Three important things that disrupt your life
Aakash Waghmare
State Government Approved Valuator, Advisor, Estimator, Builder and Developer For Real Estate Industry
It was Sunday morning, last week.
I dreamed of ‘having a good life seminar’ last night’s sleep.
The speaker was talking about ‘why you do not have a good life?’
I don’t know much about that seminar of my dream, but I enjoyed it.
And when I woke up, I realized that I too had those problems told by the speaker in my sleep seminar.
For those, who don’t know, how anyone could ever attend a seminar that never happened in this world, at his night-sleep, I’d like to tell them, If you’re really eager for your life, success, and prosperity, and if you are trying to put every moment of your life, Nature will help you to proceed further, to get the points to discuss, realize and innovate.
I quickly recall the experiences I had, And, I found that, whatever the speaker was talking about, is true.
When a human starts his life journey, he feels like his life is being sucked by stress, depression, and anxiety. He feels that he’s suffering, and in the end, he really gets nothing.
Why our life sucks so bad, is the most important question, I’ve ever asked myself, but didn’t have an answer to it, until the seminar I attended in my sleep.
I don’t know why that dream comes in my sleep, but, whatever the reason, Nature allowed me to realize the reason behind sucking life.
Sometimes, we feel so bad and unable to move forward, even if we have an internal desire to complete the task. Even if we’re really ready to do whatever it takes.
We feel the demotivation inside, we feel the stress, depression, lack of direction, lack of interest, and laziness, inside.
It’s normal human nature. We can’t avoid them, but, we can alter them.
After recalling all the experiences, I asked the same question again myself, ‘Aakash, why do you feel the demotivation, and laziness when you do your work?’
Einstein once said, ‘You can’t solve the problem on the level you get that problem’
So I decided to change the level to solve the problem.
I changed my level and I asked, ‘Why do you do your work with motivation, inner burning desire, and don’t feel stress, depression, anxiety, and laziness?’
This time, I got the answer very clearly. I was able to see it.
The answer lies in three things.
Firs are Internal Interest Level
I do the work with inner desire, and don’t feel laziness, stress, or depression, only because, I do have Internal Interest in it, and I am ready to do whatever it takes with that interest.
When I do my work, I get that KICK, the KICK on my BUTT, which pushes me up to the highest level of energy.
The energy that further performs my actions at the greatest level.
I am writing this article right now, and I am writing my thoughts on it, I am not feeling any obligation to write it, and I don’t have any means how to write, but I am loving to write my mind and my experiences on this article.
This ‘loves to write what I love to speak or tell’ KICK me, pushes me upwards at the level of energy, and that energy further helps me to write full ability.
The second is, Putting my heart to work
The Logic impact less than Magic
I don’t know where the above dialogue come from, but, it’s true that Logic impact less than Magic, and magic comes from putting heart into the work.
History bears witness to the reality that, whoever inspired people with their true hearts, becomes the leaders in history.
Take the example of any great leader.
They have put their whole heart into work to impact more lives, to change the world radically.
When we put our heart into work, we get a strong shot of dopamine, into our brain, that KICK the depression, stress, anxiety, and laziness out of the mind.
Third, When I do have a lot of time and options
What major problems of depression and stress are because, we feel that, we do not have a lot of time left, or we feel that, we have missed the chance.
People are struggling hard, to achieve success. When they do not get what they planned, their mind normally goes into depression.
This depression has two reasons in it. First, we’ve missed the chance, second, we’ve not had any chance again.
People who are filled with massive depression, are those, who are doing jobs and don’t have an idea to move next.
When we get a few choices or one choice, we simply become unable to select what we desire. My last article on ‘Power is in the choice’ will help you get that power to create the choices in your life.
Now, I’ve recently updated an article on “how to get more time in life”, I’ll post it on LinkedIn with the request in the comment.
When we do have time left, or when we do not have time limitations to complete the work, we feel relaxed. But it is not mean to don’t put the time limitations to do the work, but it is mean something else, that you’ll learn in the “how to get more time in life” article after request.
Leaders don't work based on time, they work based on results.
Towards the title
Now, let’s come toward the title of our article.
Why do we get disruption in life? Why do we get all those problems in our lives?
There are two major things about this.
Now it is clear to us.
If we do not have clear interest, internal interest in the work, which we’re doing, then, the whole world's problems will come to our desk. It’s the art of making things possible by creating interest, and I’ll post an article on it soon here on LinkedIn.
What about, then, putting whole heart means to me?
It means, that whatever you do, do with real experience and beliefs.
When you do things with your heart and with your belief, you’ll get massive results.
We, humans, are emotional creatures, and we do feel attached to emotions.
When you do things with your real interest, or we can say when you do things that interest you most, and when you do steps with your heart, you’ll express most of it.
When you watched any video, you take more of it, because you feel its energy and emotions. When you listen to audio, you will get most of it, because you’ll only feel its emotions. When you read the article, like this, you’ll only get sort of it, because, you’re reading articles with your own tone.
When I’ll come with videos and sessions, I’ll express and get attached to most of the people, because I’ll transfer more energy to your hearts.
When you do the same, when you do your work, with your heart or with emotions, you’ll make it happen clearly.
Third, when you find a time for your success, You’ll feel relaxed. And when you get a choice to select from, you’ll be in power.
You see, there is a disruption in our life, problems in our life only because of said things above.
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