The Three Largest Problems Preventing The Vast Majority Of People's Success - It Is Not Skills, Time, Goals, Belief, Motivation, Money, Resources...

The Three Largest Problems Preventing The Vast Majority Of People's Success - It Is Not Skills, Time, Goals, Belief, Motivation, Money, Resources...

What Prevents Most People's Success?

If you look online you'll likely find a Large List of Possibilities.

Google gave me this list...

  • Fear Of Failure
  • Lack Of Self-Belief
  • Procrastination
  • Poor Time Management
  • Perfectionism
  • Not Setting Clear Goals
  • Lack of Perseverance
  • Blaming Others
  • Resistance To Change

All of these are Interesting.

All of them are Wrong.


These are "Not" the Problems.

They are "Consequences" of the Problems.

Some People call them "Second-Order Consequences".

What does this Mean?

Essentially there are "The" Problems that Exist.

Those Problems create Chain Reactions which Create Many Other Problems.

This Entire List is Caused by Other Problems.

In my work, I have Referred to this as "Stress Chains".

Most people try to "Solve" the Problems Above, those at the "End" of the Chain.

But What Happens?

It Fails to Get Long-Term Results.


The Original Problems that Caused These Still Exist.

You can "Solve" these Secondary Consequences, but the Original Problem is Still Unfixed and Causing Mayhem.

Until You Solve the Primary Problems, You'll Continue to Have These Other Problems.

So, what are the Largest Problems We Have?

It is Not Our Skills.

Most people are Far More Qualified than they Realize.

It is Not Time, because We "All" have the Same 24 Hours in a Day.

It Isn't Our Goals, the Lack of Them, or the Size of Them.

It is Not Motivation.

I can tell you from My Own Personal Experience that You Do Not Need Motivation to Succeed.

It is Not Money or Resources.

Many people have Figured Out ways to Succeed without them.

It also Is Not Your Mindset.

I'd actually say that Mindset is Overrated.

So if the Largest Problems are Not Any of These...

Then what are they?

The First Problem that People Have is their Nervous System.

For Most People, their Nervous System is Overreacting to Stimuli.

Sometimes this is from a Lack of Use.

Other times it is Due to Unresolved Trauma.

But Essentially what happens is that the Nervous System Responds to things that Happen in Our Lives.

When it has gone Unused for a Long Period of Time...

Such as what frequently occurs with People's Feet because of their Choice of Footwear...

Then the Nervous System Weakens.

If it is Suddenly "Activated" in this Weakened State, it becomes Essentially Overloaded.

Too Much Stimulation Too Quickly.

This Causes a "Panic" Signal in the Body.

Interestingly, sometimes our Brains Treat this Overwhelming Panic Signal "As If" it were Pain, Even if there is No True Physical Pain Occurring.

We "Feel" Pain, Even Though There Is Actually No Pain Or Damage!

It is Just Overstimulation Causing a Panic Response.

On the Other Side of this Coin, you can also have what is known as "Trauma Capsules".

Essentially, when we Experience Trauma (as We "Experienced" It based on When the "Trauma" Ocurred, Regardless of what we Believe Mentally Today) the Body will "Store It" in Places.

If these Traumas remain Unresolved, these "Stored Places" continue to "Build Up" into a "Trauma Capsule".

Interestingly, we Also Frequently Experience these as Pain.

It is Estimated that Nearly 70% of Pain we Experience is More Emotionally-Based than Physically-Based.

But what Happens when these Trauma Capsules are Activated?

A Fight-Or-Flight Response.

Further, anything even "Remotely" Similar to the Original Trauma Triggers the Trauma Capsule and then becomes Stored as "Additional Experiences" under the Same Capsule...

Thus Making the Capsule Stronger.

This Response Frequently Prevents Success.


We are Unable to Think Clearly.


Most Success Requires Thought, Pattern Recognition, Planning, Acting on the Plan, etc.

But in Fight-Or-Flight Mode we Lose Access to these.

Therefore, our Success is Prevented.

But this is Not All the Prevents Success.

Next, we have Energy, or More Accurately Mg-ATP.

This is what the Body Uses for Fuel.

Without Fuel, we Cannot Function.

In our World Today, there is a Gigantic List of things that Burns Through Our Energy Stores Quickly.

It can be Summed Up as Dis-Stress, from Any Source.

As I say, All Stress Adds.

As we Experience Stressors, we Burn through Energy More Quickly.

In Dis-Stress it becomes Significantly Worse.

On top of this, Most People are Magnesium Deficient.

The "Mg" of "Mg-ATP" is the Abbreviation for Magnesium.

What does this Mean?

We are Simultaneously Burning Through Energy More Quickly "And" Do Not Have Enough Magnesium to Create Enough New Energy.

So, it is like trying to Run a Car while Constantly Out of Fuel.

It Does Not Go.

The same exact Principle Happens to the Body and is a Huge Factor in Burnout.

Without Energy, You Cannot "Get" to Success.

But there is One Other Problem we Frequently Experience.

It is Known as Ceruloplasmin...

Or rather a Lack of Ceruloplasmin.

What is this?

You can call it the Body's Master Antioxidizer.

What does this mean?

When we Experience a Stressor, which is "Necessary" to get to Success, it Creates a Chain Reaction in the Body.

At the End of this, there is something called Oxidative Stress.

You could also call this Stress Damage.

Think of this Stress Damage like Trash.

What happens if the Stress Damage is Not Removed?

It Piles Up.

Much like a Landfill.

If You Do Not Remove the Stress Damage, it Becomes a Landfill in Your Body.

As you can imagine, this Causes all sorts of Problems!

So, what do you Need to Remove the Stress Damage?


Now, there are Many Types of Antioxidants that Exist...

But Not All of them are Effective.

Ceruloplasmin is like the Dump Truck of Antioxidants.

It can Pick Up and Remove a Lot of Stress Damage Quickly.

Other types of Antioxidants are more like Individual Trashmen...

Without a Vehicle...

They have to Sprint to Each Home and Carry Away the Trash by Hand.

It is Not Fast or Efficient.

The Result?

The Stress Damage Builds Up.

Without Ceruloplasmin, You're Doomed to a Landfill of Stress Damage.

This then Simultaneously becomes a Stressor.

As the Landfill Grows, the More of a Stressor it Becomes.

This Means?

You Burn through Energy More Quickly.

Then, when you Experience a Stressor "Without" Enough Energy to Overcome It?

It likely Sets Off a Nervous System Response.

If that Continues to Happen?

You have a New Stress Capsule that begins to Form.

When you Combine All of these Together?

You are Seeking Some Form of Success.

This is, itself a Stressor.

But the Problem is You Do Not have Enough Energy (Mg-ATP) and Too Large of a Landfill of Stress Damage to Successfully Overcome a New Stressor.

So, this New Stressor Immediately Becomes Dis-Stress, Destroying Energy, Building Up More Stress Damage, and Creating a Fight-Or-Flight Response.

Except, you "Want" Success, so you Try Again...

And Again...

Unsuccessful Attempt...

After Unsuccessful Attempt...

As You Do This, the Failed Attempts become "Built-Up" Fight-or-Flight Experiences which become Trauma Capsules.

Then, any time you even "Attempt" to go After that Success, you have Already Failed.

This is Why Psychophysiology is Far More Important than Skills and Psychology Alone.

A Disrupted Psychophysiology puts you at an Immediate and Gigantic Disadvantage.

But if You Fix Your Psychophysiology?

Suddenly, Success becomes a Possibility.

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Lori Young

Helping holistic wellness brands be unforgettable AND sustainable | Branding | Offer Development | Content Marketing | Certified Master Marketer | Certified Online Business Manager

1 个月

I'm curious to hear more about what you've identified as the true root causes holding people back.

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (700+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal

1 个月

Tired of Broken Algorithms and AI Slop? Excited to Dive Deeper into Psychophysiological Mastery? Want to Change The World? The Seeking Sageship Newsletter for You!


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