Three Great Men who Strategically/tactically Challenged/Fought Fulani led Bankrupt Elite with its gullible Nigerians.
The Three Great Men ( the First: late Joseph Tarka,the Second: late Late Isaac Boro & late Chief Awolowo) who Strategically/tactically Challenged/Fought Fulani led?Bankrupt?Elite?with its gullible Nigerians.
Before they were diverted by Fulani played Money/Politics that marred their Noble Intention & Fulani long association with Igbo,they used violent Strategy,which incited Igbo,mistakenly opted for Biafran Separation,this,assisted the Fulani to be shielded from the Grand Natives' Attacks,which would have consumed the Fulani.
Bahuri led Extremists' Regime handled Nigeria in their Fulani led Core North's version of late Gideon Orkar who prematurely declared & exposed the Western Styled Moderate Nigeria Republic Design of Savanna Region that include all Hausa Natives with all South,to form the Western Styled Moderate Nigeria Republic,as Fulani led Core North,are highly in Violence,Religious Bigotry,intolerance & Mayhem/Anarchy that lack any Moderation in handling any issue.
The late Orkar got the info during his Oversea Course,the Western Intelligentsia,who are tired of the Fulani led Core North that are highly in Violence,Religious Bigotry,intolerance & Mayhem/Anarchy that lack any Moderation in handling any issue,and Orkar prematurely exposed it without the required Prerequisite or Fundamentals.
Buhari with the Fulani led Core North & Queen led UK Imperialists aware of this Western Modified Nigerian Republic intention/Program & are doing anything to mar/preempt or nullify its occurrence,but Bahuri led Extremists' Regime tactically can do anything to?mar/preempt or nullify its happening,that is why they tel-guide & sponsored Igbo led illusive Biafran Ambition & Tinubu's Ambition,as to?mar/pre-empt or nullify this happening & to preoccupy Nigeria.
Late Joseph Tarka challenged Fulani led Native Authority & he Jailed Life at Jos Court in 1958,as Catholics acted Parochially not to save late Tarka,with the Middle Belt Region too weak to act. When Tarka became a NPN Senator,he quickly forgot his Past,he enjoyed it too much & he was poisoned by a woman sponsored by the Fulani Hegemony.
Late Isaac Adaka Boro led his Niger Delta Group & challenged Fulani led Govt,he was jailed for life at the Enugu Court & he copied Delta from the USA.
Laste Chief Awolowo & his Followers challenged Fulani led Govt.He & his Followers were jailed by the hands tired Late Justice Sowemimo.
Igbo,Biafra or Biafran were correct in Dictionary or google,until 1990,when they were deleted by the UK Authority & now,they are incorrect in English Dictionary or google.
Late Col. Ojukwu came out with the Biafran Nation,which shielded Fulani from all?Natives 'Challenges.& it was analysed as shielding Fulani from various Natives' Challenges & the real National Separation, as?late Gideon Orkar who prematurely declared & exposed the Western Moderate Nigeria Republic Design.
Some Facts
1.???The Secret siphoned Crude Oil from all Niger Delta Artesian Oil Wells, due to its self-pressure pumping Mechanism where Crude Oil are pumped from their hidden Oil wells to the secret dug conveying Oil Pipes to a secret Oil Loading Sea Location, after the Nigeria international Territorial Sea Water boundary for safe Oversea Oil Shipment, this secret is not known to NNPC of Nigeria, but known to the Fulani Hegemony, her majesty led British Imperialists with Anglo-Saxon Exploitative Conservative Americans and NNPC Pipelines are exposed to Public, for possible Vandalism, Oil Communities’ Agitation/Protest Cutting or flow stoppage & NNPC Checks.
?2.???British with Western Countries seized or withhold foreign Money from corrupt accused Nigerians or Foreigners who associated with Nigeria for corruption accusation & their money seizure and diverted to Arewa Accounts without Court due process and Court Order of Mandamus, as in case of late Sir Louis Ojukwu seized UK bank Accounts & the Money belonging to late Barrister Celestine Muojekwu, was seized upon his mysterious death by the?British Authority without required Her Majesty Crown Court Mandamus.?
From 1960s till today, all Nigerians' with Foreigners’ Seized Money are diverted to the Arewa accounts, while little seized Amounts are exposed or reported to Nigeria Government and these little are being tactically refunded in bits back to Nigeria.??3.Over invoicing or Substandard Executed Contracts, Supplies & Maintenance where above 60% Values were siphoned to Arewa Accounts.
?4.Secret Imposition Levies, Coarse Contribution & Fulani imposed alimony upon top Officials, notable Politicians & top political Office Holders were secretly coarse to donate or contribute or pay some money through Chief Adenuga Globacom, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Chief Terry Ways, Sir Emeka Offor & others which were coarsely collected money and there are remitted to their Arewa Accounts.
?5.Large Scale Crude Oil Government covered big Bunkering or huge Crude Oil Shipment diversion to Rotterdam where Oil are sold without proper Oil Documentations or without required OPEC due processes and proceeds being sent to their Arewa Accounts and this, caused why trusted Fulani usually are appointed to sensitive Oil positions as to cover any non-governmental Oil Deals.
?6. The during weak Ex. President Jonathan Regime where Core North led by IBB manipulated NNPC & Nigeria Government, as to siphon above several funds and even once US$50Billion, which were siphoned to Arewa Accounts & Ex CBN Gov. Sanusi protested the diversion as he was not prevailed or his interest was not granted and President Bahuri Knew about the activities of the British-Fulani organized Arewa Fund diversion, but they chose to parade some native Nigerians as mere Fronts, except the tactical Arrest of the Retired Col. Sambo Dansuki, whole gally is not an Executive Officer and he is not entitled to control & disburse any government fund constitutionally, as a mere appointed Presidential Adviser & his pending legal case cannot hold water at fair trial Court.
?7, Oil Companies operating in Nigeria are being coarse &task or manipulated to pay some Fulani imposed levied fees through some appointed Core North Cronies and some money are meant as to operate in?harsh Niger Delta Oil environment for granting operational freedom and to avoid inciting Public or Oil Communities against Oil companies operating and those that refused to settle some levied fees, to face harsh oil communities confrontation & neglect protest and such collected money mostly end up in Arewa Accounts.
?8.Wealthy Nigerians & Foreigners living or operating in Nigeria are coarse to pay Core North Protection fees or Fulani Alimony which are technically remitted to the Arewa Accounts.
Technically, Nigeria does not really possess propagandized viable valued National Assets which were built at less than 40%, but were merely national asset Complexes used by the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony controlled Government as to siphon Nigeria Treasury, except that Nigeria possess abundant untapped Minerals, good climatic Lands,Skilled/unskilled hard working People, Government/Industrial Rights or Licenses& Houses with individual efforts built small Industries which have non-accessible Roads & with non-Basic facilities.
??These national Assets were industrial & Office Complexes built at exorbitant Cost, with non-lasting inferior building/Engineering Materials or inferior Structures,which over time have deteriorated due to lack of required Maintenance, where TAM (Turn Around Maintenance) slogan or phrase were used by the IBB Principals,as to siphon the NNPC budgeted Maintenance's Fund and Refineries were left to be deteriorated, disused & abandoned, until these Refineries with other Assets were destroyed during the late general Sani Abacha Must Go Campaigns.
?Nigeria Assets Sales propaganda is technically & politically to preoccupy Nigerians with political Confusion & Distraction from the Governmental nonperformance alongside with the Government tailored usual Fulani playing gallery Corruption Crusade, and this will engage & preoccupy hungry gullible Nigerians with political Confusion & harsh economic reality Distraction and to divert Nigerians’ attention from the present harsh economic situation, while Government is at lost with the perquisite Governance.?
Experts & Intellectuals opinion-ed that Nigeria issues are well known to the whole World and other world institutions with the large Corporate Bodies, except Nigeria Government that felt and believe that they can achieve something from traveling to engage in false governance propaganda & Public misleading agenda, while today’s World, Internet, Its & Networks disseminate or display all necessary information, which are accessible to all at ease & at no cost. All these Nigeria Governmental Visitations,Seminars, Delegations & Conferences are merely wasteful Ventures & time wasting efforts, Government & institutions are technically nowadays being exposed by the Its & Networks.
??It is time for Nigeria Government to genuinely to govern Nigeria with unbiased Truth, ethnic Fairness without regarding Fulani as being Superior to other native Tribes,maintaining national Security without Fulani Herdsmen biases, accounting Honesty and Projects Delivery Efficiency to all Nigeria States without tribal consideration.?
Researches have pointed out that so called National Assets’ Complexes were built at less than 40% Cost of the past over-invoiced or inflated Contracts or Supplies and tactically above 60% of past executed Contracts or Supplies or Projects were siphoned from the Nigeria Treasury to various Oversea Arewa Accounts, being managed by the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony that secretly controlled Secret Oversea Arewa?bank accounts with the management & collaboration Anglo-Saxon Exploitative Conservative Americans.
?Now, it becomes imperative that Government to know that no Nation can develop or achieve any meaningful Peace, unless the State can evolve a minimum basic Welfare Scheme that can sanitize and to build reasonable people at national Base within all Nigeria communities, upon which Government can industrialize Nigeria or run its agricultural programs or to have quality people with whom Government can really develop Nigeria or to achieve peace fulnational Security. These can only happen if Nigeria could evolve national comprehensive & computerized national ID Cards for all Citizens, otherwise Doom will occur one day that can ruin Nigeria and wipe out Fulani hegemony with its aristocratic long aged legacy.?
?The World Bank advised Nigeria Government led Ex. President Obasanjo to make some Nigeria major Road Highway Concession to some World Bank Nominated Companies, but since this Nigeria Road Concession Program was introduced to Ex. President Obasanjo during the tail end of his Regime, Ex. President Obasanjo try to pressurize Ex. President Yar’dua led the Government, but Kaduna State Gov. Nasir El Rufai led Fulani hegemony that compelled Ex. President Yar’dua that Roads in South are more profitable than the Roads in North, as few Northern Roads are commercially viable and that is why Ex. President Yar’dua abandoned this World Bank Program and which were awarded to quack Nigeria Companies like Lagos- Ibadan Road which badly executed & maintained poorly without the recommended Standard.
?The President M. Buhari’ s current intention and attempt to send some 17 Northern Fulani Emirs to purported Oversea Medical Trips, which actually were meant to appeal, compel & authorize Her Majesty Queen,England Buckingham Palace to replace IBB (Ibrahim Babagidan) and adopt President M. Buhari as the new Arewa sole Representative, which most Experts believe that it is not feasible & workable, but with reprisal dire consequences.
?As the late Kano Emir Ado Bayero previously nominated IBB as his Successor and as the Arewa sole Representative, many years before the late Ado death. Even there was misunderstanding & soured relationship between IBB & Late Ado, colorful manipulative wealthy late Ado could not be able tor evert or cancel IBB as Arewa sole Representative, despite late Ado’s appeal& insistence that IBB may not be a full Blood Fulani, but IBB was Fulaniadopted and mentored, IBB still prevail as the Arewa sole Representative till today.
Over 1 Trillion British Pounds worth of Arewa Secret Oversea Bank Accounts are being operated under different Foreign Companies’ Disguised Names and they were funded from various sources as stated herein:?
1.???The Secret siphoned Crude Oil from all Niger Delta Artesian Oil Wells, due to its self-pressure pumping Mechanism where Crude Oil are pumped from their hidden Oil wells to the secret dug conveying Oil Pipes to a secret Oil Loading Sea Location, after the Nigeria international Territorial Sea Water boundary for safe Oversea Oil Shipment, this secret is not known to the NNPC or Nigeria,but known to the Fulani Hegemony, her majesty led British Imperialists with Anglo-Saxon Exploitative Conservative Americans and NNPC Pipelines are exposed to Public, for possible Vandalism, Oil Communities’ Agitation/Protest Cutting or flow stoppage & NNPC Checks.
?2.???British with Western Countries seized or withhold foreign Money from corrupt accused Nigerians or Foreigners who associated with Nigeria for corruption accusation & their money seizure and diverted to Arewa Accounts without Court due process and Court Order of Mandamus, as in case of late Sir Louis Ojukwu seized UK bank Accounts & the Money belonging to late Barrister Celestine Muojekwu, was seized upon his mysterious death by British Authority without required Her Majesty Crown Court Mandamus.?
From 1960s till today, all Nigerians’ with Foreigners’ Seized Money are diverted to the Arewa accounts, while little seized Amounts are exposed or reported to Nigeria Government and these little are being tactically refunded in bits back to Nigeria.??3.Over invoicing or Substandard Executed Contracts, Supplies & Maintenance where above 60% Values were siphoned to Arewa Accounts.
?4.Secret Imposition Levies, Coarse Contribution & Fulani imposed alimony upon top Officials, notable Politicians & top political Office Holders were secretly coarse to donate or contribute or pay some money through Chief Adenuga Globacom, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Chief Terry Ways, SirEmeka Offor & others which were coarsely collected money and there are remitted to Arewa Accounts.
?5.Large Scale Crude Oil Government covered big Bunkering or huge Crude Oil Shipment diversion to Rotterdam where Oil are sold without proper Oil Documentations or without required OPEC due processes and proceeds being sent to Arewa Accounts and this, caused why trusted Fulani usually are appointed to sensitive Oil positions as to cover any non-governmental Oil Deals.
?6. The during weak Ex. President Jonathan Regime where Core North led by IBB manipulated NNPC & Nigeria Government, as to siphon above several funds and even once US$50Billion, which were siphoned to Arewa Accounts & Ex CBN Gov. Sanusi protested the diversion as he was not prevailed or his interest was not granted and President Bahuri Knew about the activities of the British-Fulani organized Arewa Fund diversion, but they chose to parade some native Nigerians as mere Fronts, except the tactical Arrest of the Retired Col. Sambo Dansuki, who legally is not an Executive Officer and he is not entitled to control &
disburse any government fund constitutionally, as a mere appointed Presidential Adviser & his pending legal case cannot hold water at fair trial Court.
?7, Oil Companies operating in Nigeria are being coarse &task or manipulated to pay some Fulani imposed levied fees through some appointed Core North Cronies and some money are meant as to operate in?harsh Niger Delta Oil environment for granting operational freedom and to avoid inciting Public or Oil Communities against Oil companies operating and those that refused to settle some levied fees, to face harsh oil communities confrontation & neglect protest and such collected money mostly end up in Arewa Accounts.
?8.Wealthy Nigerians & Foreigners living or operating in Nigeria are coarse to pay Core North Protection fees or Fulani Alimony which are technically remitted to the Arewa Accounts
Technically, Nigeria does not really possess propagandized viable valued National Assets which were built at less than 40%, but were merely national asset Complexes used by the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony controlled Government as to siphon Nigeria Treasury, except that Nigeria possess abundant untapped Minerals, good climatic Lands,Skilled/unskilled hard working People, Government/Industrial Rights or Licenses& Houses with individual efforts built small Industries which have non-accessible Roads & with non-Basic facilities.
??These national Assets were industrial & Office Complexes built at exorbitant Cost, with non-lasting inferior building/Engineering Materials or inferior Structures,which over time have deteriorated due to lack of required Maintenance, where TAM (Turn Around Maintenance) slogan or phrase were used by the IBB's Principals, as to siphon the NNPC budgeted Maintenance's Fund and Refineries were left to be deteriorated, disused & abandoned, until these Refineries with other Assets were destroyed during the late general Sani Abacha Must Go Campaigns.
?Nigeria Assets Sales propaganda is technically & politically to preoccupy Nigerians with political Confusion & Distraction from the Governmental nonperformance alongside with the Government tailored usual Fulani playing gallery Corruption Crusade, and this will engage & preoccupy hungry gullible Nigerians with political Confusion & harsh economic reality Distraction and to divert Nigerians’ attention from the present harsh economic situation, while Government is at lost with the perquisite Governance.?
Experts & Intellectuals opinion-ed that Nigeria issues are well known to the whole World and other world institutions with the large Corporate Bodies, except Nigeria Government that felt and believe that they can achieve something from traveling to engage in false governance propaganda & Public misleading agenda, while today’s World, Internet, Its & Networks disseminate or display all necessary information, which are accessible to all at ease & at no cost. All these Nigeria Governmental Visitations,Seminars, Delegations & Conferences are merely wasteful Ventures & time wasting efforts, Government & institutions are technically nowadays being exposed by the Its & Networks.
??It is time forNigeria Government to genuinely to govern Nigeria with unbiased Truth, ethnic Fairness without regarding Fulani as being Superior to other native Tribes,maintaining National Security without Fulani Herdsmen biases, accounting Honesty and Projects Delivery Efficiency to all Nigeria States without tribal consideration.?
Researches have pointed out that so called National Assets’ Complexes were built at less than 40% Cost of the past over-invoiced or inflated Contracts or Supplies and tactically above 60% of past executed Contracts or Supplies or Projects were siphoned from the Nigeria Treasury to various Oversea Arewa Accounts, being managed by the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony that secretly controlled Secret Oversea Arewa?bank accounts with the management & collaboration Anglo-Saxon Exploitative Conservative Americans.
?Now, it becomes imperative that Government to know that no Nation can develop or achieve any meaningful Peace, unless the State can evolve a minimum basic Welfare Scheme that can sanitize and to build reasonable people at national Base within all Nigeria communities, upon which Government can industrialize Nigeria or run its agricultural programs or to have quality people with whom Government can really develop Nigeria or to achieve peaceful national Security. These can only happen if Nigeria could evolve a National comprehensive & computerized national ID Cards for all Citizens, otherwise Doom will occur one day that can ruin Nigeria and wipe out Fulani hegemony with its aristocratic long aged legacy.
?The World Bank advised Nigeria Government led Ex. President Obasanjo to make some Nigeria major Road Highway Concession to some World Bank Nominated Companies, but since this Nigeria Road Concession Program was introduced to Ex. President Obasanjo during the tail end of his Regime, Ex. President Obasanjo tried to pressurize Ex. President Yar’dua led the Government,but Kaduna State Gov. Nasir El Rufai led Fulani hegemony that compelled Ex. President Yar’dua that Roads in South are more profitable than the Roads in North, as few Northern Roads are commercially viable and that is why Ex. President Yar’dua abandoned this World Bank Program and which were awarded to quack Nigeria Companies like Lagos- Ibadan Road which badly executed & maintained poorly without the recommended Standard.
?The President M. Buhari’ s current intention and attempt to send some 17 Northern Fulani Emirs to purported Oversea Medical Trips, which actually were meant to appeal, compel & authorize Her Majesty Queen,England Buckingham Palace to replace IBB (Ibrahim Babagidan) and adopt President M. Buhari as the new Arewa sole Representative, which most Experts believe that it is not feasible & workable, but with reprisal dire consequences.
?As the late Kano Emir Ado Bayero previously nominated IBB as his Successor and as the Arewa sole Representative, many years before the late Ado death. Even there was misunderstanding & soured relationship between IBB & Late Ado, colorful manipulative wealthy late Ado could not be able tor evert or cancel IBB as Arewa sole Representative, despite late Ado’s appeal& insistence that IBB may not be a full Blood Fulani, but IBB was Fulani adopted and mentored, IBB still prevail as the Arewa sole Representative till today.
I,?Mazilieralworks,Primarily to inform,theorize,Caution,Dialogue,Expose or to educate All People & not to engage or to join issues with any Gullible,Misinformed,Ignorant or Bankrupt Cronies or Hired Sycophants on any Mazilieralworks Issue or literal Article.
My US Icon,Good Bye Former President George H.W. Bush,as he left the US at the Hands of Madman Trump and an Evil Genius Putin,who have used Brain-washed Trump to control US & its Allies & which largely ruin US with its World Economically/Globally or politically,if Care is not taken.
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