The three Cs that change the game
Idea Translator I Catalyst I Coach I Co-Pilot
As I read through books I try to conceptualize those learnings of the masters from my own perspectives and also try to connect with my surroundings, kinds of borrowing and re-writing. Through this I occasionally stumbles on new ideas. I keep my love of writing on going. If anyone find any similarity with others, congratulations.
The book that deeply changed every aspects of my life is “the seven habits of highly effective people”. I share my learning frequently from this book. I encourage people to develop powerful habits. I deeply believe that many of the problems we are facing today could be solved through practicing these habits as a community.
Let me come to the main discussion about three “Cs”
1. Competency – your specialized skills that brings value to the market place, you may call it “what”
2. Character – the predictability that you will deliver certain things in certain way. Its more with “how”
3. Commitment – your passion, desire , dedication and “why”
This three “Cs are the building blocks of trust, without trust everything becomes meaningless. Meaning is the treasure we are up to.
Many future leaders ask me about what to focus on, here goes the answer, focus on this three things to start with, life will unfold and evolve around it. Read the book too.
Work on these three “C’s and prepare for the future.
CEO, Savvy Consultancy and Training | Strategy, Process & PMS Consultant |
5 年3Cs concept............Great learning for me.?