Three generations Janse: 111 years of arable farming

Three generations Janse: 111 years of arable farming

While Cosun celebrated its 125th anniversary last year, the Janse family from Wolphaartsdijk in Zeeland has also been running their arable farm for 111 years and counting. Three generations of Janse – Henk, Huibert, and Hugo – look back and forward with us.

"My grandfather started the business in 1913," says Henk. "In the early years, the fields were ploughed with horses. The beets were harvested by hand with a beet spade and then loaded onto a cart for transport. It was incredibly hard work." "Fortunately, mechanization came along," Huibert continues. "In 1933, my great-grandfather bought the first tractor and stationary threshing machine. Later, the beet harvest was done with a wagon harvester. Nowadays, a contractor harvests our beets with a six-row bunker harvester, and up to 15 hectares are harvested in one day." "That's an incredible amount," Henk adds. "We used to bring our beets by cart to the harbour of Wolphaartsdijk. Back then, it was 50 tons per ship; now they transport thousands of tons at a time."

Every era has its charm

The business grew with the developments. Huibert: "My father and grandfather kept buying more land. I don't know how they managed it. Really impressive." "But these are better times now," Henk assures. "Every era has its charm," Huibert continues. "Now we have machines and GPS, but soon robots will come. We are open to that change. If we weren't, we'd still be ploughing with horses."

5th generation Janse

The potential next generation, Huibert's son Hugo, could handle these new technologies just fine. "My hobbies include flying drones and 3D drawing and printing. I've even printed parts for the seeder because it was blowing too hard for the light seeds. That's solved now." Whether Hugo will actually take over from his father, he doesn't know yet. "I'm figuring that out. I'm in my final year of high school, so I have to choose a course of study. It will be something in green or technology." For now, Hugo enjoys working on the farm. "I tinker around in the shed, help in the workshop, and drive the tractor in the field. It's fun to do."

Freedom of the craft

Every generation has so far rolled into the business this way. But if it doesn't lead to a business transfer this time, that's fine with Huibert. "Hugo and his brothers Philip and Yvo should mainly decide for themselves what they want to do later. Being a farmer is a way of life; it has to suit you. I myself love the freedom of the craft and enjoy seeing three kilos of seed go into the ground and three truckloads of beets come out."


Besides beets, the Janse family also grows potatoes for fries, planting onions, wheat, grass seed, flax, sweet corn, and mustard seed. The biggest challenges they face are the changing climate and regulations. "Yes, winters without frost are not ideal for the soil, and yes, changing regulations can limit us in the sustainable use of chemicals. But we adapt and do what we can within the given circumstances. With a bit of 'plant paracetamol,' we strive to produce safe and local food. That's all."

On the same wavelength

Huibert regularly consults with his contact person at the Agricultural Service of Cosun Beet Company. "We’re on the same wavelength. He thinks along with us, has knowledge of the business, and arranges things for us. Additionally, I benefit a lot from the member portal where I can find a lot of information and easily place my orders."


Bert Weegenaar

company improver

1 个月

Op 6 januari 1982 om ongeveer 16.15 uur en 43 jaar geleden heb ik een aantal aandelen Suiker Unie - Cosun (bij)geplaatst in het kantoor van akkerbouwer, bietenteler, loonwerker Henk Janse senior (op de foto rechts). Janse senior kwam elk jaar heel trouw en positief gestemd naar de jaarlijkse ledenvergadering Zeeland Midden. Janse was voor mij (als districtshoofd Suiker Unie van Zeeland Midden 1975-1987) een soort tegenwicht in het veld m.b.t. niet altijd juiste 'verhalen' over SU die destijds door CSM agenten en 'kantoor Goes van CSM' werden verspreid. Tja, toen was concurrentie nog heel gewoon. Waren de verhalen eerlijk verhaald en of verteld? Denk het niet eigenlijk, maar dat was ook niet afgesproken kreeg ik als antwoord...dus dan mag het kennelijk. Ik heb toen ook veel moeten leren uiteraard over hoe de hazen lopen of liepen in het veld... Nog steeds een constructieve instelling bij de familie Janse lees ik. Top.


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