Three Learning’s from ANA Airlines on how to manage Customers and Brand in VUCA world

Three Learning’s from ANA Airlines on how to manage Customers and Brand in VUCA world

What do you do when faced with a decline in sales, customers, and volatility of the situation?

The airline industry is facing the same challenge since it has been impacted by COVID. It has already lost 314 Billion USD in 2020 due to COVID. With the second wave of COVID, the first few months have seen an impact already.

Which pushes the Airlines industry in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world

Most of the airplanes parked on the Airports and even those who are flying, flying at a loss.

How about crafting a restaurant with wings. This helps in inviting customers to interact with your brand and your staff while upgrading their experience of First Class or Business Class at 1/5th of the Cost of a typical business class fair.

That exactly is being done by Japan ANA ( All NIPPON AIRWAYS) which is offering a Dining Experience to its customers on planes which are parked at Haneda Airport in Tokyo

This has provided ANA  an opportunity to stand out from the competition by showcasing to its target audience the things that make it different and better.

Customers who are having this experience of Lunch in First Class or Business Class shall be saving this experience for a lifetime and also it helps in creating a stronger brand story and brand connection.

Three Lessons on Branding / Rebranding from This

1)     As a company experience of customers with our brand is of paramount experience. If we don’t interact with customers for a long time he/ she has a tendency to move out to the new brand. Always open to thinking of new ways to increase our interaction with Customer leads.

2)     Think in terms of the customer journey, what he or she is going through now and how we can add value to his / her journey

3)     Make an offer that puts you in a different league from Competition.


Please share how you are thinking about shaping your brand in VUCA times with me and if I can help you ride through the storm, reach out to me at [email protected].

If you need help with creating a Digital Brand or realizing your dreams or need help in transitioning to the Business World from the Corporate World I can surely help as I have tried many ways and experimented with a lot of stuff. I have learned hard way and I can save you from frustration and wasted time.


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