Three Minutes a Day ...

Three Minutes a Day ...

You might be wondering, "What the <excited utterance of your choice goes here> is this article about?". Please bare with me and you will see ... in three minutes or less ;)

"Boiling an egg", "15 Jumping Jacks" or "Taking out the Trash" are all tasks, that -under normal circumstances- take up three minutes (or less) of our time to perform, and there are, quite obviously, many more examples. Tasks, that seem mundane, if we think about them.

In cloud management, equally "mundane" tasks, often times, take up way more than three minutes. Let's be honest, who does not have a "solution development process" like this :

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Consulting the search engine of choice for initial ideas, researching the likes of StackOverflow for "others, who have faced similar issues (always keeping an eye out for that most important "green check mark"), regrettably resorting to documentation and, last but not least, starting to apply the learnt. There simply are too many "moving parts" in cloud management, infrastructure as code, or whatever you want to call it.

You do not need to know everything, you just need to know where to look it up.

Each of these tasks, in reality, take up way more than three minutes, don't they. So what if i told you, there was a way, even for cloud infrastructure people, to save minutes, even hours, a day ? Well - spoiler alert - yes, you guessed it ... this is, where the article pivots towards the "hot sh)§" topic ... AI, LLM, GPT, or whatever favourite acronym you have for a topic that is being talked about everywhere, but only a few really are grounded in reality (pun seriously intended)

But what's in it for me ?

Well, let me give you only a few examples, that might save you those valuable minutes a day, to do the jumping jacks, or boil your morning egg ... or maybe do all of them, because so much time of yours was saved by picking a new tool for your belt.

Let's take a simple example that you might be facing on an -almost- daily basis ...

This -relatively- basic task in the example does pose no -intellectual- challenge, but still things seem to come together automatically, or "auto-magically".

While the above seems more like "IntelliSense(TM) on steroids", one might think "nice, but i am good, i can do it as quickly myself" ... well, ok, but ... really ?

But wait, there's more ... Let's check out another scenario.

OK, so far those were examples of creating new stuff, but what about getting my head around existing things, that somebody else has "created" ?

If you are more of an IaC-purist and your world revolves around ARM Templates, Bicep, Terraform, or similar ... no problem. You are covered. Flick of the wand, and there you go.

Operations, however, is a different ball game, right? CLI, PowerShell, Bicep are only marginally interesting, while creating Azure Policy definitions is the bane -well- bread and butter of our existence, isn't it ? Maybe not for much long.

Last, but not least, who has not been in the situation where you get challenged by somebody to declare which permissions -at a minimum- are needed by a certain script, so to follow the "least privileged access" concept. Even here, you can do some magic.

So what is behind this magic ?

Well, all you have seen so far is GitHub Copilot. You might have heard about it, but did you realize it is not only for software developers? In all of the above examples, Copilot did the initial heavy lifting, saving plenty of time ... time and time again.

So what about the three minute pitch from the beginning? Well, if you manage to save about three minutes each working day by using Github Copilot, it has basically paid for itself.

So, why are you still here ... Go, Go, Go to


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