Three Daytona Beach Non-Profit Groups Now joined Beneath One Umbrella!
Project Safe Zone
Providing life and social skills, guidance and support for LBGT youth ages 15-25
Universal Ministries Group
353 Auburn Drive
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
We are pleased to announce that Daytona Beach Universal Ministries, Project Safe Zone and the Friends of Family Foundation Are all joined under one umbrella now know as Universal Ministries Group!
While each entity shall remain identified by its individual name, Collectively here forward they will be referred to as Universal Ministries Group.
We look forward to continue to receiving the Daytona Beach Area Communities Support to continue our good works with our community, as well as meeting up with new supporters and locally owned business’ Support.
We are currently seeking locally owned Restaurants who would be willing to give back to our community by hosting Social Luncheons for our Clients by way of offering a luncheon once a month for up to 10 people, these, our members, are the most in need of Advocacy to enjoy an occasional social outing as many have no other means to interact socially with like people. If YOUR RESTAURANT would like to pay it forward and be a member of our Local business Partners, Please contact Pastor Mark NOW! 386-256-8605
Daytona Beach Universal Ministries
The Friends of Family Foundation