Three key takeways from SBC Summit Lisbon 2024
Big, bigger, SBC Summit?

Three key takeways from SBC Summit Lisbon 2024

Everyone has travelled home now, inboxes are starting to get manageable again, and so it’s a good time to look back on the recent SBC Summit in Lisbon and reflect on what was probably the largest industry event to date. For me there are three key takeaways:

1. How big is too big?

The SBC Summit was massive and while I have to commend the organising team for putting on a well thought out and polished event, the question of how big is too big has to be asked again. I’m well on record as questioning this permanent game of one-upmanship the two or three larger event firms are seemingly engaged in these days. In fact, they’re already at it again. SBC published a figure of 25,000 attendees and now guess who is claiming 27,000 people will be coming to Malta next month? Seriously, guys, tone it down. Just like boys with their toys in kindergarten, these numbers don’t impress anyone. Especially if they don’t convert to new business.

SBC was spread out over four massive halls plus a tent plus outdoor areas plus a stadium. The venue was so vast, that even 25,000 people over three days didn’t make the place feel full – and that fact wasn’t lost on some exhibitors. Quite a few I spoke to mentioned that footfall past their stands seemed down compared to other expos, simply because the place was so big it became almost impossible to see and walk past every stand.

Then there was the massive arena that worked well for big name speeches like Tony Hawk, but smaller talks looked positively lost in the huge venue that was also outside of the main halls and required more walking yet again. Apparently there was also an esports thingy beyond that? I didn’t even get that far.

So, my key takeaway number one is: I think we’ve reached the size limits for these events and it’s time to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Nobody cares who has more attendees or more square meters, but we all suffer from having to walk more with less business at the end.

SBC Summit 2024 Lisbon
You'll do a lot of walking at events these days...

2. My, have we grown

My second point is also about size, but this time it’s about the size of the industry. When I went to my first expo (ICE London at the old Earl’s Court venue – showing my age here) you could fit most of the industry in half of one of the massive halls in Lisbon. Also, we all pretty much knew each other because the industry was so small, and from a certain level upwards it still is. But it sure has grown massively over the last twenty years and the number of faces I recognise on the floor are getting fewer by the year. Not because my contact book is so small, but because so many new people join the circus all the time. Not all of them last and the old game of annual job switcheroo is also still very much a thing (every year you meet the same people but they wearing a different company shirt), but as an industry, we have become massive and we’re still growing. It's great to see that and it feels amazing to have been there almost from the start - you know, when SBC was Rasmus putting on some drinks at a small bar next to ICE London.

How big is too big?

3. How many are too many?

Finally, we need to start asking the question how many conferences and expos we actually need. While some people might enjoy travelling around the world to the different events, for others it’s driving up costs and raising questions on ROI. Not only is travel not getting any cheaper but stands at expos must also count as some of the most expensive real estate on earth by square meter price. I swear I’ve seen HK penthouses that worked out cheaper than some carpet and cardboard construction in an exhibition hall, and it feels as if the only winners here are the ever bigger events firms. Maybe it's time to sit down and have a good hard look at which events are really key and which ones we could do without? Or are we so big as an industry now that we indeed need them all?

I'd be keen to get your opinion on this. Either in the comments or at the next event where we all inevitably will meet again.


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