major country, has every reason to work for a political settlement of the crisis instead of fanning the flames or profiting from it.?
- 中方在乌克兰问题上的立场是一贯、明确的。我们始终主张各国主权、领土完整都应该得到尊重,联合国宪章宗旨和原则都应该得到遵守,各国合理安全关切都应该得到重视,一切有利于和平解决危机的努力都应该得到支持。中方呼吁相关各方通过对话协商妥善解决分歧,愿同国际社会一道,继续为推动局势缓和发挥建设性作用。?
China’s position on the Ukraine issue is consistent and clear. We believe that all countries deserve respect for their sovereignty and territorial integrity, that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be observed, that the legitimate security concerns of any country should be taken seriously, and that support should be given to all efforts that are conducive to peacefully resolving the crisis. We call on the parties concerned to properly address differences through dialogue and consultation. China stands ready to work with members of the international community to continue to play a constructive part in deescalation efforts.?
- 我也愿意在此重申,中方在乌克兰问题上的立场是一贯、明确的,没有发生变化。解决乌克兰问题,还是要回到新明斯克协议这一原点上。?
I’d like to reiterate that China’s position on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear, and remains unchanged. To solve the issue, it is necessary to return to the starting point of the Minsk-2 agreement, which is endorsed by the UN Security Council.?
Today’s quote:
- 俄罗斯总统普京昨天宣布俄方将暂停参与《新削减战略武器条约》。?
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced yesterday the suspension of Russia’s participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 《新削减战略武器条约》是俄美本世纪达成的重要双边核裁军条约,也是目前俄美之间唯一的军控条约。该条约对于维护全球战略稳定、增进国际与地区和平、实现无核武器世界目标等均具有重要意义。中方注意到俄美在履约问题上的分歧,希望双方通过建设性对话协商妥善解决分歧,确保条约顺利执行。?
The New START treaty is an important bilateral treaty on nuclear disarmament reached between Russia and the US in this century, and the only remaining US-Russia arms control treaty, which is important for maintaining global strategic stability, promoting international and regional peace, and realizing the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world. China notes the differences on compliance between the two countries, and hopes the two sides can properly resolve the differences through constructive dialogue and consultation to ensure the treaty’s sound implementation.?
Today’s quote:
- 在伊朗核问题上,积极推动恢复伊核全面协议,维护有关国家正当合法权益,维护国际核不扩散体系。?
On the Iranian nuclear issue, China has actively promoted the resumption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), to uphold the legitimate rights and interests of relevant countries and the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 近年来,美国对国际军控条约和机制采取“利则用,不利则弃”的实用主义态度,接连退出《中导条约》《开放天空条约》,撤销签署《武器贸易条约》,在伊朗核问题上立场反反复复。?
In recent years, it has been adopting a pragmatic cherry-picking approach with international arms control treaties and mechanisms. It has withdrawn from the INF Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty, unsigned the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and flip-flopped on the Iranian nuclear issue.?
- 11月17日,国际原子能机构总干事格罗西发布两份伊朗核问题报告,介绍伊朗履行全面协议核义务以及机构对伊核活动实施保障监督的最新情况,并表示其将应邀访伊。?
On November 17 [2021], the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi released two reports on the Iranian nuclear issue, introducing Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and on matters related to verification and monitoring of Iran’s nuclear activities. Grossi has accepted an invitation to visit Iran.
- 成员国指出持续履行伊朗核问题全面协议十分重要,呼吁协议参与方恪守义务,确保全面协议得到完整、有效执行,促进全世界和地区和平与稳定。?
The Member States [of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization] deem it important to consistently implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear programme, and call for participants to strictly observe their obligations with a view to ensuring its full and efficient implementation and promoting peace and stability in the region and globally.?
Today’s quote:
- 在中东问题上,欢迎并支持包括沙特、伊朗在内地区国家开展安全对话,自主搭建符合地区实际、兼顾各方利益的中东安全架构。?
On the Middle East, China welcomes and supports security dialogues among regional countries including Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as regional efforts to build a Middle East security architecture that suits the realities of the region and accommodates the interests of all parties. ?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 感谢你关注第三届中国—阿拉伯国家改革发展论坛。 昨天,外交部依托中阿改革发展研究中心以线上形式举办了第三届中国—阿拉伯国家改革发展论坛,中国政府中东问题特使翟隽出席论坛开幕式,来自中国以及埃及、阿联酋、沙特等十几个阿拉伯国家的多位专家学者与会。?
Yesterday [September 8, 202], China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the third China-Arab Reform and Development Forum in virtual format with the help of the China-Arab Research Center on Reform and Development. Zhai Jun, Special Envoy of the Chinese Government for the Middle East, attended the opening ceremony of the forum. Experts and academics from China and a dozen Arab countries including Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia attended the event. This is the third gathering of the forum.?
- 昨天,中国政府中东问题特使翟隽同苏丹外交事务临时负责人萨迪克通电话,呼吁苏丹各派以人民利益为重,通过对话协商解决分歧,共同推进政治过渡。翟隽强调,中方反对外部势力干涉苏丹内政,支持苏丹有关各方在《宪法宣言》和《朱巴和平协议》框架下倾听并照顾彼此关切,捐弃前嫌,凝聚共识,为下阶段推进政治过渡奠定牢固基础。中方呼吁国际社会为苏丹政治过渡提供更多帮助和支持,注入“正能量”。?
Yesterday [November 4, 202] Zhai Jun, Special Envoy of the Chinese Government for the Middle East, spoke on the phone with Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, who is temporarily in charge of Sudan's foreign affairs. Zhai called on parties in Sudan to put people's interests first, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and jointly advance the political transition. He stressed that China opposes external interference in Sudan's internal affairs and supports Sudanese parties in listening to and accommodating each other's concerns under the framework of the Constitutional Declaration and the Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan, bury the hatchet, build consensus, and lay a solid foundation for advancing the political transition process in the next stage. China calls on the international community to provide more support, assistance and positive energy for Sudan's political transition.?
Read in parallel: