Three objections that thwart getting an appointment and how to handle them.
You have uncovered a brilliant prospect for your services. You hit the connectives to try and get an appointment. One of three perennial objections is tossed back at you. What are they? How do you combat them to get to see your prospect?
Objection one: Thanks, but we already have a provider/supplier of your services
Heard that one before? Of course you have. The standard reply is "Thanks for sharing that with me and your time". Then you move on to your next prospect. You mark this prospect as a "no". But are they really a "no"?
Prospects do switch suppliers from time to time. They may be thinking about it when you call, but they don’t necessarily tell you, do they? The secret here is to give them an opportunity to engage in dialogue with you.
Firstly, thank them for being candid with you. Then ask non product related, open-ended questions. This discovery tactic buys you time and delivers vital intelligence.
You. "Delighted to hear that. I’m interested to know, what do you think makes that association work so effectively for you?"
Notice how you are trying to get the prospect to open up and talk to you about their existing relationship. Based on what they say you can then ask other questions. This can be about the length of the relationship, how often they do a review, what else they may be looking for or if there are other services/products/challenges that need to be addressed.
You. "Good/interesting points. I guess if there was other data or information that could help you (insert benefit such as beat budget, save money or save time) you would like to have access to it, wouldn't you?"
This opens up the opportunity to begin dialogue. Not to sell.
You. "Great to hear. I’m curious to know, though, if in the event of (insert issue/problem) what happens?"
The "I'm curious to know" approach opens up the discussion for the prospect to present an opinion on what may have initially been a closed situation.
You. "On the basis of amazing, tremendous or competent what type of relationship would you like your supplier of (insert type of service/product) to deliver?"
This helps to get the prospect thinking about what type of service the current provider may not be providing. It also opens the door to discuss different service delivery levels if they did switch to you.
You. "You know, sometimes to have a second set of eyes can be really helpful, can’t it? So when you are up for a review or comparison is it OK if we reconnect then to see if we can deliver some valuable information, industry expertise or experience that may HELP you?"
By offering "a second set of eyes" you are beginning the journey to establish a relationship. This means by beginning the relationship with an offer of HELP prospects are a lot easier to engage with.
Objection two: "I'm not interested"
Of course they are not interested. Why? Because you haven't been able to give them a reason to be interested.
You. "Before I go, if I could introduce you to some ideas that would save you time, save you money or give you some valuable industry intelligence, would that be of interest to you?"
"Before I go" is a signal that you won’t be long. The prospect is relieved that termination of the call is imminent, so they are a lot easier to get along with.
Prospect: "I suppose so. But I'm still not interested."
You. "That’s OK. Which of the things I mentioned would be of value for you. Save time, save money or the industry intelligence point?"
Prospect: "I suppose the industry intelligence thingy might be of value. But I’m still not interested at the present time."
You: "Thank you for that. Mr, Prospect if I am hearing you correctly, you're concentrating on something else right now."
Prospect:"That’s right."
You:"Mr. Prospect, I appreciate you candour. Then let's not talk right now, but is it your area to focus on improving (insert benefit), is it? So I will send you that industry intelligence paper, if that’s OK with you?"
Prospect:"Yes it is. Fine."
You:"Thank you. I think you'll get some value out of the intelligence report because I'll share with you some great ideas on (insert riveting topic). We will talk at another time after you have digested the paper and have some tough questions to ask me. If it is OK with you I will call back on (insert date) to listen to your take on the paper. That way you can tell me what interests you."
Notice how the prospect has not been burnt but merely transported into the future and hopefully you have gained their permission to call on the dated specified.
Objection three: "It’s Not a Good Time Right Now"
Prospect: "Look I don’t mean to be abrupt but, now is not a good time for me to talk."
You:"Mr. Prospect, I appreciate you candour. Then let's not talk right now, but is it your area to focus on improving (insert benefit), is it?
Prospect: "Yes."
You: "Thank you. Before I go then, is (insert benefit such as saving money, improving productivity, grow revenue or working to budget) of critical importance to you?"
Prospect: "Yes, we’d like to grow revenue and save money, but our priorities at the moment aren’t in those areas."
You: "If it is OK with you I will send you the links to the special reports we have that show how (insert your product or service) can trim the budget and boost revenue? Then you can tell me which parts would be of value for your company when I call later next week."
Prospect: "Yes, that is OK, but it is still not a good time."
You: "That’s fine Mr. Prospect. I appreciate your honesty. That is why your opinion on the paper may well be the start of a complete new way of looking at (insert problem/solution) for you and (insert company name). I will call you on (insert date). Is the morning or afternoon best for you?"
Prospect: "Probably the afternoon."
You: "Thank you."
In many cases going for the appointment first up with busy and worried people can be a sure way to guarantee you don’t succeed in getting to see them. The softly, softly approach as a helper, confidant or easy to get along with person may work better. What you will be able to achieve is a longer time frame to get the appointment, but not burn your prospects.
Pleas adapt these scripts and questions to your own situation and profession.
This article is reprinted with permission from Jim Prigg CEO and founder of Knowledgemaster International Pty Ltd. Knowledgemaster International is an online resources company that delivers practical communications, interaction, sales and soft skills tips, tactics, techniques. Learn more about winning business programs by calling Jim Prigg at 03 5232 1500 mobile 0408 520453 or visit