The Three Corporate Time Traps
Vinayak S L
KIM’s|| ’PGDM 22’ || EXL|| Ex-ABC || Equity Research Analyst || Derivatives ||
Be wise in the use of time. The question in life is not "how much time do we have?” The question is "what shall we do with it?"?
- Anna Robertson Brown.
No matter if it's a meeting or an appointment, I always love to arrive on time. Can we control time? was an intriguing topic that a friend of mine recently posed to me. No, we can't manage time, but we can manage ourselves, was my succinct response. The 86,400 seconds that make up a day may seem long, yet they pass quickly. Regardless of how quickly time seems to pass for us, even the most adept time managers see an identical pace of hours, minutes, and seconds passing.
Why do some people manage their time so skillfully while others are perpetually behind is the question. When roadblocks start to appear left and right, how can we keep on top of deadlines?
I think effective time management is important, not just a nice to have. It's time for us to intentionally choose how we spend our time rather than letting external circumstances and forces rule us.