Three Common Illegal interview Questions (And What to Ask Instead)
1. How old are you?
Asking for a candidate’s age is generally unnecessary unless it directly relates to the job (e.g., proof of legal age for working in licensed venues). Instead
2. How do you manage work with childcare or family responsibilities?
Family status has no bearing on a person’s ability to perform most roles. To avoid discrimination:
3. Have you had past injuries or illnesses?
Questions about a candidate’s health or disability must focus on their ability to meet the inherent requirements of the role. Instead:
Striking the Balance Between Compliance and Insight
It’s essential to ask questions that demonstrate a candidate's character traits and skills (e.g., "Provide an example of how you overcame a problem") while staying away from irrelevant personal details. This ensures you gather the information needed to assess suitability without crossing legal boundaries.
We recommend aligning interview questions with the inherent job requirements and focusing on professional capabilities.
Practical Tips for Employers: