Three main problems people come to me with
Carmen Williams
Director of Global Teams. 120 VA's in the Philippines and South Africa supporting Australian business owners to grow their business AND have a life. Account Managers | BDMs | Admin | Customer Service | LI Marketing
There are three main problems business owners come to me with depending where they are on their journey.
As they say…you always have problems…they just become better quality.
Where are you on this scale?
This is the first problem people often face in business.
I remember when I quit my job and started a business it was my sole focus. I needed to make some cash!
This was when I got my first Virtual Assistant who supported me with LinkedIn lead generation and I after a few months of LinkedIn action I secured a $60K contract.
At the “I need leads” stage of business it is essential that you own your own marketing strategy, and get support to do the doing on LinkedIn (so that you can focus on getting people across the line).
Now, I don’t mean those people who are scared of sales overall (as you need to address this is problem 1).
What I mean here is that you are scared that if you make a sale your operations won’t keep up.
I get it, I have been there.
Last year, I was too scared to make sales as I was not confident that my recruitment team could keep up.
When I recognised this, I hired a second recruitment Virtual Assistant and doubled our capacity.
I probably should have done this BEFORE I got scared to sell, but we can’t all be perfect.
Chocolate: The leads are flowing, but you want more (because why not?!). Perhaps you are not marketing on social media (when you would like to).
Strawberry: You want to support your Australian team to be more efficient. For example, support your sales person to have more phone calls (and do less admin) so that they can make more money.
Vanilla: You want to do less in the business and have more time doing fun stuff, for example visiting your kids in the UK. This can either be by getting your Virtual Assistant to do some of the stuff you are doing or getting your Virtual Assistant to free up one of your existing Australian based team members to pick up some of your workload.
So there you have it. The three problems that business owners generally come to me with.
Do any of these resonate with you?