Three Important Attitudes of the Lord Jesus
Christopher Jesudason
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1. Jesus' attitude toward different ministries*In Luke 9:49, 50 the Lord taught us what to do when we meet those who have a different ministry than ours. One cast out demons, but he did not meet with the disciples. John went to Jesus and asked Lord to stop him. Jesus told John not to hinder that man and let him continue his ministry. You obey your calling. Let them fulfill their ministry.Many Christians feel that the ministry they do is so important that everyone wants to do the same. "If the whole body is blind, where is hearing? If only hearing is, where is smelling?" (1Corinthians 12:17). A mature Christian recognizes that God has given different ministries to different people. If one person wants to do evangelism and another person wants to do community service, each can do their individual ministries.Through these two ministries, Christ is revealed through two persons. Let us not criticize one another. There is a difference in creation. God did not make every flower the same color, same size. A rainbow has many different colors. So is the body of Christ. Some people think that because they didn't go to Bible college, no one else should. Others want to go to Bible college because they went to it. Both are wrong.Depending on the calling God has given them, both methods can be used. But narrow-minded people see nothing but the ministry they do. This is a word for such, "Give thanks to God according to every ministry, and be faithful to your ministry".*2. Jesus' attitude toward sinners**In John 8:1-12 we read the story of the woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees wanted to stone her to death. There are many Pharisees even today. They have stones in their pockets to throw at others. Many preachers throw stones at others while preaching. Jesus has no stones to throw at anyone. He always showed mercy to sinners. Never in the Gospels do we see Jesus criticizing murderers, thieves, and adulterers.We see him condemning the Pharisees, the religious hypocrites in the synagogue, as going to hell. But to the woman caught in adultery, He said "I do not condemn you, sin no more" (John 8:11). The whole of the gospel (justification and sanctification) is contained in these two verses. He said to the Pharisees, "He who is without sin among you may cast the first stone."When you are tempted to throw stones at someone, remember these two things:*1.* God pulled you out of the hole*2.* The sin that is still in your body today. Then you empty all the stones from your pocket. After that, you can never throw stones at anyone.*3. Jesus' Attitude to the Scriptures*In Luke 2:47-52 we read about Jesus going to Jerusalem and Joseph leaving Mary in the temple thinking he was in his company. At the age of 12, Jesus knew the scriptures better than all the scholars in Israel. They were amazed at the way he explained the scriptures. Jesus did not have a Bible at home. There were no printed Bibles in those days.No one has them at home. But how did Jesus read the scriptures at the age of 12? He listened attentively when they were read in the synagogue and in the school. Today we have printed Bibles in our homes - many of us have several translations. Yet most Christians today know very little of the Bible. If you don't study the word of God you cannot build up the body of Christ.Jesus also had to study the scriptures from childhood to serve his Father. I firmly believe that God will never use you if you are lazy about studying the scriptures. But if you study the scriptures carefully and hope to be filled with the Spirit, God will use you mightily.So get into the habit of studying God's word from the first days of your salvation. Then you will know the mind of God and His ways.*Author*Zac Poonen